CBD oil


Well-Known Member
OK..I'm a believer. I've been dealing the shoulder joint pain caused by polymyalgia rheumatica for well over a year. Taking prednisone helped get the early more severe-pain stage under control but I stopped taking it to avoid the many side effects and have just been living with the chronic and sometimes still severe pain and loss of use and range of motion in my arms...particularly my right arm. Until today. Less than one day after trying out a topical CBD cream and oral CBD "drops", the pain in my shoulders has vanished. Awesome relief.
Is what you are using the "prescription" kind?


Well-Known Member
While exploring vaping options to replace my cigarettes, I stopped in the shop at Leonardtown Center to purchase a mod and juice. I had been hearing about the miracles of CBD and decided to purchase a vape pen and CBD crumble. While trying to figure out proper operation and dosing for my pain, I must've overdone it. I swear it gave me a buzz, munchies, and the paranoia that convinced me to lay down the pipe years ago. Since then, if weed was offered at a get together and I'd already had a few beers, to be polite I would accept it and it enhanced my beer buzz. Even then I had a self imposed one hit limit. Holding a clearance my entire adult life also helped my decision to abstain.

Now that MM is legal and I don't work DoD anymore, I may seek a MM card from my doctor. With all the testing that's been opened up by legalization, I'm sure I can find a strain to help me cope with my pain and not make me a Doritos snarfing zombie. Cannabis Entrepreneurs who aren't just posing, can give advise on their different strains. I'd be interested in something with the pain relieving benefits of CBD and the right amount and of THC to balance out "couch lock" that I felt. I may have it all wrong and my "crumble" may have been contaminated with THC that locked me to the couch. Time to experiment. Ah, the wonder years. I'll get back to y'all...

Real CBD oil has less than 0.3% THC by law and has shown in studies to actually reverse the side effects of THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) so I'm not sure what you vaped, but it shouldn't have made you feel any of those things if it was real CBD oil.

Any competent dispensary can get you a strain that can help with pain relief without being indica-dominant. Indicas give you that "body" high (aka "couch lock" :lol:) while sativas give you a mind high that gives a more upbeat feeling. There's literally hundreds of different strains. THC, CBD, a combination of the two. Indicas, Sativas, hybrids, etc. It's just like alcohol.

Good luck.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Is what you are using the "prescription" kind?

No..just walked in to the shop in L'town and asked what they recommended. Walked out $100 poorer but, a few days later, much happier.

See what our resident expert posted on the subject above...good info.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Real CBD oil has less than 0.3% THC by law and has shown in studies to actually reverse the side effects of THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) so I'm not sure what you vaped, but it shouldn't have made you feel any of those things if it was real CBD oil.

Any competent dispensary can get you a strain that can help with pain relief without being indica-dominant. Indicas give you that "body" high (aka "couch lock" :lol:) while sativas give you a mind high that gives a more upbeat feeling. There's literally hundreds of different strains. THC, CBD, a combination of the two. Indicas, Sativas, hybrids, etc. It's just like alcohol.

Good luck.
I looked it up. What I got was Green Roads Dabbing Wax, I believe 250mg. I've smoked my share of weed in the past, but I had to give it up as the strains got "better". crap just made me paranoid, unless I mixed it with a good beer buzz. As I said, time to experiment. I just don't like that crap that makes the mind wander back to memories of bad times and the paranoia.
Just an FYI. Thre was a news article on, a government employee was fired because he took CBD oil and tested positive in a random drug test for THC. Trace amounts of THC, enough to show up on a drug test, is allowable in CBD.

If you take CBD and are subject to drugs testing, beware.


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI. Thre was a news article on, a government employee was fired because he took CBD oil and tested positive in a random drug test for THC. Trace amounts of THC, enough to show up on a drug test, is allowable in CBD.

If you take CBD and are subject to drugs testing, beware.

That's impressive, or the employee is blaming CBD oil.

Since there are (or, should be) very low doses of THC in CBD oil, one would have to consume almost 2000mg of CBD oil to register a positive test above the 50ng/mL threshold (drug tests don't test for CBD). Or about 9-10 of the 250mg do-dads PrchJrkr talked about at once.

Either way, your last line is the main point. If you are like many of us and get drug tested, it's likely not worth the hassle or potential firing.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I think my company should start drug testing. Some of the chit that goes on here can't be explained any other way,,,,,
Well, "Eating poppy seeds before a drug test could give you a positive result, and you don’t need to eat that many for it to happen.. Studies show that opiates can be detected as soon as two hours after eating a poppy seed cake or poppy seed bagels. According to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, codeine and morphine remain detectable in urine up to 48 hours after eating poppy seeds. That can jump to as high as 60 hours depending on how much you consume."

So I'm not sure why folks wouldn't think CBD oils which are being used to purposely be absorbed so as to affect specific areas wouldn't pop a positive.



Well-Known Member
But they do for THC which CBD does have traces of, right? If a zero tolerance test pulls a trace it's a fail, right? Please unconfuse me.

This goes back to my post to GWGuy.

Yes, they do test for THC and by law, there can be up to 0.3% THC in CBD products. However, the detection limit for THC (marijuana metabolites) in drug tests is 50ng/mL. To get to that level, one would need to consume 1000-2000mg of CBD products to get a positive for THC. That's a lot of CBD product but certainly not out of the realm of possibility (this depends highly upon the user though as THC doesn't metabolize like alcohol does).

But more to the point, I wasn't trying to imply that it's not possible, just answering your question. You said you weren't sure why people wouldn't think CBD could result in a positive and I was just saying that it could be because they assume there's no THC in it and drug tests don't test for CBD.
But more to the point, I wasn't trying to imply that it's not possible, just answering your question. You said you weren't sure why people wouldn't think CBD could result in a positive and I was just saying that it could be because they assume there's no THC in it and drug tests don't test for CBD.