I had more than a couple of "interesting" interactions with Ms. Lagana when she was the Director of Special Education. How many parents can say that the Director called them personally to discuss future placement of their child?Calvert historically had the reputation of not following IDEA. It took how many lawsuits to snap them around? I can remember three or four just off the top of my head.
I let her know in no uncertain terms that MY ADVOCACY of my son was not to be trifled with, and that I was not an "at-risk" parent she could push around. I had access to, and the funding for, a Special Education Attorney, if need be. She didn't pursue her little agenda with my son after that. I fully knew the ins and outs of IDEA back about 10 years ago. (I know some things may have changed in the interim, but the basic Law has not.) I was a Stay at Home mother for 12 years, before my divorce. Advocacy of Thing1 was a full time job and I am a very thorough, organized and methodical person. They never anticipated an easy IEP meeting with me, I'm sure.