
Peter Forsberg

New Member
Hope they come out of their slump soon, or Forsberg will be giving us a hard time. They have gotten just about everyone back from injuries now with the exception of maybe 2 guys and maybe its a chemistry problem or something, but they played with more desire when the youngun's were up from Hershey, hope they work out the kinks real soon, like tonight which is going to be hard againest the Pens in Pittsburgh, but they have also been playing poorly of late too.
I watched the Caps lastnight and they looked very sluggish against the Oilers. I think they will be fine once they get a little rest at the All-star break. I find it funny you mention the 2 cups wins in the last 4 years for your division but try looking before that and tell me how many the Southeast division has won? The Southeast division is so bad you have to win the Division to make the playoffs. Don't get me wrong I respect Ovie's game but I'm still a Flyers fan. Do me a favor smash Crosby's head into the boards tonight. FYI Pitt is playing this gay trap where they drop everybody back on defense now. :killingme


Well-Known Member
I watched the Caps lastnight and they looked very sluggish against the Oilers. I think they will be fine once they get a little rest at the All-star break. I find it funny you mention the 2 cups wins in the last 4 years for your division but try looking before that and tell me how many the Southeast division has won? The Southeast division is so bad you have to win the Division to make the playoffs. Don't get me wrong I respect Ovie's game but I'm still a Flyers fan. Do me a favor smash Crosby's head into the boards tonight. FYI Pitt is playing this gay trap where they drop everybody back on defense now. :killingme

Well you look at our division, Caps have been around for sometime now, all the other teams in our division with the exception of Carolina, who use to be the Hartford Whalers(who werent very good) are fairly new expansion teams in the past 10-20 years 3 of them did somehow win a Stanley Cup I believe, Carolina, Tampa, and Florida, they had that great one or two seasons then went to the bottom again. Its too bad that alot of the teams that game into the league from expansion came to southern cities, I liked it alot better when the Caps were not in that division and played Philly, Rangers, Islanders on a regular basis like 12 times a year. Remember going to Cap Center in years back and all those obnoxious Philly fans, busload after busloads in the parking lot.
Im with you about Crosby, so tired of hearing about pretty boy this and pretty boy that, Ovie is totally a more all around hockey player then Crosby is, he reminds me of Mario Lemieux sure they could score but could they give out the hits, Ovie is not afraid to take anyone out with a good hit, would be wonderful to see him get Crosby a time or 2 tonight. Im sure Lord Stanley would have something to say about this.:buddies:


Well-Known Member
:high5: I thought the same thing :lol:
Don't even get me started on the all-star selections :rolleyes:

Now that we the fans in Washington see what it takes to get our players on the All-Star team, although its not the right way of doing it maybe we can change a few things next year.

About Mario, I remember back in the day, he would fuse and moan everytime he got hit. This goes back awhile but there was game with the Caps and he got into with Kelly Miller who wasnt a fighter either, Miller threw a punch that was seen and heard around the the world, he knocked Mario right on his azz and I think out of that game.

Good article in one of the papers today cant remember if it was the Post or Times, comparing Crosby and Ovie. Kind of was saying that Ovie isnt getting the respect he should because he is Russian. Would like to see both Ovie and Semin have big nights tonight especially after Semin made his comments about Crosby earlier this year Im sure the fans in Pittsburgh will be on his case along with Ovie's.


I know nothing
Well you look at our division, Caps have been around for sometime now, all the other teams in our division with the exception of Carolina, who use to be the Hartford Whalers(who werent very good) are fairly new expansion teams in the past 10-20 years 3 of them did somehow win a Stanley Cup I believe, Carolina, Tampa, and Florida, they had that great one or two seasons then went to the bottom again. Its too bad that alot of the teams that game into the league from expansion came to southern cities, I liked it alot better when the Caps were not in that division and played Philly, Rangers, Islanders on a regular basis like 12 times a year. Remember going to Cap Center in years back and all those obnoxious Philly fans, busload after busloads in the parking lot.
Im with you about Crosby, so tired of hearing about pretty boy this and pretty boy that, Ovie is totally a more all around hockey player then Crosby is, he reminds me of Mario Lemieux sure they could score but could they give out the hits, Ovie is not afraid to take anyone out with a good hit, would be wonderful to see him get Crosby a time or 2 tonight. Im sure Lord Stanley would have something to say about this.:buddies:

The NHL is looking for that next "great one" and will paint any new hockey player that comes along.

Im sorry, but in todays NHL, with the level of talent these players have, you will never have the next "great one". Although Crosby may have a great career, Gretzkys records will hold in place for a long time to come. But to make this spoiled brat, not only a poster boy of the NHL, but the captain of his team, is discracefull to the veteran players that have been in this league for many years... IMO. How can anyone take a 21yr old kid seriously as a leader??? The dude has only been in the NHL for 3 years!!!!

Oh and His "fight" he had with Brett Mclean, shows how much of a punk biatch he really is.

I was hoping the flyers would hand crosby a butt whoopin last night, but that wasnt the case. The flyers could get motivated standing in front of Biron. And once again he let us down. Flip flopping all over the ice like a fish out of water... So Im hoping someone on the caps mans up and gives crosby what he has coming to him...


I know nothing
Thank god.
I thought I was the only person that thought that.
I was like, wtf was that?!
He needs to get put on his ass a few times by some REAL fighters

There are a lot of fans, including Pens fans that think it was a punk move.

If you want to fight like a man, drop the gloves, take of the visor (helmet) and you square up.

Its bad enough there are fans out there that hate fighting in hockey. (IMO they are not hockey fans) But this mugging was disgraceful to say the least. If it wasnt for NHL bias of Crosby, he should have been fined. Anyone else would have been. And accused of intent to injure


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of fans, including Pens fans that think it was a punk move.

If you want to fight like a man, drop the gloves, take of the visor (helmet) and you square up.

Its bad enough there are fans out there that hate fighting in hockey. (IMO they are not hockey fans) But this mugging was disgraceful to say the least. If it wasnt for NHL bias of Crosby, he should have been fined. Anyone else would have been. And accused of intent to injure
