CBD oil


They call me ... Sarcasmo
My LW picked up a bottle of CBD Oil muscle rub for my shoulder and I am very happy with its effectiveness. It does have a good amount of menthol like most rubs, but the pain relief did last longer than Flex-All, Tiger Balm or Icy Hot.

BONUS!! No munchies after application.


PREMO Member
You sure about that? The over-the-counter CBD products are not "medical marijuana" products...two different things.
I looked into it myself and my SSO gave me the info.
I can send you the info next week, it's at work.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I looked into it myself and my SSO gave me the info.
I can send you the info next week, it's at work.
I googled it. Apparently some legislation is in the works that will remove any issues for CDB products. If they get around to passing it..

The fact that it's so effective is what will keep me using it.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Don't waste your money on the holistic, teabag suppositories. Don't ask me how I know this either.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
While exploring vaping options to replace my cigarettes, I stopped in the shop at Leonardtown Center to purchase a mod and juice. I had been hearing about the miracles of CBD and decided to purchase a vape pen and CBD crumble. While trying to figure out proper operation and dosing for my pain, I must've overdone it. I swear it gave me a buzz, munchies, and the paranoia that convinced me to lay down the pipe years ago. Since then, if weed was offered at a get together and I'd already had a few beers, to be polite I would accept it and it enhanced my beer buzz. Even then I had a self imposed one hit limit. Holding a clearance my entire adult life also helped my decision to abstain.

Now that MM is legal and I don't work DoD anymore, I may seek a MM card from my doctor. With all the testing that's been opened up by legalization, I'm sure I can find a strain to help me cope with my pain and not make me a Doritos snarfing zombie. Cannabis Entrepreneurs who aren't just posing, can give advise on their different strains. I'd be interested in something with the pain relieving benefits of CBD and the right amount and of THC to balance out "couch lock" that I felt. I may have it all wrong and my "crumble" may have been contaminated with THC that locked me to the couch. Time to experiment. Ah, the wonder years. I'll get back to y'all...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member