Cheney tells Senator FU


New Member
I am sorry but there is no justification for Vice President Cheney's statement. Senator Leahy has been critical of the vice-president, but you know that is politics; it is a part of that life. In that life, one must maintain their composure and this man did not and he should publicly and privately apologize. Sure it was a human error, but he should acknowledge that and say sorry.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by rraley
In that life, one must maintain their composure and this man did not and he should publicly and privately apologize. Sure it was a human error, but he should acknowledge that and say sorry.

I think a private apology would be more than enough. It's between two men and it should be handled between two men. Just because Cheney is Bush's VP, does not mean that he should have to apologize to the world and make the administration look bad.


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth
I think a private apology would be more than enough. It's between two men and it should be handled between two men. Just because Cheney is Bush's VP, does not mean that he should have to apologize to the world and make the administration look bad.

I think that he already has done that with this incident.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by rraley
I think that he already has done that with this incident.

You know as well as I do that if he issued a public apology, it would get 10 times the press that this incident did alone. The Democrats would love that.

A public apology is not necessary.


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth
You know as well as I do that if he issued a public apology, it would get 10 times the press that this incident did alone. The Democrats would love that.

A public apology is not necessary.

Well that is true. But his incident still made the administration look bad for the two minutes Headline News spent on it every half-hour yesterday as well as its mention on MSNBC, etc. I recall the same thing happened during the 2000 Campaign when President Bush referred to a New York Times reporter as a "major league as$hole." I do not believe he publicly apologized for that, so a public apology would go a little too far.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
I recall the same thing happened during the 2000 Campaign when President Bush referred to a New York Times reporter as a "major league as$hole." I do not believe he publicly apologized for that, so a public apology would go a little too far.

Adam Clymer **IS** a major league as$hole.

Admittedly Bush was saying this privately to Dick Cheney, unlike today's Democratic leadership, who refer to Republicans openly as Hitler, Mussolini, fascists, morons, Taliban - the list is endless.

I wouldn't apologize and I didn't see it, but I can't believe that Cheney's remarks actually made half-hourly news on Headline News. You've got to be kidding? Kerry's behavior, knocking over a Secret Service agent and calling him a sonofab*tch did NOT make the news. That's fair and balanced for you.

Ok, for everyone here - everyone who hasn't used the f-word at all in the last week, raise your hand.

F*ck you - you're LYING.


Football season!
Originally posted by SamSpade
I wouldn't apologize and I didn't see it, but I can't believe that Cheney's remarks actually made half-hourly news on Headline News.

It is on the front page of Fox News, MUST be a big story :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
It is on the front page of Fox News, MUST be a big story :rolleyes:

You mean the Republican channel actually has something bad about the Vice-President? Stop the presses, hell just froze over!


Football season!
Originally posted by SamSpade
You mean the Republican channel actually has something bad about the Vice-President? Stop the presses, hell just froze over!

I think it was a liberal hacker


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hope with all my heart and soul that Cheney doesn't give in to liberal bawlbabies and issue an apology. I get incredibly tired of this "apology" business, especially when the apologist didn't do anything wrong.

Cheney should just say, "I'll apologize to Sen. Leahy when Democrats start apologizing for calling members of the Bush Administration ugly names." Then the screamers will REALLY have something to bellyache about.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Why go that far? Just ask for an apology for being called a "war profiteer" by Leahy.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
I think both stories are just hilarious...

Shows you that they're "real people" and yes, they too have real emotions that come out from time to time (such as when provoked), and if that happens to be swearing or flipping the bird- it's not like anyone's going to get killed over it.

Now if in either case they had been driving around DC with BOTH middle fingers up, hanging out of a sunroof, and screaming "F YOU" to the general public with Eminem's "White America" blaring from their speakers... that would be quite a story, LMAO.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Cheney should just say, "I'll apologize to Sen. Leahy when Democrats start apologizing for calling members of the Bush Administration ugly names." Then the screamers will REALLY have something to bellyache about.

Could you please provide a list of names that high profile Democrats have callled President Bush? From what I can remember, Nancy Pelosi has called Bush stupid and Al Gore and other out of the loop liberals have had some harsh stuff to call him. But from what I remember from Senator Kerry, Senator Edwards, etc. is that they merely attacked Bush's record. What names did they call them?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this is a joke, right?

Dean called him the 'enemy' during the primary.

The enemy.

None of them ever said that about Osama nor Saddam.


New Member
Re: raley...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...this is a joke, right?

Dean called him the 'enemy' during the primary.

The enemy.

None of them ever said that about Osama nor Saddam.

Ah yes I remember that. But we all know how Howard Dean was (aka a nutbag, crazy, overstimulated, in serious need of decaf). And I believe the best that he did in a primary was 26%.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
rraley... KNOW damn well that the level of public respect for the President has been on a downward trend of late, especially since that panty waste Clinton came on the scene.

The level of public disrespect from leading Democrats is lowering to a new level and they sure as hell are not doing anything to stem it.

This is nothing new in our national history. Where just at a particularly low point right now.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
Al Gore and other out of the loop liberals
So now Al Gore, the Democrats' REAL President and former VP, is now an "out of the loop liberal"? That's pretty good there, bud. :rolleyes:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SamSpade

Ok, for everyone here - everyone who hasn't used the f-word at all in the last week, raise your hand.

F*ck you - you're LYING.
Hand raised! And, no, I am not lying.