California Issues ...


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CA Gov Newsom Lowers Consent Age to 12 for ‘Gender Counseling’ Without Parents ‘OK’.

The bill, known as Assembly Bill 665, allows 12-year-olds to consent to such treatment if they are considered “mature enough to participate intelligently in the outpatient services or residential shelter services” and if they are the “alleged victim” of incest or child abuse who poses a risk to themselves or others – no proof of genuine harm is required.

The bill, signed by Newson over the weekend, further states that medical professionals must consult with the minor to determine “whether involvement of the minor’s parent or guardian would be inappropriate.”

California lawmakers justify this imposition into parental authority by claiming children identifying as LGBT often face parental rejection, harassment in school, or wider societal stigma, therefore, “obtaining parental consent for a youth who needs support is complicated by the parent or caretakers’ beliefs and stigma about mental health care.”


PREMO Member
‘Open Sex Markets 24 Hours A Day’: In Wake Of Dem-Backed Law, Prostitution Spreads In California

Morrison also said the law, which was signed by Newsom last year, ties the hands of law enforcement, stating that the “moment” the bill was signed “everyone knew the rules were out the window.”

San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit, likewise, told The Daily Wire that the law has “made it extremely difficult” for police to get involved.

“In the past, you know, when we were able to contact women or those involved in sex trafficking, we could use the ‘loitering with intent’ after we watched them. Once they decriminalize that, we really don’t have an entryway into making that contact anymore,” he said during a phone interview.

“What we’re seeing now, is we have these open sex markets, 24 hours a day, 365 days out of the year,” the police chief said.

Morrison claimed police also can’t apprehend these women for indecent exposure, since the way that law is written, if their genitals are covered, they can’t be arrested.


PREMO Member
What Is the Ebony Alert?

According to its text, the legislation would authorize a law enforcement agency to request the Department of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to activate an Ebony Alert, particularly for cases involving Black youth — including girls and young women.

The criteria for the activation of the Ebony Alert include such factors as:

  • The missing person is between the ages of 12 and 25
  • The person has a mental or physical disability
  • The person went missing under unexplained or suspicious circumstances, as determined by law enforcement
  • The missing person’s physical safety could be in danger
  • The victim may subjected to trafficking
  • The police feel the missing person is in danger due to age, health, mental or physical disability, or environment or weather conditions, or is in the company of a potentially dangerous person
  • There is sufficient information for the public that could help in the recovery of the victim
“This bill would authorize the department to activate an Ebony Alert within the appropriate geographical area requested by the investigating law enforcement agency,” according to the legislation, “and to assist the agency by disseminating specified alert messages and signs, if the department concurs with the agency that an Ebony Alert would be an effective tool in the investigation of a missing person according to specified factors.”

The Ebony Alert is like California's AMBER Alert, which is modeled after the nationwide AMBER Plan that was created in the wake of the 1996 murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman, per the CHP. The one difference between the systems is the age of the missing person. For the AMBER Alert, it is 17 years or younger.

“We want it to work just as the AMBERT Alert,” Bradford tells PEOPLE, “where, again, our law enforcement gets engaged, then they get our highway patrol engaged, and we have electronic billboards on our freeways, and using all our media outlets, radio and TV to the same degree and making sure people are made aware these individuals are missing.”



PREMO Member

Gavin Newsom Pledges California Will Be Xi Jinping’s ‘Long-Term, Stable, and Strong Partner’

The state-run Global Times lauded Newsom’s meeting with Xi at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing as a milestone in improving U.S.-China relations, a sentiment Newsom reportedly reciprocated:

Newsom said that no other bilateral relationship is more important than the one between the US and China, and the US-China relationship is vital to the future of the US and bears on the well-being of its people.
Newsom said he is willing to push California to strengthen exchanges with China and seek closer cooperation in fields such as climate change and new energy. California is willing to be China’s long-term, stable and strong partner, he added.

As the first US governor to visit China in more than four years, Newsom expressed his high appreciation for relations with China and recalled the first sister cities established between China and the US in 1980: Shanghai and San Francisco. He hopes to contribute to the resumption of exchanges and cooperation between China and the US, CGTN reported on Wednesday.


PREMO Member
🔥 There’s been some bullish progress in the California abandoned bio-lab story. Last week ABC-13 WHAM California ran a local story headlined, “Chinese citizen arrested in California for misbranded medical devices, illegal bio lab.” Arrested was “Jesse” Zhia-Bhei Zhu, a Chinese national who back in in 2016 was ordered to pay eye-popping damages of three hundred and thirty million dollars.

The damages arose from a lawsuit against Zhu in British Columbia, for stealing technology related — and I’m being completely serious here — “to the separation of sex chromosomes from bull semen”:

image 12.png

Please don’t ask me what they were doing with the bull semen sex chromosomes or why it was worth so much. And don’t think too hard about how they got the semen out of those poor animals. The answers might just make you give up all hope in humanity.

According to a Vancouver Sun article at the time, the $330 million damages award was the largest civil judgment ever granted by a Canadian court. Later, in December of that year, Zhu was ordered to surrender himself to serve a six-month jail term for contempt for failing to make certain court-ordered payments.

I’m thinking that’s about when Zhu, probably viewing his Canadian prospects as dwindling, departed snowy Canada for sunny Los Angeles, later entering the lucrative covid test kit business, generously-funded by the State of California and the United States federal government, and all their dizzying array of big-dollar incentives, grants, forgivable ‘loans’, and ‘programs’ not requiring actually doing anything.

Last week the DOJ arrested Zhu, but just for selling non-EUA approved medical products (max 3 years) and lying to investigators (max 5 years). I reviewed the DOJ’s charging affidavit, and it doesn’t mention the biosafety level-five germs found in the lab or the blood or all the centrifuges and sketchy lab equipment. It really didn’t describe the lab at all, remaining tightly focused on the labeling violations and the false statements.

From the DOJ’s affidavit:

From at least December 2020 through March 2023, Zhu caused the companies to manufacture and distribute, or attempt to distribute, hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 IVD test kits across the United States, many of which were mislabeled, without obtaining an EUA from the FDA as was required. Zhu also caused the companies to import over 47,000 pregnancy IVD test kits from China and distribute, or attempt to distribute, the test kits on Amazon without being registered with the FDA as was required. Therefore, all of these IVD test kits were misbranded medical devices under the FDCA, which Zhu caused to be received, introduced, or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 331(a) and (c).​

Moreover, when Zhu was questioned by FDA officials, and warned that making false statements to them was a federal crime, he repeatedly lied about who he was, his involvement with UMI and PBI, and the activities of the companies in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3).​

Hopefully you didn’t use one of Zhu’s test kits. Who knows what was in there? (Two words: bull semen. Just saying.)

It’s worth reflecting on the fact that the only reason Zhu got caught was because lab employees left a hose running in Reedly, California, where residents are banned from using outdoor faucets on weekdays, and an alert, climate-aware citizen named “Karen” called codes enforcement.

So … How many other Zhu-like operations got away with it?



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California Residents SHOCKED Over McDonalds SKYROCKETING Prices After $20 HR Minimum Wage Increase!

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How long before Cali-FU implements price controls or windfall profits taxes on McDonald's and other Fast food Restaurants
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Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass Announces Plan to ‘Master Lease’ Hotels for Consolidating Homeless Encampments

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass recently issued an order allowing the use of residential hotel rooms, typically reserved for low-income, disabled, and elderly residents, as temporary shelters for the homeless.

This move, part of the Inside Safe initiative, aims to address the city’s homelessness crisis by providing immediate shelter, despite potentially conflicting with a 2008 city law designed to protect these residential units.

The order states:

  1. During this Local emergency, any unit in a Residential Hotel, whether a Residential Unit or Tourist Unit, may be made available for shelter and interim housing provided to an otherwise unsheltered individual under a booking or occupancy agreement with the City or other public agency so long as the unit was vacant at the time of the booking. Any such occupancy made available to unsheltered individuals shall not be deemed by the City to be a violation of the RHO.
  2. The Los Angeles Housing Department shall conduct a comprehensive review of all Residential Hotels currently on the City’s list and report back to me and to the City Council within 30 days with an assessment of the residential Hotel stock and occupancy rates and include a summary on the progress of pending appeals.
  3. In reliance on the results of the above-referenced comprehensive review, the Los Angeles Housing Department, in consultation with and assisted by the City Attorney, the City Administrative Officer, and the Chief Legislative Analyst, shall propose updates to the Residential Hotel Ordinance and provide recommendations for administrative changes, guidelines, enforcement strategy, and needed resources to support the updates ordinance.

Legal experts and housing advocates have expressed concerns about the plan’s long-term implications for permanent housing availability. Despite clearing numerous street encampments and housing over 1,600 people in temporary shelters, the challenge of finding permanent solutions remains significant.



PREMO Member

After massive fire closes Los Angeles interstate, motorists urged to take public transport

  • A large storage yard fire has forced the closure of part of Interstate 10 in Southern California, causing significant traffic disruptions.
  • The cause of the fire is under investigation, with teams working to clean up the damage and assess the stability of the freeway.
  • Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency and urged commuters to work from home or use public transportation to mitigate the impact on the region.


Well-Known Member
I knew there was something fishy about this fire..



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Gavin Newsom admits San Francisco clean-up was only because 'fancy leaders are coming to town'

"APEC is a forcing function and that's always a positive thing," Newsom explained. "Anytime there is a large event, it just focuses the mind, just keeps everybody on the same agenda."

"The goal here is that this is not a situational commitment, this is a long-term strategy. It began in July of 2021 and momentally and directionally we want to continue to see these kinds of projects up and down the state."

Over 3,000 encampments were cleared as part of the initiative, however, not everyone was thrilled. As the Daily Mail reported, the city offered to take homeless people to shelters in the area but many refused.

"We've got nowhere to go and they're trying to push us to areas we don't want to go," one man told the outlet, adding, "We've got nowhere to go and they're trying to push us to areas we don't want to go."


Beloved Misanthrope
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Newsom Deploys Giant Can Of Febreze Over San Francisco To Mask Poo Smell

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — With Chinese President Xi Jinping arriving for a heavily publicized visit to the Bay Area, California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered officials to deploy a giant can of Febreze and spray the entire city in an effort to mask the overpowering smell of human feces.

"Come on, people! We've got to hide the aroma of dookie," Newsom was heard shouting at city workers. "It's fine for the city to reek of excrement under normal circumstances when it's only Americans walking around trying to live their lives, but when a communist authoritarian comes to town, we don't want him stepping off his plane and being greeted with a strong whiff of caca."

Newsom Assures Homeless They Can Resume Pooping On Sidewalks Once His Boss Leaves

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — California Governor Gavin Newsom initiated a last-minute cleanup of San Francisco ahead of a visit from China's communist dictator President Xi. He assured all unhoused persons in the area that they may resume their normal practice of sidewalk defecation as soon as his boss has left town.



PREMO Member

SF restaurants close, see reservations plummet due to APEC

This week’s APEC summit was supposed to flood San Francisco with 20,000 visitors ready to pump millions of dollars into the local economy. But so far, the massive event is having a negative impact on the city’s fine dining restaurants.

SFGATE spoke to five restaurants inside and outside the downtown closure zones about what is shaping up to be not only a slow week, but also likely a detrimental one – they’re worrying about staff commutes and a lack of reservations, and have even had to cancel events and make plans to close midweek.

At The Fly Trap, a legacy SoMa restaurant in the closure area, reservations are down and locals have made their plans abundantly clear.

“Regulars from our neighborhood have already said that they are leaving town entirely to avoid the conference,” general manager Jamee Stahl told SFGATE. “We have some large parties that have reserved tables that I expect are from the conference, and we’re hoping that being inside the security zone will encourage attendees to visit us.”


PREMO Member

California Sheriff Alleges Target Blocked Deputies From Arresting Shoplifters

"We don’t tell big retail how to do their jobs, they shouldn’t tell us how to do ours," Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper wrote on X in a post last week.
Elaborating, he wrote that "recently, we tried to help Target," according to the post. "Our Property Crimes detectives and sergeant were contacted numerous times by Target to help them with shoplifters, mostly who were known transients. We coordinated with them and set up an operation with detectives."

But he alleged that Target's head of regional security told the sheriff's office that deputies can't contact suspects in the Target store or could not handcuff them inside the store. Target then allegedly told deputies that if they arrested a perpetrator, they had to be processed outside behind the store and "in the rain."

"We were told they didn't want to create a scene inside the store and have people film it and put it on social media. They didn't want negative press. Unbelievable," Mr. Cooper added.


PREMO Member

California's War on Fast Food Jobs

"Rising labor and food costs, ballooning interest rates, and corporate brand owners' demands for upgrades and operational improvements have strained profitability for a number of fast-food chain operators," according to a recent Bloomberg Law article focusing on increasing numbers of restaurant franchise bankruptcies. Inflation is hitting every industry, but those reliant on discretionary spending will suffer the most.

One would have expected the California Legislature to have recognized this industry's ongoing, post-COVID problems before adding to their burden. Lawmakers need only wander around the Capitol and notice the large number of long-time eating establishments that have shuttered. And yet one of their signature legislative accomplishments this year will only hasten restaurant closures and job losses.

No matter what happens in broader society, we can always count on the California Legislature to do the bidding of the state's powerful unions, which are committed to little else beyond boosting their membership rolls—whatever that might mean for the broader economy. And so the state recently agreed to a deal that will dramatically increase fast-food wages and make it more difficult for private companies to set their own operating policies.

In 2021, the Legislature introduced the Fast Food Accountability and Standards (FAST) Act, which echoed the European sectoral-bargaining model whereby a government commission sets the wages and working conditions in an industry. This radical idea would have essentially given unions control over the industry—saving them the difficulty of actually organizing workers.

The unions are claiming a victory for workers, but it's not hard to guess the result. Higher prices will mean fewer customers and reduced profits. That means fewer restaurants and fewer jobs. Although the legislation only applies to fast-food chains with more than 60 outlets, it will drive up costs for mom-and-pop restaurants. They will have to compete for workers with chains that must pay a much-higher wage.

That's not the only bad news. "Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker's productivity worth that amount—and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed," wrote famed economist Thomas Sowell. In other words, restaurants will not hire people who aren't productive enough to justify the wage.

It will be tougher for young workers who lack job skills and for disabled people to get these jobs. I'm already noticing a higher percentage of older workers at fast-food establishments. I'm also noticing far more kiosks. Let's be blunt: Fast-food work isn't meant to be career work for most people. These are great ways to earn quick cash and learn basic skills, which can then be leveraged into better jobs as people build better lives for themselves. Unions and progressives want to take this approach to other industries.