Lem Putt
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
Damn, you are awesome.

Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
I'm taking your side in this thread because I've heard enough about this twerp. But, in all fairness, my mother runs everything by me first. She also sees us enough that she knows how I like things. She wouldn't dare go against my wishes. I am their mother and that supercedes all. Now, my ex's mom is another story. She'll sugar my son all up and he'll stay up all night for her. But, other than that, she knows my rules. :shrug:
When you, at the age of 20 with a what, 5 month old baby, sit there and bash all the other advice you've received from all the other forum mothers in here... it gives me full reason to tell you to STFU.
I was 25 when I had my son... I didn't know everything then and I still don't know everything now... I'll never know EVERYTHING about raising my son, I'll only know what I've tried and what has worked for me.
I can also tell you that if I listened solely to what the doctor's told me about my son and how to keep him healthy, he'd not be as healthy as he is today.
My son has had difficulty with his bowel movements the entire 2 1/2 years of his life. Putting him on cereal too early (he was on it at 2 months, I'd mix cereal with formula and a fruit baby food and give him a feeder bottle, which he loved) didn't make him gain tons of weight and it didn't make his bowels any more or less difficult... what it did do was limit the amount of spitting up he did. They told me to try dark karo syrup, and it kind of worked... but not enough. They told to use miralax, and it kind of worked, but not enough. I heard from another mom to try using Good Start as his formula instead of Enfamil, and it was a little better. In the end, what has finally worked was something I tried myself... soy milk.
Not that everyone wanted to hear about my son's bowels... but the point is that the doctor's don't know everything... women have been having babies for thousands of years without the benefit of a doctor telling them what to do every step of the way... the only thing I was saying was that you had absolutely no right to insult every other mother on this board simply because you have a bone to pick with your future MIL.
And to agree with everyone else... keep your personal family drama off the board... that's what PMs are for... it's tasteless and tacky to do it in public.I haven't seen any PM'S posted....AGREED! However, some of the PM have been taken out into the, which is very uncalled for and immature.
If i insulted any other mother on here i apologize. I am very protective and havnt been away from my child not one full day since he's been born. and i like to know everything that goes on with him. thats all. I was just upset. But in the future i always want to know what is going on with him. He is my whole world, im sure every other mother in here would agree, they feel the same way about thier children.
All you had to do was ask Richard what went on. But then he would've lied to you, and blamed it on me anyway. Which is why I'm made out to be the bad 'MIL' here. Can you not see the pattern here or what????
She didn't have to because I communicated with her about DQ's "do's and don'ts". You and your grandchild's mother apparently don't do that.
Now, how 'bout you answer my question? Why trust the word of your son when it comes to his own child's wellbeing when he's shown a complete disregard for everyone/thing else in his life? :shrug:
And FYI, I'm not siding with your STB-DIL. I just think it's a viable question that you didn't answer in the middle of your love-fest with Che.
It's hard to communicate with someone that has berated and cussed at you for off the wall BS. Yet they want to be a "part of your family".
But to answer your question: Why would I trust the word of my son etc...
He loves Che to the bottom of his being. He has been the primary care giver of his son since he was a month old. He would let nothing happen to him. And both my son's survived my 'old school' way of doing things. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt my grand children. Someone give me a little credit here....
As for his disregard for myself, his father and our home. All I can say is that when he is in a rage about what ever has him upset and he is in my home, no door, wall, vanity, ceiling is safe. He just thinks he can do what ever to my house. I was talking to someone earlier tonight and we came to the conclusion there were too many threats to beat his ass growing up, and not enough action taken. And I don't mean 'beat his ass' anymore then I mean 'teaching him right from wrong with a strong hand'. So in short, tough love has kicked in. The end of the free ride from 'repairs' (he's never paid a penny towards his damage). If you can't have access to do so it just won't happen any more.
And let's not dismiss the notion of negligence should Suz decide she knows better than mommy about do's/don'ts pertaining to the tot. Theoretically, say this was an allergy situation and the kid was allergic to the cereal. But Suz, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wealthy and crap (like that makes a difference) listens to her son who has demonstrated an obvious disregard for anything of importance, and says, "yea, feed him the cereal anyway" and fails to mention the allergy. Well, not only does she endanger the child, but she opens herself up to liability/negligence because she has clearly stated he cannot be trusted to tie his own shoe, but she listened to him anyway.
Suz -- you need to drop your holier than thou attitude and realize that you had your chance at parenthood. It's now Che's (and your son's) turn. Back off or you'll lose any chance at every seeing your grandchild.
She may not earn a parent of the year award, but so far as I know, neither did you. Quit dogging out your grandchild's mother because you feel you could do a better job. She's young, she doesn't know it all -- you know that, I know that, we all know that -- but you're not helping matters any by acting like some pompous ass, which IS what you come across as when you start flinging your income, ability to laze around the house, and your hubby's truck. Here's a clue -- what has all that crap done for you? Did it make your kids better contributors to society? No. Does it make you better than anyone else? Don't think so.
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
It's the vicodin ... it's like truth serum.![]()
As for his disregard for myself, his father and our home. All I can say is that when he is in a rage about what ever has him upset and he is in my home, no door, wall, vanity, ceiling is safe. He just thinks he can do what ever to my house. I was talking to someone earlier tonight and we came to the conclusion there were too many threats to beat his ass growing up, and not enough action taken. And I don't mean 'beat his ass' anymore then I mean 'teaching him right from wrong with a strong hand'. So in short, tough love has kicked in. The end of the free ride from 'repairs' (he's never paid a penny towards his damage). If you can't have access to do so it just won't happen any more.
And let's not dismiss the notion of negligence should Suz decide she knows better than mommy about do's/don'ts pertaining to the tot. Theoretically, say this was an allergy situation and the kid was allergic to the cereal. But Suz, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wealthy and crap (like that makes a difference) listens to her son who has demonstrated an obvious disregard for anything of importance, and says, "yea, feed him the cereal anyway" and fails to mention the allergy. Well, not only does she endanger the child, but she opens herself up to liability/negligence because she has clearly stated he cannot be trusted to tie his own shoe, but she listened to him anyway.
Suz -- you need to drop your holier than thou attitude and realize that you had your chance at parenthood. It's now Che's (and your son's) turn. Back off or you'll lose any chance at every seeing your grandchild.
She may not earn a parent of the year award, but so far as I know, neither did you. Quit dogging out your grandchild's mother because you feel you could do a better job. She's young, she doesn't know it all -- you know that, I know that, we all know that -- but you're not helping matters any by acting like some pompous ass, which IS what you come across as when you start flinging your income, ability to laze around the house, and your hubby's truck. Here's a clue -- what has all that crap done for you? Did it make your kids better contributors to society? No. Does it make you better than anyone else? Don't think so.
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
If he cannot be trusted with non-living things, how can he be trusted with a human being's well-being? Seriously ... even Britney Spears lost custody of her kids and was restricted to ONLY supervised visitation for wearing a pink wig and hanging out with a couple of goofy-looking losers. Your son has a chemical imbalance, destructive nature/history, and he refuses to follow his doctor's orders and take his prescribed medication. HELLO!
No offense, but if he's half the hellion you say he is, Che is an idiot for hooking up with such a screwball. But that doesn't make her a bad mother. Just means you two don't agree.
Now take your nonsense off the forum, get together for a mother-daughter lunch one day, and try and be friends. The kid's gonna have it rough enough it sounds -- don't make it harder on him.
If he cannot be trusted with non-living things, how can he be trusted with a human being's well-being? Seriously ... even Britney Spears lost custody of her kids and was restricted to ONLY supervised visitation for wearing a pink wig and hanging out with a couple of goofy-looking losers. Your son has a chemical imbalance, destructive nature/history, and he refuses to follow his doctor's orders and take his prescribed medication. HELLO!
No offense, but if he's half the hellion you say he is, Che is an idiot for hooking up with such a screwball. But that doesn't make her a bad mother. Just means you two don't agree.
Now take your nonsense off the forum, get together for a mother-daughter lunch one day, and try and be friends. The kid's gonna have it rough enough it sounds -- don't make it harder on him.
Ya know your a complete know it all biatch. Your allergy situation scenerio is complete bs. I would never be that negligent.
Should you ever encounter in your life the situation I am in, I hope you remember the words that have come out of your mouth when you have absolutely NO F'G CLUE what my life is about.
As for the reminder of my income, hubby's truck etc. That was a completely different thread AND was in response to someone that thought I needed to get a job to support my child because it's lazy azz father wasn't paying up.
hmmmm What's all the above done for me? Comfort, security, retirement too name a few. But more importantly, something to leave to my children. Something to make them a little more secure in life. Has it made them better contributors to society? Most definitely for the oldest, I'm still holding out hope for the youngest. And yes, I know it makes me no better then anyone else. But I'm still holding out hope that between what they inherit from THEIR grandparents and from us, will make them better then those that attack people they've never even met.
As for my grand children, worry about your own not mine.
In richards defense. he is a great dad. the best dad a little boy could ask for. Richard has a very big heart, and i cannot wait to marry him. I am not an idiot, I have stuck it out because i love him with all of my heart and he is the father of my child. He really is a great dad. he is so involved with our son, even more than me sometimes, and believe me when it comes to our child he has better patience than i do.
and on another note, our son is very well taken care of. he is probibly the most loved baby i have ever seen (of course i say that because he's but its true. he does not have it rough at all. i do not keep him away from anyone, i wouldnt do that. just because i do not get along with everybody doesnt mean he doesnt have the entire family in his life.
I said earlier ... I was not taking up for you. You let him poke it so you have to live with the consequences of your choices/actions in life. No need to sell his stellar parenting skills to me.![]()
And let's not dismiss the notion of negligence should Suz decide she knows better than mommy about do's/don'ts pertaining to the tot. Theoretically, say this was an allergy situation and the kid was allergic to the cereal. But Suz, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wealthy and crap (like that makes a difference) listens to her son who has demonstrated an obvious disregard for anything of importance, and says, "yea, feed him the cereal anyway" and fails to mention the allergy. Well, not only does she endanger the child, but she opens herself up to liability/negligence because she has clearly stated he cannot be trusted to tie his own shoe, but she listened to him anyway.
Suz -- you need to drop your holier than thou attitude and realize that you had your chance at parenthood. It's now Che's (and your son's) turn. Back off or you'll lose any chance at every seeing your grandchild.
She may not earn a parent of the year award, but so far as I know, neither did you. Quit dogging out your grandchild's mother because you feel you could do a better job. She's young, she doesn't know it all -- you know that, I know that, we all know that -- but you're not helping matters any by acting like some pompous ass, which IS what you come across as when you start flinging your income, ability to laze around the house, and your hubby's truck. Here's a clue -- what has all that crap done for you? Did it make your kids better contributors to society? No. Does it make you better than anyone else? Don't think so.
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
I'll accept being a know-it-all bytch, but I'm not the one on here arguing with my STB-DIL like some sanctimonious ass, meanwhile putting my child's mental/social/behavioral/financial problems on here for everyone's reading enjoyment. For a person of "grandmotherly" age, you're sad, pathetic, and should be ashamed of yourself. It's no freaking wonder ...
And FYI, money doesn't make people better. You think leaving them a pile of money when you kick the bucket is going to perform some miracle (after you're gone, no less), you're mistaken. There are just as many worthless wealthy people as their are poor ones. Money doesn't define your character.
Unfortunately, it sounds like we ALL have to worry about your grandchild since your son (to your own admission) isn't supporting him properly ... looks like the taxpayers will be taking up his slack.
And let's not dismiss the notion of negligence should Suz decide she knows better than mommy about do's/don'ts pertaining to the tot. Theoretically, say this was an allergy situation and the kid was allergic to the cereal. But Suz, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wealthy and crap (like that makes a difference) listens to her son who has demonstrated an obvious disregard for anything of importance, and says, "yea, feed him the cereal anyway" and fails to mention the allergy. Well, not only does she endanger the child, but she opens herself up to liability/negligence because she has clearly stated he cannot be trusted to tie his own shoe, but she listened to him anyway.
Suz -- you need to drop your holier than thou attitude and realize that you had your chance at parenthood. It's now Che's (and your son's) turn. Back off or you'll lose any chance at every seeing your grandchild.
She may not earn a parent of the year award, but so far as I know, neither did you. Quit dogging out your grandchild's mother because you feel you could do a better job. She's young, she doesn't know it all -- you know that, I know that, we all know that -- but you're not helping matters any by acting like some pompous ass, which IS what you come across as when you start flinging your income, ability to laze around the house, and your hubby's truck. Here's a clue -- what has all that crap done for you? Did it make your kids better contributors to society? No. Does it make you better than anyone else? Don't think so.
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.
My grandma didn't have much money and had 7 kids. She would save money in her mattress, the old fashioned way, she never trusted banks.
When she would save a bunch of money she would divide it between her kids and was able to watch them enjoy it. Why wait until you're dead to see your kids enjoy something like that? It was never a lot of cash but it made her happy to see her adult kids have it.
Something to think about....
OK, I have been waiting patiently for 24 pages.