Caps Fans


Football addict


Sweet 16

Went to the game v. Florida last night and I have to say it was one of the most painful things I have ever witnessed. No net presence, no energy, no coordination whatsoever! Just when I think it can't get any worse.... I love my Caps but DAYUM!!!

Anyway, WaPo is reporting that many of them, including staff have the flu. Tomorrow should be interesting :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
Another stinker tonight, Its really hard to figure it out same players as last year, something is out of sink. They hardly ever lost last year at home and now have lost the whole 4 game homestand plus 1 other. Only lost what 18 games all of last year. Coach I bet is really pissed with Semen for that stupid penalty he took. They are still getting the shots on goal out shooting the other team, but they arent going in.

Pittsburgh is playing like the Caps of last year in the regular season and we are playing like Penquins did in the regular season last year. Cindy Crosby has gotten off to a really fast start.

Well they are on the road tomorrow night in New York, lets hope being away will do them so good.


This. ------------------>
7-0 Ouch to the Rangers? Bruce must go.

No!!! :smack: The last thing I want to see is Coach Dumpty fired!
Much like how I didn't want the Flyers firing John Stevens.

Hopefully the Caps can win just enough to keep him for the playoffs. :smile:


Go Habs, and screw all you Crapitals fans who boo during the Canadian anthem


Have the Capitals even played the Canadiens this season?

I won't support the boo-ing of the Canadian National Anthem, but I also won't support abandoning your Chlorpromazine regimen against doctor's advice.


My Sweetest Boy

Have the Capitals even played the Canadiens this season?

Last year, the nice Canadians booed the the U.S. Anthem at two games in the playoffs. So, when they came back to DC some of the DC fans booed the Canadian Anthem but the majority were pretty classy and cheered.

Sweet 16

Cindy Crosby has gotten off to a really fast start.

Actually, Cindy and the Pens didn't do squat for the first month or so of the season and have only recently turned on the afterburners. Easy to do when you've got the NHL and refs in your back pocket. Case in point -- I notice this little tidbit managed to escape the highlight reels. This is actually on Wikipedia under the definition of slew footing:

In a game between the Pittsburgh Penguins and New York Rangers on November 29, 2010, the Penguins' Sidney Crosby kicked the skate of Rangers' Ryan Callahan out from under him while Callahan was skating forward, causing Callahan to fall flat on his back onto the ice. Because of the potential for serious injury, this prompted not only criticism of slew footing but also allegations of dirty play. Crosby, however, was neither penalized during the game nor disciplined by the NHL after the game for the infraction.

But amazingly, Callahan WAS sent to the box for "interference". Never heard a word about this until now. Amazing isn't it?


This. ------------------>
Actually, Cindy and the Pens didn't do squat for the first month or so of the season and have only recently turned on the afterburners. Easy to do when you've got the NHL and refs in your back pocket. Case in point -- I notice this little tidbit managed to escape the highlight reels. This is actually on Wikipedia under the definition of slew footing:

But amazingly, Callahan WAS sent to the box for "interference". Never heard a word about this until now. Amazing isn't it?


Sweet 16


This isn't:bawl:

Originally Posted by Sweet 16
Actually, Cindy and the Pens didn't do squat for the first month or so of the season and have only recently turned on the afterburners. Easy to do when you've got the NHL and refs in your back pocket. Case in point -- I notice this little tidbit managed to escape the highlight reels. This is actually on Wikipedia under the definition of slew footing:

But amazingly, Callahan WAS sent to the box for "interference". Never heard a word about this until now. Amazing isn't it?

THIS is.....

"How many penalty minutes do I have this year if I'm that dirty?" said Crosby, who has 15. "I mean, please. Show me all those dirty plays. It's a battle and he falls. I think Dubi has done his fair share of things out there that are questionable. I guess he's talking again. But I'm not surprised."


Having Fun!
Actually, Cindy and the Pens didn't do squat for the first month or so of the season and have only recently turned on the afterburners. Easy to do when you've got the NHL and refs in your back pocket. Case in point -- I notice this little tidbit managed to escape the highlight reels. This is actually on Wikipedia under the definition of slew footing:

But amazingly, Callahan WAS sent to the box for "interference". Never heard a word about this until now. Amazing isn't it?

Look... It's Mario Lemieux's ghost!

This isn't:bawl:

THIS is.....

Why is this a shock?

Crosby is the Canadian poster child for the NHL. He's a national hero for their national sport.

Oh, 'scuse me. I thought this thread was entitled "Caps fans". My bad!
