And let's not dismiss the notion of negligence should Suz decide she knows better than mommy about do's/don'ts pertaining to the tot. Theoretically, say this was an allergy situation and the kid was allergic to the cereal. But Suz, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wealthy and crap (like that makes a difference

) listens to her son who has demonstrated an obvious disregard for anything of importance, and says, "yea, feed him the cereal anyway" and fails to mention the allergy. Well, not only does she endanger the child, but she opens herself up to liability/negligence because she has clearly stated he cannot be trusted to tie his own shoe, but she listened to him anyway.
Suz -- you need to drop your holier than thou attitude and realize that you had your chance at parenthood. It's now Che's (and your son's) turn. Back off or you'll lose any chance at every seeing your grandchild.
She may not earn a parent of the year award, but so far as I know, neither did you. Quit dogging out your grandchild's mother because you feel you could do a better job. She's young, she doesn't know it all -- you know that, I know that, we all know that -- but you're not helping matters any by acting like some pompous ass, which IS what you come across as when you start flinging your income, ability to laze around the house, and your hubby's truck. Here's a clue -- what has all that crap done for you? Did it make your kids better contributors to society? No. Does it make you better than anyone else? Don't think so.
Come back down to reality, or don't biatch when you have a family tree full of grand-chitlins who have nothing to do with you.