C. Rice Shops 4 Shoes During Katrina Crisis!!


But wait, there's more...
Railroad said:
You know, people like you worry about the races so much, it makes me want to call Bobby Labonte and complain. Tell ya what, I'll bet either he or Dick Trickle would be more than happy to drive some support up around there.

Race. Hmph. That's how come they stole all the Cadillacs down there.

Well ya better watch out for the inside of Turn Four, buddy - they'll be waitin' on ya!

I swear, some people will blame NASCAR for EVERYTHING! (stomps off in a huff)
he he :biggrin:


Qpid said:
DizzyKizzy...search that one too!! :lmao:

I gave that name to myself. :diva: Think of something else - takes an awful lot to insult me. :moon:


Tuesday this week, I bought new shoes.
Wednesday I had a big fat effing steak for dinner.
Yesterday I ate ice-cream.
Today I'm trying to decide if I'm going to eat Italian, Mexican or Seafood tonight.


I'm such a bad person.

But hey - at least tomorrow I'm going to help.
I'm not going to broadcast what I'm doing to help, but I'm going to quietly do a small part for the victims. BUT That doesn't offset what a terrible person I am for getting on with my goddam life while people are suffering.


But wait, there's more...
Toxick said:
Tuesday this week, I bought new shoes.
Wednesday I had a big fat effing steak for dinner.
Yesterday I ate ice-cream.
Today I'm trying to decide if I'm going to eat Italian, Mexican or Seafood tonight.


I'm such a bad person.

But hey - at least tomorrow I'm going to help.
I'm not going to broadcast what I'm doing to help, but I'm going to quietly do a small part for the victims. BUT That doesn't offset what a terrible person I am for getting on with my goddam life while people are suffering.
:offtopic: But have they rebuilt Summerhaven yet following the fires they had up there on Mt. Lemon?


crabcake said:
:offtopic: But have they rebuilt Summerhaven yet following the fires they had up there on Mt. Lemon?

Well, I want to say yes - but honestly, I never saw it before the fire.

I can tell you that the last time I went up there (about 2 weeks ago) everything looks good as new and other than some remaining charbroiled trees, there's not much evidence of the fire. And it was CROWDED...

Unfortuately I can't say, "Looks as good as it did before the fire" cause I wasn't there.

I do know that that store up there needs to stop making such awesome fudge. They're going to rot my teeth out.

I'd love to buy a home up there - but I can't afford the cool mil that it would cost.


But wait, there's more...
Toxick said:
Well, I want to say yes - but honestly, I never saw it before the fire.

I can tell you that the last time I went up there (about 2 weeks ago) everything looks good as new and other than some remaining charbroiled trees, there's not much evidence of the fire. And it was CROWDED...

Unfortuately I can't say, "Looks as good as it did before the fire" cause I wasn't there.

I do know that that store up there needs to stop making such awesome fudge. They're going to rot my teeth out.

I'd love to buy a home up there - but I can't afford the cool mil that it would cost.
I loved taking day-trips up there ... browsing the little shops and having hot cocoa and the fudge. :yum: I was bummed to see it'd been burnt, but I'm glad they've rebuilt. :yay:

Fred Hoeck

New Member
This didaster in New Orleans is different than in Mississippi or Alabama. The flooding is not receediing. There are no way to briing massive airlifts in. Also, if the resisdents wouldn't leave before the hurricane, what makes you think they would leave to go all over the country now? I just heard where a women, not having had food for 4 days, was offered MRE, turned it down, not good enough for her. Regular military are prohibited from occupying U.S. soil, so this task must be left to the National Guard.
If this was a Democrat administration, doing the same thing, going to same theater, there would be cheers, not boos.
Threre is much help from overseas. But how much help from here went to Europe recently with the massive flooding in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe? Hardly mentioned.
For those lucky enough to have DirecTV, I recoomend channels 53 and 56, MhZ networks from Northern Virginia. 53 is all Deutsche Welle, 56 has DW-TV and other foreign TV, in many languages. See how this is presented overseas and see what is happening over there. Dr. Rice about foreign affairs. Plus she probably ruined her shoes drudging through the mud of Crawford the last month when the "White House" moved down there.


Methodically disorganized
Fred Hoeck said:
This didaster in New Orleans is different than in Mississippi or Alabama. The flooding is not receediing. There are no way to briing massive airlifts in. Also, if the resisdents wouldn't leave before the hurricane, what makes you think they would leave to go all over the country now? I just heard where a women, not having had food for 4 days, was offered MRE, turned it down, not good enough for her.
Ah, but you're forgetting that Bush and his Cabinet are the most powerful people on earth. Surely, he should be able to part the waters with a swipe of his hand... or something. Him, Rumsfeld and Condi easily could have taken a day off from killing Iraqi citizens to go offer bread and water to those stranded on rooftops. Even better, Bush could have ordered his White House chef to N.O. to begin cooking meals for 100,000 people a day. He is such a d!ck for ignoring those poor folks (because they're mostly black)!

There is approximately a 124.7% chance that I was being sarcastic... so keep your red to yourself.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I love free speech...

Qpid said:
She's one of the most powerful people in the United States. You don't think she could perhaps call some of these major airlines or foreign airlines and ask if they could fly some of these people out of areas to shelters in other cities.

You don't think she and the rest of the administration could say, we want every national guard army in the US to be open for shelters and we're gonna get planes and helicopters to get these people out.

Don't tell me the most powerful people in the world can now do nothing.

...I really do. It's so much easier to just allow people to explain themselves and how they think.


I bowl overhand
Qpid said:
She's one of the most powerful people in the United States. You don't think she could perhaps call some of these major airlines or foreign airlines and ask if they could fly some of these people out of areas to shelters in other cities.

You don't think she and the rest of the administration could say, we want every national guard army in the US to be open for shelters and we're gonna get planes and helicopters to get these people out.

Don't tell me the most powerful people in the world can now do nothing.
That sounds like FEMA's job, NOT the Secretary of State.. of course most of the federal gov't has to wait for the STATE to ask for help before they can act, the federal gov't can't unilateraly act.. and if you read any of my other posts today, not only did the state NOT ask, but they moved to stop the president from helping, they want the money 10Billion worth, but nothing else..

and as hard as she has had it the last several years. I think one or two days off isn't too much to ask..


But wait, there's more...
Just thought I'd point out ...

A local family down here offered use of the two additional houses that they normally rent out but were vacant at the time to families displaced by Katrina. When the local news covered the story of their arrival yesterday, they made a point of saying that they were frustrated with the :blahblah: all over the news from those stuck in downtown N.O. who said they didn't have the means or any way to get out, and that the government wasn't doing enough to help them ... because 2 days before all hell broke loose, they said the government sent 180 buses through the neighborhoods to help those less fortunate and without the means evacuate to the shelter to get out before Katrina struck.

Just thought I'd share that for those who say enough wasn't done to help in advance. :whistle:


wandering aimlessly
crabcake said:
because 2 days before all hell broke loose, they said the government sent 180 buses through the neighborhoods to help those less fortunate and without the means evacuate to the shelter to get out before Katrina struck.

Just thought I'd share that for those who say enough wasn't done to help in advance. :whistle:

:clap: I had heard that through the grapevine but couldn't find any press to back it up.


But wait, there's more...
:shocking: Jesse Jackson was just on GMA and they're discussing whether or not those stuck in N.O. was due to racial issues, and he said he didn't see it so much a racial issue as much as an 'unpreparedness' issue. There ya have it ... if Jesse Jackson says it's not a racial issue, you know it's not! :lmao:

Now, there's also a black woman who says the gov't is resorting to former slave-like actions to disband families and force evacuations from people's homes to other areas of the country. The governor says, "well, it's not just blacks that are being relocated/forced to evacuate; it's whites, too." She says, "Well, I'm african american and it's affecting ME! And I don't see why I need to leave if I have ample supplies in my home for two months." My money's on the fact that she'll be one of the first ones :blahblah: at the gov't when she contacts malaria or some other illness as a result of the conditions down there. :duh:


The Smart Hooker
I saw on the news that alot of refugees won't get on buses because they don't know where the buses are taking them. My thought...who the hell cares, you lost everything and don't have a home to go to anyway.


But wait, there's more...
meme said:
I saw on the news that alot of refugees won't get on buses because they don't know where the buses are taking them. My thought...who the hell cares, you lost everything and don't have a home to go to anyway.
I think there's a lot more to this whole issue than people are letting on. I'm sure that the local officials aren't publicizing the fact that a lot of people DIDN'T take the buses beforehand so that they don't look like they're saying "I told you so" after the fact and coming across as heartless when so many are homeless. But ya know what, the truth hurts. If their dumbasses had taken the buses then, they would be so much further ahead of the life-rebuilding game now than they are. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
Bustem' Down said:
Jesse Jackson is the Pat Buchannon od the Democratic party. I don't know why anybody even listens to him.
I'm not a big fan of his, either, because he's usually first to board the "Racism/Civil Rights Abuse" bandwagon when in reality, there isn't an issue other than that which he fabricates. That's why I found it intersting that even HE was saying that the fact we see so many blacks in N.O. who are homeless and appear "left behind" isn't a racial issue. If it was, he'd have been first in line to say such.

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
This thread is retarded.

Why in the hell do people continue to biatch about the treatment of minorities in other places? Start small and treat the people around you with respect and then move on. If it bothers you that much about whats going on in N.O. , Then drive your happy ass down there and be the white face in the crowd and try to help. Send canned food or whatever. But by all means... Please shut the fukc up.

I'm goin back to talk about public sex now...
Have a fine day.


Asperger's Poster Child

Claim: Condoleezza Rice was upbraided by a shopper for buying expensive shoes just after Hurricane Katrina.

Status: Undetermined.

We don't know how much truth there is to this rumor, but it has undoubtedly spread because it expresses a "fiddling while Rome burns" frustration many Americans have felt at the federal government's slow response...(Relief) efforts are largely outside the purview of the Secretary of State...