

Throwing the deuces
How long do you think Semin will get razzed about his "fighting" skills? :killingme I was so embarressed for him. Even the announcers were joking about him.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
also, any team can have an off night :yay:
It would have shown more if Philly had whooped up a second time...which they didn't.
but their overtime play, especially, was VERY impressive. I was on the edge of my seat :lol:
Actually the Caps outplayed us in that game but the scoreboard didn't show that. Our goaltender was a stonewall that night.


My Sweetest Boy
You don't get it. Typical Craps bandwagon fan that doesn't understand the game. Winning in a shootout is not the way to determine the outcome of a game played very well by both teams. Rematch FEB 24!!!

But it's still a win. And I've been a Caps since there were Caps. Maybe not the best way to win but what would you rather have? 4 or 5 OTs? Shoot out is the rule, like it or not.