

Asperger's Poster Child
Do the people who toss butts out the window also toss, say, the paper wrappers from fast-food burgers?


Originally posted by Tonio
Do the people who toss butts out the window also toss, say, the paper wrappers from fast-food burgers?

For me it hasn't been a gateway effect or I would have gradually moved up to tossing passengers or cellphones


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Tonio
Do the people who toss butts out the window also toss, say, the paper wrappers from fast-food burgers?
That is a ridiculous question...

of course we do...


Originally posted by mainman
That is a ridiculous question...

of course we do...

You are correct ... I must confess, I'm too poor to pay for trash service so I purposely have such a long commute into work and back so that I can dispose of one item of trash per 6/10th of a mile and have even more cleverly discovered how to inconspicuously hide those dastardly ciggerette butts in them too. We should drive side by side during traffic one day just to annoy those behind us -- we'll just be this caravan flying down the road throwing out everything we can get our hands on.


New Member
Originally posted by dutch6
If you smoke it's your bad habit. Take responsibility for yourself and keep it clean.

I will gladly do this very thing just as soon as there is no more welfare being paid by my taxes. After all, I'm not out having kids I can't afford to take care of so why should I have to pay for them. On second thought, how about welfare recipients be forced to pick up cigarette butts as part of repaying society for giving to them?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by emmpeedee
I will gladly do this very thing just as soon as there is no more welfare being paid by my taxes. After all, I'm not out having kids I can't afford to take care of so why should I have to pay for them. On second thought, how about welfare recipients be forced to pick up cigarette butts as part of repaying society for giving to them?

Are you saying that you won't be responsible just because others who suck from the tax money teat refuse to be responsible?


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Do the people who toss butts out the window also toss, say, the paper wrappers from fast-food burgers?

If we didn't, what would those nice gentlemen in the orange jumpsuits have to pick up? We all have to do our part to help reform these folks and teach them good citizenship as they pay their debt to society. :clap:


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Are you saying that you won't be responsible just because others who suck from the tax money teat refuse to be responsible?

I thought we were all about the equal rights movement here. :shrug: Fear not though, I throw butts in my own yard too. I'm an equal opportunity butt flinger.


Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by Toxick

And you just gave me an idea.

Next time I'm at an intersection, and I hear some loud thundering rap or heavy metal music, I'm going to take a hammer, and throw it right through their god damned windshield.

I mean if we're all going to go after everyone who does things they don't like, I'm sure I could come up with lots of ideas.

Next time I'm forced to listen to someone who has an annoying laugh, I'm going to punch them as hard as I can right the #### in the face.

Next time someone looks at my wife in a way that I don't like, I'll kick him dead square in the nuts.

Anyone else have some pet peeves that should be outlawed?

Littering is already illegal, no need to be a jackass about it.


Re: Re: Re: Buttheads?

Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Littering is already illegal, no need to be a jackass about it.

I don't think he was being a jackazz about it -- I thought he made a good point... :shrug:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: safety factor

Originally posted by dems4me

I give up... I've got better things to do today than read and respond to a bunch of posts from the whinners and spoilt brats of the world. :rolleyes:
I hear ya, I have muttered that statement at least a million times.


Its funny of the pro-litterers there are a couple types of replies.

Q1) Don't you have anything better to do
A1) Well you have spent far more time arguing about how pathetic it is to worry about something so trivial than I have put into complaining about people littering in the first place, far more effort than it would take to properly dispose of the cig butts

Q2) Why dont you do something about it.
A2) Well I am planning on it, thats why I brought up the "butthead" website, and atleast it makes you think and get defensive, probably because you know its wrong

Q3) It doesnt hurt anything because I am careful about throwing my trash out the window
A3) It would still be easier to dispose of the butts properly


Tossed butts

We lived in Colorado for over 24 years. Its against the law to throw a butt out of a vehicle. Reason,forrest fires! Also messes up the pristine mountain areas.
We lived in Texas for 2 years, big reason , don't mess with Texas.
$1000.00 fine for littering.
From what I have seen in SOMD, Who cares!
I have to pick up trash from others every day. It really sux.The road in front of my home is not a dump, I don't need the pop cans or the empty pizzza boxes in the street or yard.
Your cigarette butts are there also. Why can't you take your garbage home and put it in your own garbage can? I take my own trash to the dump 1-2 times each week' its not a big problem.


Set Trippin
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Q3) It doesnt hurt anything because I am careful about throwing my trash out the window
A3) It would still be easier to dispose of the butts properly
Hate to be a stickler here, but it's way easier to flick a butt from an open window, as opposed to leaning down and trying to properly crush it out in the ashtray, for the simple fact if you miss any of the "cherry" the butt will continue to smolder. I don't want that offensive ass smoke filling my car...

The nerve of some people...:drama:


Well I'm letting myself get dragged into this argument.
The people who litter or have other bad (or illegal) habits will always make excuses for their behavior, its much easier than correcting the behavior.
Have any of you volunteered for the Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Day that is held once a year? It entails walking along the water and road ways and picking up trash. Cigarette butts make up a majority of the crap that is collected from the roads (been there done that!).
One of the main reasons littering is illegal is that it is unsitely, another is that it can pose a hazard to certain fauna.
Think and be considerate, that is what it is all about. Take the time and dispose of YOUR trash responsibly. Don't make it someone elses problem.
If you want to poison your body, it's no skin off of my back, but don't poison the environment for no other reason except laziness.
Besides, if I'm on by bike and I get hit by a tossed cig, I will pull you from your vehicle and hurt you.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Hey retards!

Don't follow so closely.

I've driven behind people who toss butts plenty of times. It's not like they sprout wings and fly. If you are a safe distance away they hit the ground before you pass them.