sleuth said:
So that's the same thing that was circulating in those Iraq pictures a while back...
Yeah.. that's one of them. Incidentally, I didn't really almost trip on that this morning. I was only kidding.
So far, the biggest bug I've run across was a cockroach the size of a coffee saucer. You should have seen everyone flip out over that mamma-jamma. I ended up having to squash it with my hand, because there were no shoes or anything handy. That was a god-awful mess.
In Oklahoma when we had knocked off for the night, I was walking down the sidewalk to fill up the little ice-bucket, and almost walked into a spider web. The spider on there - I think - was a brown recluse. And it was mighty big... not quite as big as my hand... but about half that size, including the legs.
Luckily I'm not squeamish, but the fact that it almost became a fixture on my face makes my eyelid twitch. Just a little.
On the non-icky side, we got some good sized lizards too. I haven't run across anything on the scale of a gila monster, or an iguana, but we were looking at a lizard roughly the size of a 7-11 Spicy-Bite this morning. Someone had remarked earlier that around here, everything is either prickly or poisonous.
And since I didn't see any pricklers on the lizard, we kept our distance.
Basically it looked like a very large skink, but it could have been anything. I need to visit the nature museum up the road soon, so I can identify some of these critters.