This didaster in New Orleans is different than in Mississippi or Alabama. The flooding is not receediing. There are no way to briing massive airlifts in. Also, if the resisdents wouldn't leave before the hurricane, what makes you think they would leave to go all over the country now? I just heard where a women, not having had food for 4 days, was offered MRE, turned it down, not good enough for her. Regular military are prohibited from occupying U.S. soil, so this task must be left to the National Guard.
If this was a Democrat administration, doing the same thing, going to same theater, there would be cheers, not boos.
Threre is much help from overseas. But how much help from here went to Europe recently with the massive flooding in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe? Hardly mentioned.
For those lucky enough to have DirecTV, I recoomend channels 53 and 56, MhZ networks from Northern Virginia. 53 is all Deutsche Welle, 56 has DW-TV and other foreign TV, in many languages. See how this is presented overseas and see what is happening over there. Dr. Rice about foreign affairs. Plus she probably ruined her shoes drudging through the mud of Crawford the last month when the "White House" moved down there.