California Issues ...


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Well if there was one last straw that might convince my brother to move from CA it would be not allowing him to drive his Shelby.
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Congrats! Gavin Newsom Picks The Perfect Democrat

Most Democrats — and plenty of Republicans — couldn’t give one whit about the integrity of the Senate — an institution that’s theoretically a bastion of prudence, wisdom, and tradition. It is also theoretically a counterweight to other branches. Today, a senate seat is just a place where partisans unilaterally ram through massive, centralized expansions of the state without any consensus. And when they can’t, they cheer on executive abuse. Democrats are champions of the DC bureaucracies that lord over our decisions. Does it really matter what state you come from if your main objective is to nationalize all policy? You can say many things about Feinstein, a loyal leftist for decades, but she often showed respect for the norms of her institution. She will be one of the last on the left to do so.

Nor is there anything especially surprising about the role identity politics played in the pick. The California governor not only had an opportunity to choose the best person in his state but the best person in the entire world, apparently. What if that person had been an Asian-American man or a polyamorous LatinXer or, and stick with me here, a white person? Tens of millions of people were excluded because they did not have correct immutable characteristics. Newsom pledged to appoint a black woman, not the most accomplished and competent person (who might well have been a black woman.)

Why these privileged white men who dominate the Democratic Party never step aside to make room for more diversity is an enduring mystery.

At this point, any Democrat who doesn’t treat skin color as at least partly determinative of a person’s worth is going to be in trouble. And it’s not just moral preening over race. Butler, Newsom notes, will be the first “lesbian Black woman to join Congress in US history.” In most news pieces on the appointment, we learn who Butler prefers to sleep with before we hear any of her accomplishments.

Speaking of which …

Butler’s most significant real-world achievement isn’t being a black lesbian from Maryland or even being an advisor to Kamala Harris’ failed presidential campaign, but rather heading up the “national fundraising juggernaut” for the pro-abortion Emily’s list. That’s almost surely what attracted Newsom most to Butler — favor trading. Emily’s list has helped push the Democrats to an extremist position that backs zero limits on aborting viable pregnancies for any reason. But because the press and the left have successfully obscured their position, pro-abortion groups raise lots of cash. And, in the end, more than anything else — more than race or sexual preference or California or the Senate or country — Newsom cares about being president.


PREMO Member
🔥 Meanwhile, back in California, a dopey new bill overwhelmingly passed both houses of the state legislature yesterday and is now wandering lazily toward Governor Newsom’s desk. The new law will allow “Amsterdam-style cannabis cafés” throughout the state. Which is just what San Fransiscans need these days, to take their minds off the City’s out-of-control-crime problem, homeless epidemic, and controlled demolition.

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The bill was proudly and openly modeled on pot cafés in Amsterdam, which are infamous for offering weed, coffee and other drinks, food, music, and other things that can’t be mentioned in a family blog.

I get the food part. I mean, they have the munchies, right? What do you want them to do? Starve to death?

But I do see a couple problems. I’m old enough to remember back when Californian Karens were busily outlawing indoor smoking because it was bad, or something. I guess indoor smoking is not so much of a problem anymore. Lung cancer? Secondhand smoke? Who cares! Second, serving coffee and weed? At the same time? Isn’t that mixing uppers and downers? Won’t something bad happen? Isn’t it like crossing the streams?

Finally, how well will signing this new law combine with Governor Newsom’s pivot to the center? Are Amsterdam-style drug cafés “the center” now?

After pot cafés, what will liberals want next?

In the end, despite all appearances to the contrary, California’s government just wants citizens to be happy. “Lots of people want to enjoy legal cannabis in the company of others,” bill sponsor Matt Haney (D-San Fran.) said in a statement. He continued, “There’s absolutely no good reason from an economic, health, or safety standpoint that the state should make that illegal. If an authorized cannabis retail store wants to also sell a cup of coffee and a sandwich, we should allow cities to make that possible and stop holding back these small businesses.”

Recreational marijuana was legalized for adults in California in 2016. I suppose this is the inevitable result. We’re all Amsterdam now.

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Just sneakin' around....
🔥 Meanwhile, back in California, a dopey new bill overwhelmingly passed both houses of the state legislature yesterday and is now wandering lazily toward Governor Newsom’s desk. The new law will allow “Amsterdam-style cannabis cafés” throughout the state. Which is just what San Fransiscans need these days, to take their minds off the City’s out-of-control-crime problem, homeless epidemic, and controlled demolition.

image 7.png
The bill was proudly and openly modeled on pot cafés in Amsterdam, which are infamous for offering weed, coffee and other drinks, food, music, and other things that can’t be mentioned in a family blog.

I get the food part. I mean, they have the munchies, right? What do you want them to do? Starve to death?

But I do see a couple problems. I’m old enough to remember back when Californian Karens were busily outlawing indoor smoking because it was bad, or something. I guess indoor smoking is not so much of a problem anymore. Lung cancer? Secondhand smoke? Who cares! Second, serving coffee and weed? At the same time? Isn’t that mixing uppers and downers? Won’t something bad happen? Isn’t it like crossing the streams?

Finally, how well will signing this new law combine with Governor Newsom’s pivot to the center? Are Amsterdam-style drug cafés “the center” now?

After pot cafés, what will liberals want next?

In the end, despite all appearances to the contrary, California’s government just wants citizens to be happy. “Lots of people want to enjoy legal cannabis in the company of others,” bill sponsor Matt Haney (D-San Fran.) said in a statement. He continued, “There’s absolutely no good reason from an economic, health, or safety standpoint that the state should make that illegal. If an authorized cannabis retail store wants to also sell a cup of coffee and a sandwich, we should allow cities to make that possible and stop holding back these small businesses.”

Recreational marijuana was legalized for adults in California in 2016. I suppose this is the inevitable result. We’re all Amsterdam now.

It's just an intentional stepping stone to the legalization of prostitution, just like Amsterdam.


PREMO Member

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law requiring big businesses to disclose emissions

  • California has passed a new law requiring over 5,300 large businesses to disclose their direct and indirect emissions, aiming to bring more transparency to their contribution to climate change.
  • The law is supported by major companies like Apple and Patagonia, who believe that it will encourage businesses to evaluate and reduce their emissions. However, opponents argue that it will impose new mandates on companies without the necessary expertise to accurately report their indirect emissions.
  • The law aligns with the state's efforts to combat climate change, which include plans to ban gas-powered cars, expand renewable energy, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.


PREMO Member
The law requires more than 5,300 companies that operate in California and make more than $1 billion in annual revenues to report both their direct and indirect emissions. That includes things like emissions from operating a building or store as well as those from activities like employee business travel and transporting their products.

The law will bring more transparency to the public about how big businesses contribute to climate change, and it could nudge them to evaluate how they can reduce their emissions, advocates say. They argue many businesses already disclose some of their emissions to the state.

But the California Chamber of Commerce, agricultural groups and oil giants that oppose the law say it will create new mandates for companies that don’t have the experience or expertise to accurately report their indirect emissions. They also say it is too soon to implement the requirements at a time when the federal government is weighing emissions disclosure rules for public companies.

The measure could create “duplicative” work if the federal standards are adopted, the chamber and other groups wrote in an alert opposing the bill.



PREMO Member

California governor vetoes bill that would have banned caste discrimination

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill Saturday that would have made California the first U.S. state to outlaw caste-based discrimination.

Caste is a division of people related to birth or descent. Those at the lowest strata of the caste system, known as Dalits, have been pushing for legal protections in California and beyond. They say it is necessary to protect them from bias in housing, education and in the tech sector — where they hold key roles.

Earlier this year, Seattle became the first U.S. city to add caste to its anti-discrimination laws. On Sept. 28, Fresno became the second U.S. city and the first in California to prohibit discrimination based on caste by adding caste and indigeneity to its municipal code.

In his message Newsom called the bill “unnecessary,” explaining that California “already prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other characteristics, and state law specifies that these civil rights protections shall be liberally construed.”


PREMO Member

New California Law Would Allow Kids To Be Taken From Their Parents Without Evidence Of Abuse

A bill signed into law by Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom would make it possible for kids to be removed from their parents and placed in shelter services without evidence of child abuse.

Assembly Bill (AB) 665 also allows children 12 years of age and older to consent to “mental health treatment” and to be put in a “residential shelter” on their own in some cases, without having to consult with their parent or guardian. Newsom announced he was signing the bill in an Oct. 7 letter to the California State Assembly.
