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OK, I have been waiting patiently for 24 pages.
OK, I have been waiting patiently for 24 pages.
It's Ok Pete - It does not taste better than oatmeal... I think you'll be Ok![]()
OK, I have been waiting patiently for 24 pages.
Silpasuvan in calvert county,
pediatric medicine and neonatology
If i insulted any other mother on here i apologize. I am very protective and havnt been away from my child not one full day since he's been born. and i like to know everything that goes on with him. thats all. I was just upset. But in the future i always want to know what is going on with him. He is my whole world, im sure every other mother in here would agree, they feel the same way about thier children.
my little one just started eating cereal from a spoon and he is about 5 months and 2 weeks old. i just followed the doctors orders, is what everyone should do. hes doing great with it. i dont reccomend doing it any sooner, especially if they have poop problems. I never put it in a bottle though, they said that is way to old school and if they need cereal always feed it to him with a spoon. they said to start with about 2 tablespoons twice a day mixed with about 2 ounces of formula.
I thought, "he was the full time care giver at the time. And a damn good one I have to say" was stated earlier. So... then you must have been away from him for some time.
Funny she told me when mine was under 3mo. that it wasn't unusual for a baby to go 3days without a BM before they would consider them constipated.
She told me not to worry, give it time and use mylacon.
She also told me it was ok to use rice cereal only in bottle at night at 2.5mos. if mixed really thin.
That was 8 yrs ago - guess she was old school then.
well i did mention to the doctor that ppl told me that they fed thier kids with cereal in bottles, and she said the "rule" changed recently and that there is some kind of risks in doing that. so when i told her he would get constipated easily she told me to feed him some juice mixed with water to help it get through his system.
I actually called today and she said i could start feeding him baby food starting with vegies first. But i was always told to do fruit first. Opinions change all the time due to new studies i guess. I just wish i could keep up better with them all..lol
Can I hug you right now?And let's not dismiss the notion of negligence should Suz decide she knows better than mommy about do's/don'ts pertaining to the tot. Theoretically, say this was an allergy situation and the kid was allergic to the cereal. But Suz, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wealthy and crap (like that makes a difference) listens to her son who has demonstrated an obvious disregard for anything of importance, and says, "yea, feed him the cereal anyway" and fails to mention the allergy. Well, not only does she endanger the child, but she opens herself up to liability/negligence because she has clearly stated he cannot be trusted to tie his own shoe, but she listened to him anyway.
Suz -- you need to drop your holier than thou attitude and realize that you had your chance at parenthood. It's now Che's (and your son's) turn. Back off or you'll lose any chance at every seeing your grandchild.
She may not earn a parent of the year award, but so far as I know, neither did you. Quit dogging out your grandchild's mother because you feel you could do a better job. She's young, she doesn't know it all -- you know that, I know that, we all know that -- but you're not helping matters any by acting like some pompous ass, which IS what you come across as when you start flinging your income, ability to laze around the house, and your hubby's truck. Here's a clue -- what has all that crap done for you? Did it make your kids better contributors to society? No. Does it make you better than anyone else? Don't think so.
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
Also, start with veggies first and then fruits.
I would think that the sweet, yummy flavor of fruits would ruin it for veggies. I vote veggies first.That's odd. I've been through several pediatricians and all of them told me to start fruits first.![]()
That's odd. I've been through several pediatricians and all of them told me to start fruits first.![]()
I would think that the sweet, yummy flavor of fruits would ruin it for veggies. I vote veggies first.
I would think that the sweet, yummy flavor of fruits would ruin it for veggies. I vote veggies first.
Which makes complete sense.That's what the doctor said. He said if you give fruits first, then the baby won't want to eat veggies because it is not sweet. Feeding veggies first will help baby to learn how to develop taste and love the veggies.
I cannot remember the reasoning for it. I just remember that all of the docs said fruit first. Luckily my babies were not picky. But, my boy is picky as hell now.
So if Boy is already 11 have I waited too long?
That's odd. I've been through several pediatricians and all of them told me to start fruits first.![]()
Quoted from wholesomebabyfood.comApril 2006 - Fruits First = Veggies Never
Myth: Giving your baby a fruit as a "first" solid will cause baby to reject and dislike veggies.
Truth: The order of food introduction really doesn't matter. Some say the veggies first so a "sweet tooth" doesn't develop for fruits. If your baby is breast fed, she is already receiving the sweetest food there is! Others say fruits first so that baby will enjoy her first foods and not be as likely to reject solids. Still others say yellow first then green while some say green before yellow so baby doesn't reject the yellow.......
There is no hard scientific evidence to prove any of the above; you find many babies LOVE their green veggies and HATE their fruits and v.v. We personally introduced foods in an order something like sweet potato then bananas then peaches then another veggie then another fruit and some homemade cereal along the way too!