Center For Life Enrichment on 235 Is A School Zone?


Honorary SMIB
So that sounds like it should be solved with traffic engineering. Lane narrowing, speed humps, rumble strips. But those cost money, while cameras make money. Yet another reason not to do enforcement for revenue. Once the politicians find a source of money, they want to grow it.
The lanes there are about as narrow as you're going to get. As a State road speed humps are usually a no go, as would rumble strips be due to the proximity of residences. There were some rumble strips installed further south near the entrance of a sub-division because of an uptick in accidents.


the poor dad
Yep, the cost benefit of belts on busses never works out. Because a kid getting hurt in such a way that the belt would have helped is so rare that it's simply not worth it.
And I just read an article where an airline passenger is suing an airline (JetBlue?) because he got Tangled up in a seat belt hanging off the the seat cushion while trying to get out of his seat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not confused by your lack of understanding. It most likely stems from attributing to me an attitude I do not have. I have said ad nauseum that I think this does not increase safety and therefore isn't really about speed enforcement or safety. Its about money, and govt lying about the reason for a thing solely to get money.

Who cares? You are in complete control of whether or not you kick in. To me it's like saying, oh, there's an increased fine for robbing a house to fund the police happy hour at Toots. I'm not going to rob a house anyway, so their money grab has nothing to do with me.

If other people want to speed and make a payment, that's their business and none of yours.

Also I think it's reasonable to reduce speed where at-risk humans or their pets may try to run out in front of your car, so your insistence that it's solely a money grab isn't resonating with me.

In the resort where I live the speed limit is 5 mph. To my knowledge no kids or clueless adults have ever been run over in the resort, which is a miracle because they really do wander about obliviously with no regard for cars that may be right on top of them. But there have been innumerable close calls, several of them mine.

The resort doesn't hand out tickets to anyone speeding, they just roll up on their golf cart and bitch you out. So I know it's not a money maker, and I also know first hand that it's through the sheer paranoia of drivers that one of the wandering dumbshits hasn't been smeared on the street. Outside the resort, in the city, I'll bet there's a pedestrian death every week especially during tourist season because people are idiots.

So I think you're wrong about it being solely to get money. There is a public safety aspect to it and just because you know how to cross a street safely doesn't mean everyone does.


Well-Known Member
So that sounds like it should be solved with traffic engineering. Lane narrowing, speed humps, rumble strips. But those cost money, while cameras make money. Yet another reason not to do enforcement for revenue. Once the politicians find a source of money, they want to grow it.
Those things are there 24/7 and make plowing more difficult or often get pulled up by plows.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You are asking the wrong question. Do we need to slow people down if there is no danger to the children? No school in the county allows children to be out and about except high schools. So what danger are we trying to mitigate?

My side of the debate is quite simply that traffic enforcement solely to generate revenue is a Bad Thing. There should be an underlying reason that enhances safety and mitigates unsafe conditions.

See above. Its a money grab to get more cash for the Sheriffs office. It does not make children safer since no children are in danger to start with.

Keep in mind, these are not set up as deterrents. The fines are low at $40, and there is no MVA insurance reporting unless you failed to pay the fine. In which case once you pay up, you get the hold on MVA activities removed. Its all about money.
It's slowing people down in that area. There are adults who attend the CFLE who are developmentally disabled who might be be out and about. What is the problem with a caution in that area?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
CLE is one of those places that if you didn’t know it was there, you’d miss it totally. Most of it is obscured from the highway by a significant chunk of trees and then a parking lot - and on a busy day, you might not be aware anything was going on inside.

If LHS had a speed zone, it might be odd, because there’s little likelihood anyone from the school would be crossing Rte 5 for any reason. So they don’t. There is ZERO reason for anyone at CLE to ever be near 235. Like ever. I slow down when I pass Toots and Last Drop at night, not because there’s a law but because there’s a good chance an inebriated person is going to walk right in front of me.

I’m not going to have a problem speeding past CLE but you have to wonder why in this case.
What type of entrance do they have to the building a the CFLE? Is it locked down? Some of the Individuals might take a bus someplace and be out on their campus - or someone could be out walking for some reason or another. I would imagine that even some Individuals drive.


Well-Known Member
You are asking the wrong question. Do we need to slow people down if there is no danger to the children? No school in the county allows children to be out and about except high schools. So what danger are we trying to mitigate?

My side of the debate is quite simply that traffic enforcement solely to generate revenue is a Bad Thing. There should be an underlying reason that enhances safety and mitigates unsafe conditions.

See above. Its a money grab to get more cash for the Sheriffs office. It does not make children safer since no children are in danger to start with.

Keep in mind, these are not set up as deterrents. The fines are low at $40, and there is no MVA insurance reporting unless you failed to pay the fine. In which case once you pay up, you get the hold on MVA activities removed. Its all about money.
Look up how many accidents have happened in front of Little Flower School during pickups and drop offs every school day. Some approached fatalities and most were caused by people speeding. Just because a kid isn't hit while walking around a school doesn't mean speeding in a school zone doesn't cause accidents and injuries. Kids were in the cars that got hit you know.
Get off your high horse and sell more EV's for your massas.


New Member
Proof? Of course not. Not like the Sheriff is going to say "We don't really need these but I sure could use an extra half mil in my budget to spend as I please".

What I do have is logic and reason.

1. The stated goal of the system is to make children safer from speeders in the school zone.
2. There has never been a child hurt by a speeder in a school zone in the county in the 30 years I've been here.
3. If we are not solving the stated problem, since it doesn't exist, what are we doing?
4. And before I get the "You dont know that no children have been hurt!!!", explain why that example wouldn't be used to justify them?

I'm not talking about signs. That has been a school zone for a while. I'm speaking to camera systems.
I agree with you 100%. Let's see if it's just for revenue by allocating 100% of the money to help fund schools. Sheriff Hall might decide the cameras aren't really needed then.


Power with Control
Look up how many accidents have happened in front of Little Flower School during pickups and drop offs every school day. Some approached fatalities and most were caused by people speeding. Just because a kid isn't hit while walking around a school doesn't mean speeding in a school zone doesn't cause accidents and injuries. Kids were in the cars that got hit you know.
Get off your high horse and sell more EV's for your massas.

High horse? Really, because I have a different opinion. I keep an eye on crashes in the county pretty close, and I cant recall any offhand. Got links?


Power with Control
It's slowing people down in that area. There are adults who attend the CFLE who are developmentally disabled who might be be out and about. What is the problem with a caution in that area?
Nothing wrong with signs saying there's a school there. My wife's niece, non-communicative autism attended there for years. My point is that between the signs the the staffs and parents efforts, we have gone 30 years without an incident.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember hearing about a single accident around here where a motorcycle wrecked because someone's lawn clippings were discharged in the road but I do remember a big argument about it on here recently.


Honorary SMIB
I don't remember hearing about a single accident around here where a motorcycle wrecked because someone's lawn clippings were discharged in the road but I do remember a big argument about it on here recently.
Sometimes laws/regulations are enacted in one place where what they address hasn't happened because those things have happened elsewhere. An example is that a lot of towns in Maryland enacted Zoning rules a number of years ago that limited the number of non-related people who could live in a residence. It was originally adopted in the towns around College Park aimed at student rentals.