California Issues ...


Well-Known Member
Ah Bullshit ...... this is a fishing expedition ...

Cop - do you mind if I search your car

Driver - why do you need to search my car if I had a tail light out

Cop - what is this 25,000 in the Trunk, I am confiscating this cash, there are traces of cocaine present I think you are involved in criminal activity
So you didn't read the rest of my comment. You literally just restated what I said using my same example of the trunk. I very clearly said I am okay with it except when it proceeds to a fishing expedition. I.E. if it's in plain site it's fine, if it requires searching the car it's wrong.


Well-Known Member

California Is Trying To Out Pizza the Hut​

The main obstacle blocking the left from understanding or even entertaining the idea that minimum wage increases are inappropriate is that they believe that every job should be sufficient to live off of. Every job. I routinely hear the argument "if you can't pay a living wage, then you shouldn't be in business".

Minimum wage jobs didn't used to be a large proportion of the workforce (still isn't really, but it's rising fast), because yes there are jobs that absolutely should not be intended to live off of. Door greeting was meant to be a small boost for pensioners. No one says "i'm going to Walmart so someone will say hello to me when I enter the store", there is no real value add, so that position can't justify paying enough to feed and house a family of 5.

And this video highlights the largest group that don't need and don't typically deserve a "living wage", young people entering the workforce. Their living is subsidized so they don't need as much money, and the value of their work is often much less than that of an experienced worker so they don't generate as much revenue in order to pay their salary.


PREMO Member

California Chaos: Mob Uses Kia to Smash Through Bakery Door, Steals Everything, Destroys the Place

The owners of the bakery, the Ramirez family, say they suffered at least $75,000 in damages and losses from the mob action. They have set up a GoFundMe appeal to help the panadería survive the attack.

When police arrived at the bakery, the crowd quickly dispersed and wait for it… no arrests were made.

Why do these events keep happening? I and other writers at RedState have written extensively on the soft-on-crime policies of woke District Attorney George Gascón, who hasn’t met a criminal he doesn’t like, and the state’s terrible Proposition 47, which lowered many crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. Meanwhile, Gov. Gavin Newsom has done exactly nothing effective to slow the trend.

In a nutshell, progressive policies lead to chaos – and chaos is exactly what you’ve got in Los Angeles.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
At this point, there should be a policy where the cops just surround the place and open fire on it.

Shoot every damn one of them.

Take none into custody.
I guess the protection money the Ramirez family was paying the local Compton gang wasn't enough.


PREMO Member

Stolen Beauty Products Worth Over $9 Million Seized During Two California Raids

In San Diego County, one woman has been arrested for her role in leading a nationwide shoplifting ring worth more than $8 million in beauty products.

Federal agents identified Bonsall resident, Michelle Mack as the head of the criminal enterprise.
According to the search warrants, Mack paid as many as 12 people to steal from Ulta Beauty stores, as well as other retail outlets, and ship them to her Bonsall post office box.
In certain cases, Mack allegedly purchased plane tickets, rented cars and paid for hotels for the shoplifters who worked under her.
CBS 8 has learned Ulta Beauty worked with authorities on the investigation into Mack.
“We can confirm that Ulta Beauty partnered with law enforcement on this investigation but cannot share any details at this time as the case is still being processed,” an Ulta Beauty spokesperson said in a statement to CBS 8.

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PREMO Member

‘Nobody Gets Punished For Anything’: Bakery Owner Devastated With $70,000 Loss After Being Mobbed By Over 100 Looters

Ruben Ramirez Jr., the son of Mexican immigrants and owner of a beloved Latino bakery, is grappling with the aftermath of a devastating incident which occurred at his business. The extensive damage was caused by a mob during an illegal “street takeover,” estimating material losses at around $70,000, Ramirez told Fox News on “America Reports.”

The incident, which unfolded in the early hours of Tuesday, saw a group of looters forcefully entering the bakery. A white Kia was caught on CCTV footage ramming through the front door, facilitating the entry of approximately 100 looters who went on to ransack the establishment, KTLA 5 reported. Items stolen included meat scales, various groceries and lottery tickets, as confirmed by a Los Angeles County sheriff’s officer to the New York Post.



PREMO Member
🔥 On Sunday, the New York Times ran an encouraging story headlined, “California’s Ban on Guns in Most Public Places Is Blocked Again.” The sub-headline explained: “Just a week after the law was allowed to take effect, a federal appeals court reinstated a lower court’s block on the ban.” California Governor and stealth Presidential Candidate Gavin Newsom was literally sickened by the news:

image 8.png

Among other line-pushing restrictions, Senate Bill 2 includes a long list of “public places” where personal firearms will become illegal. One innovative feature of the bill is that guns would only be allowed in private businesses with clear signage inviting firearms — even with a state permit. (Government employees like cops and IRS agents could still carry guns freely. Just not citizens.) Concealed carry permit holders and allied groups sued the state in federal court to block the law. The trial court issued an injunction blocking the law from taking effect.

The current story began last weekend on December 30th, when a Ninth Circuit panel stayed the injunction, which is a complicated way of saying they allowed the law to move forward. But then on Saturday, a different Ninth Circuit panel dissolved the earlier ruling, which reinstated the injunction and froze the law again, which is what gave Gavin the sads and upset his tum-tum.

The case will continue, with the state’s innovative gun ban law stayed in the meantime. Sorry, Governor.

Newsome .... Extremist Courts

Any situation Progressives disagree with is EXTREME


PREMO Member

California moderate Democrats shut down 'wealth tax' proposal

AB 259, sponsored by Assemblymember Alex Lee, D–San Jose, would create an annual 1% tax on on the global wealth of state residents with worldwide net worth over $50 million, or $25 million if married but filing separately, and an additional 0.5% tax on residents whose net worth is over $1 billion, or $500 million if filing separately. Taxpayers would be required to disclose all assets, and be taxed based on the number of days spent in the state, even if part-time. The bill also clarifies “resident” includes “a temporary resident who is neither a resident nor part-year resident,” and creates the category of “wealth-tax resident,” or someone who has “wealth sourced to this state that has left this state and does not have the reasonable expectation to return to the state.”

Opponents, which included the California Chamber of Commerce, argued the bill would violate the constitutional right to travel by creating an “exit tax,” and that taxing nonresidents who “no longer have nexus with the state,” the tax “places a large, impermissible burden on interstate commerce” and potentially violates the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution as in many cases there could no longer be a connection between the targeted taxpayer and California.

The bill died in the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation as it faced its first hearing. Reflecting on his bill’s defeat and the governor’s call for increasing cost efficiency, Lee wondered why spending has to be cut when the new tax could provide $21.6 billion in new annual revenue.

“The top 0.01%, the billionaire and mega millionaire class, are largely ignored by our income based tax system,” said Lee in a public statement. “Why do we have to tighten our belts when they live large?”


PREMO Member

I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices

"I feel that there will be a lot of pain to workers as franchise owners are forced to take drastic measures," Walberg said.

Walberg said he was making changes to ensure the new wage wouldn't "bring us down." Some changes are surprising, including the type of fast-food worker he expects to hire in the future.

Here's a closer look at what he's doing to ensure his restaurants stay afloat come April.

1. Raising menu prices, again

Walberg said raising prices was the No. 1 thing every California fast-food food owner was talking about.

"It's a scary thing because customers are already complaining that prices are too high," he said.

Year over year, prices were up 8% at his four restaurants, he said. When fast-food wages increase to $20 an hour in April, "we'll have to take another 8-10%" increase, he told BI.

He said he was checking menu prices at rivals to ensure Fatburgers' price increases were in line with "everyone else." Still, he said he was nervous about jacking up prices to customers who are already "feeling the strain" of higher prices due to inflation.

He's not alone.

Over the past two years, chains such as Starbucks, McDonald's, and Chipotle have raised menu prices to combat high commodity costs and wages. McDonald's, which has raised prices by 20% over a two-year period, said late last year that it was starting to lose low-income customers.

2. Cutting employee hours and implementing a hiring freeze
3. Scrapping employee vacation time
4. Raising wages for managers and shift leaders so they won't flee
5. Hiring patterns will change, and casual-dining workers will jump ship to fast-food


PREMO Member
In many ways Smith's ideas on this subject are indebted to the writings of the Anglo-Dutch political economist Bernard Mandeville and his 1714 book 'The Fable of the Bees', too long to excerpt here but not incredibly long and a fun read if you're into reading early 18th century economic philosophy in the form of poetry.

Suffice to say that the idea that corporations in search of mere 'profits' benefit communities and countries that work to maintain them in business and safety to do their work isn't a new concept by any stretch... but don't tell that to the folks down at the San Francisco Chronicle, because apparently it's news to them or at least it's news to Chronicle opinion columnist and cultural critic Soleil Ho:

Ho seems to have gotten something like 3/4ths of the way towards having an awaking as to the nature of economics in a market based economy but simply couldn't stick the landing and was forced to retreat to 'In-N-Out doesn't care about the community!'. Oh my.



PREMO Member

California Bill Calls for Tech to Make New Cars Unable to Speed

  • A proposed California bill aims to keep certain new vehicles from exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph.
  • The bill calls for tech to electronically limit a vehicle's speed starting with the 2027 model year; emergency vehicles would be exempt.
  • The bill would allow the driver to temporarily disable the speed-limiter, which could also be fully disabled by the automaker or (in some case) by the commissioner of the California Highway Patrol.

Someday in the not too distant future, it might no longer be possible to drive a brand-new car faster than 80 mph in California. That's because state senator Scott Wiener earlier this week proposed a new bill that aims to prevent certain new vehicles from going more than 10 mph over the speed limit. In California, the maximum posted speed limit is 70 mph, meaning anything north of 80 mph would be off limits.

The Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction on California Streets—or SAFER California Streets, for short—is a package of bills that includes SB 961 that was published Tuesday, which essentially calls for speed governors on new cars and trucks built or sold in California starting with the 2027 model year. These vehicles would be required to have an "intelligent speed limiter system" that electronically prevents the driver from speeding above the aforementioned threshold.

The speed-limiter tech wouldn't apply to emergency vehicles. There's also language in the bill that the passive device would have the ability to be temporarily disabled by the driver, however, it's unclear in what situations that might apply. The bill also states that automakers would be able to fully disable the speed-limiter, but presumably only for authorized emergency vehicles. The commissioner of the California Highway Patrol could authorize disabling the speed-limiter too at their discretion.

"I don't think it's at all an overreach, and I don't think most people would view it as an overreach, we have speed limits, I think most people support speed limits because people know that speed kills," Wiener said, according to ABC7 news in California.



Power with Control

California Bill Calls for Tech to Make New Cars Unable to Speed

  • A proposed California bill aims to keep certain new vehicles from exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph.
  • The bill calls for tech to electronically limit a vehicle's speed starting with the 2027 model year; emergency vehicles would be exempt.
  • The bill would allow the driver to temporarily disable the speed-limiter, which could also be fully disabled by the automaker or (in some case) by the commissioner of the California Highway Patrol.

Someday in the not too distant future, it might no longer be possible to drive a brand-new car faster than 80 mph in California. That's because state senator Scott Wiener earlier this week proposed a new bill that aims to prevent certain new vehicles from going more than 10 mph over the speed limit. In California, the maximum posted speed limit is 70 mph, meaning anything north of 80 mph would be off limits.

The Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction on California Streets—or SAFER California Streets, for short—is a package of bills that includes SB 961 that was published Tuesday, which essentially calls for speed governors on new cars and trucks built or sold in California starting with the 2027 model year. These vehicles would be required to have an "intelligent speed limiter system" that electronically prevents the driver from speeding above the aforementioned threshold.

The speed-limiter tech wouldn't apply to emergency vehicles. There's also language in the bill that the passive device would have the ability to be temporarily disabled by the driver, however, it's unclear in what situations that might apply. The bill also states that automakers would be able to fully disable the speed-limiter, but presumably only for authorized emergency vehicles. The commissioner of the California Highway Patrol could authorize disabling the speed-limiter too at their discretion.

"I don't think it's at all an overreach, and I don't think most people would view it as an overreach, we have speed limits, I think most people support speed limits because people know that speed kills," Wiener said, according to ABC7 news in California.

The guy who is pushing this had to, like everyone on ballot in San Franciso, put a Chinese name since 25% of voters are Chinese. Here it is....

In 2016, Wiener ran for the 11th Senate District, to succeed termed out Senator Mark Leno.[7] As it is required to include a Chinese name on the ballot (17% of the San Francisco population speak Chinese), Wiener, who is very tall, chose the name Wei Shangao, meaning "bold, majestic, charitable, and tall".[8]


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just stop selling cars in California.

20 years from now i''ll look like a Cuban village.



PREMO Member
Just stop selling cars in California.

20 years from now i''ll look like a Cuban village.

Well yeah .... but that is a HUGE Market no one is going to ignore, this is how we ended up with Cali Emissions opn all of our cars

You should be old enough to remember when vehicles came with one of 2 options depending on where the vehicle was sold.

1. Federal Emissions Requirements
2. California Emissions Requirement

Cali already banned the importation of NON Cali Emissions


Power with Control

Turns out its not required, which was my misunderstanding, but common practice and allowed. But its causing issues.
