Originally posted by vraiblonde
I hope with all my heart and soul that Cheney doesn't give in to liberal bawlbabies and issue an apology. I get incredibly tired of this "apology" business, especially when the apologist didn't do anything wrong.
Cheney should just say, "I'll apologize to Sen. Leahy when Democrats start apologizing for calling members of the Bush Administration ugly names." Then the screamers will REALLY have something to bellyache about.
Originally posted by Hello6
Then what do you say to vent your rage? As a Bible thumping, gun toting American, you must be full of it.
Actually it would lead to intelligent conversation. Expletives add nothing to content.Originally posted by Hello6
What a dull and uniteresting life it would be without swears.
As opposed to CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC, Fox actually does present both sides of stories. It is just that the "mainstream press" has only presented the liberal side for so long that when a balanced position is presented, it seems conservative.Originally posted by SamSpade
You mean the Republican channel actually has something bad about the Vice-President? Stop the presses, hell just froze over!
Originally posted by Hello6
Really, that's unsettling. I'd rather see a foaming at the mouth gun toting bible thumper than the calm serene "I'm going to kill you all in your sleep" one.
Don't think I have "thumped" a Bible. I have quoted verses in other threads; you can take them or leave them. I am prevented from being a gun toter by the state of Maryland. So you are wrong on both counts. When I vent, I express myself in plain, simple terms that truely say what I mean. Ask any of those who know me; Catt, otter, Kyle, Sharon, IM4, PennEd, Jazz, justin, Kain99.Originally posted by Hello6
Then what do you say to vent your rage? As a Bible thumping, gun toting American, you must be full of it.
Originally posted by Sharon
Go find one, then maybe they'll oblige you both ways.![]()
Originally posted by Hello6
Charles List went after his own family first.![]()
NO, me holding the Barrett in my back yard does not make me "gun toting". If I were able to legally carry it anywhere I wanted, Walmart, Giant, Lowes, and did, then I would be gun toting. There are no moderate Christians. You are either a Christian or you are not. You either believe the Bible or you don't. Many people call themselves Christians and even go to church but don't believe the Bible or read it. If even one word, in the original languages, is untrustworthy, then no portion of it can be trusted.Originally posted by Hello6
OK, I was just asking. So that photo I saw of you holding the BFG, I'm sorry, the Big Gun, doesn't make you gun totin? Bible Thumping just refers to your strict leaing towards the book, not the actual action.
I think it's healthy to have an expletive laden outburst once in a while, and was wondering since you didn't drop the eff bomb, what is the alternative you used? I can come up with some retarded non swears that amuse me and am always looking for more. ie: crudmuffins, cripes with muffins, and so forth.
Originally posted by Sharon
It was John Listand he can't help you he's in jail.
Originally posted by Hello6
There's always a Bible quoting christian waiting to go postal. Andrea Yates?
Originally posted by Sharon
Last I heard she was in jail too. Maybe you should hang outside church on Sunday and spew your crapola. Someone may help you in your search for a "foaming at the mouth gun toting bible thumper".
Good luck!![]()
Those that read the Bible and base their lives on a personal relationship with Y'shua will not be going "postal". Those you have mentioned and others like Jim Jones take one verse they heard somewhere, probably misquoted and out of context, and pervert it into a "belief system" that has no resemblance to what the Bible really teaches.Originally posted by Hello6
SorryI had Charles Manson and Charles Starkweather on the brain.
He's just the one that was caught. There's always a Bible quoting christian waiting to go postal. Andrea Yates?
Originally posted by Hello6
Better than hanging out inside and listening to the crapola they're spewing in there![]()