Can you believe it...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
AHA! so since you admit a child is a joint venture, you agree that it is not for the woman to bear the burden ALONE. AND since you argree BOTH parents are responsible equally, then you certainly AGREE that the male should contribute equal percentage and you would ALSO AGREE that if the male does not voluntarily provide his portion then the courts, via due process, SHOULD force it.

I don't expect you to answer.
:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme

Way to go Pete!

Get him. :wench:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BadGirl said:
I simply cannot see how JPC will get a single, solitary vote. The inability to fully explain his position, and his difiance to offer alternatives to current policies and practices make him just another loud mouth with nothing to say. :bawl:
He may get his own if he remembers to vote.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:yay: I really am not seeking votes or voters on this Forum. I am only testing the issues out. My campaign is being done here in 29B. It is doubtful that many from 29B are tuning in to this SOMD Community Forum but if any are then that is cool by me. I am being careful to only post what I mean and to mean what I post.

:wench: ------------------------ :bigwhoop:
So you mean to sound really, really stupid. :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Softballkid said:
I just wanna know how he keeps ending up green the way people bomb him with red all the time... :lmao:
Someone wants him to feel loved. You know type. The touchy, feelly, PC, Democrats that want everyone to feel good about themselves.

God loves him, but he sure is making it a challenge for me to follow God's word about loving others including my enemies. This guy is not significant enough in my life to be an enemy. He is more like a flea; just an irritation in my otherwise mundane life. I guess I could totally ignore him, but what fun would that be?


JPC said:
:popcorn: That theory came out of this poster's warped mind and not from me.

:popcorn: Again, there is no such thing and it is only political nonsense. Men and woman have kids together and no man is out there doing it alone - doing it alone to some helpless class of women being impregnated. Just nonsence in the posters distorted mind.

:popcorn: ---------------- :coffee:
I know the library is open ANSWER!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:yay: There are no deadbeat parents anywhere on the whole planet earth.

It is baseless political slander and it needs to be stopped.

The idea of deadbeat parent is only slander stuck in your head.

:coffee: ----------------------- :popcorn:

You are really quite incredible. I swore I wasn't going to respond to any more of your inane postings, but I must. So what do you call a man who abandoned his three kids, was court-ordered to pay a certain percentage of his wages to support HIS kids, was well able to afford it, and still didn't? My mom, with a high school education and little else, was ill-equipped to provide for us but she did.

BTW - my dad just died yesterday. He was and always will BE a deadbeat dad in my book. It doesn't change the FACTS. But I forgave him for that and flew out to be at his bedside in his final hours. I just hope YOUR kids don't have to go through the hell and emotional scarring I and my siblings went through, but based on your postings, there is absolute NO chance of that.

And I am a voter from 29B and it will be a cold day in hell before you get my vote. I will make sure every one I know in this district knows what a moron you are.


No Longer the Kid
jazz lady said:
And I am a voter from 29B and it will be a cold day in hell before you get my vote. I will make sure every one I know in this district knows what a moron you are.

:huggy: have a hug from 29A


Super Genius
I'm wondering what you are doing besides being on the forum and getting your platform destroyed.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
I will make sure every one I know in this district knows what a moron you are.
I don't think you're going to have to work real hard. His "platform" is quite clear. :lol:

I'll be curious, though, how he fares on election day. There are a LOT of deadbeat parents out there. How many in his district, do ya suppose?


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
I don't think you're going to have to work real hard. His "platform" is quite clear. :lol:

I'll be curious, though, how he fares on election day. There are a LOT of deadbeat parents out there. How many in his district, do ya suppose?
They probably won't vote. They'll think its a sting operation to pick them up for nonpayment.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
To the person that left the karma message about JPC, Sr., Matt 18:15-17 is relavant, and I hope that answers your question. I would have discussed this with you, but didn't know who to PM. If you want to discuss it, PM me.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
:bigwhoop: Your link is to the word "deadbeat" and I said that there is no "deadbeat parents" anywhere in the whole world. There is a big difference indeed.

:razz: --------------------- :love:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
Your link is to the word "deadbeat" and I said that there is no "deadbeat parents" anywhere in the whole world. There is a big difference indeed.
SO we can assume that by your own admission, you live in a different world than the rest of us?
becuase, in our world, you are a deadbeat dad.

sorry to burst your non-educated jail stretched bubble.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:bigwhoop: Your link is to the word "deadbeat" and I said that there is no "deadbeat parents" anywhere in the whole world. There is a big difference indeed.

:razz: --------------------- :love:

Maybe you'd like this definition better:

dead·beat Slang
One who does not pay one's debts.
A lazy person; a loafer.

Not fulfilling one's obligations or paying one's debts: a deadbeat dad.


It's an adjective applied to a noun (in this case the word DAD). A DAD who does not fulfill his obligations or pays his debts. I suppose since there are NONE in the world, they used it as an example so nobody knows what they were talking about. :rolleyes:

You are neither clever enough or smart enough to play the semantics game. Please stop.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

jazz lady said:
Maybe you'd like this definition better:


It's an adjective applied to a noun (in this case the word DAD). A DAD who does not fulfill his obligations or pays his debts. I suppose since there are NONE in the world, they used it as an example so nobody knows what they were talking about. :rolleyes:

You are neither clever enough or smart enough to play the semantics game. Please stop.
:popcorn:My point was that the name calling was not accurate nor justifiable and it is not.

There are no "deadbeat parents" because when parents break a law (particularly those incredibly unjust laws) then it has nothing to do with what kind of a parent one is.

When I spray painted the Court House calling them "Child Support Thieves" (which they are) then my spray paint does not truly reflect on my job as a parent. In fact I would say it set a noble example for others. It is a dispute between me and the law and not between me and my child. Therefore the name calling of "deadbeat parent" is slander and a lie. At the time the Enterprise called me, "the Courthouse Vandle", and I liked that name because it was accurate and true.

:wench: ----------------------------- :war:


Super Genius
JPC said:
:popcorn:My point was that the name calling was not accurate nor justifiable and it is not.
It is both accurate and justifiable.

JPC said:
There are no "deadbeat parents" because when parents break a law (particularly those incredibly unjust laws) then it has nothing to do with what kind of a parent one is.
You may think that the law is unjust, but the majority belive that it is just. The definition of deadbeat has been posted numerous times. If you don't pay your obligations, you are a deadbeat. I'm sorry you can't grasp the idea of words having definitions, but you do not get to redefine words to meet your purposes.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Hey JPC...

JPC said:
:popcorn:My point was that the name calling was not accurate nor justifiable and it is not.

There are no "deadbeat parents" because when parents break a law (particularly those incredibly unjust laws) then it has nothing to do with what kind of a parent one is.

When I spray painted the Court House calling them "Child Support Thieves" (which they are) then my spray paint does not truly reflect on my job as a parent. In fact I would say it set a noble example for others. It is a dispute between me and the law and not between me and my child. Therefore the name calling of "deadbeat parent" is slander and a lie. At the time the Enterprise called me, "the Courthouse Vandle", and I liked that name because it was accurate and true.

:wench: ----------------------------- :war:

Warrant Service

On 02/14/06 Senior Deputy First Class S. Myers served an arrest warrant on Irvin E. Peters III, age 31, of Lexington Park, Maryland for Three counts of Failing to Appear in Circuit Court regarding Child Support. Mr. Peters was incarcerated in the Detention Center under No Bond.

You should sign up to be his "sponsor".

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ylexot said:
It is both accurate and justifiable.

You may think that the law is unjust, but the majority belive that it is just. The definition of deadbeat has been posted numerous times. If you don't pay your obligations, you are a deadbeat. I'm sorry you can't grasp the idea of words having definitions, but you do not get to redefine words to meet your purposes.

And since this is a democracy and the majority rule, that makes it legal. You would think that someone running for office would have at least a high school grasp on how this government works.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

ylexot said:
It is both accurate and justifiable.

You may think that the law is unjust, but the majority belive that it is just. The definition of deadbeat has been posted numerous times. If you don't pay your obligations, you are a deadbeat. I'm sorry you can't grasp the idea of words having definitions, but you do not get to redefine words to meet your purposes.
:coffee: I do get that point. My objective is that when I get to the Maryland Legislature then I am going to change the laws and make them right. Bring justice to our system and take that ignorance out. Surely I do understand that at present they are wrong and I do know that, duh. That is what is called the lynch mob mentality where the majority think they are right and our present leaders do not have the stomach to stand up to the mob and tell them that they are wrong. I will put a stop to it because those biligerant slanders do not sway me as it does others.

:bigwhoop: ---------------------------------- :coffee: