Chesapeake Marketplace Open House


happy to be living
It was nice chatting with you yesterday. I'll be riding back up this week to pick up a few things that she noticed and commented on as we were walking out yesterday. I could've walked around that place for hours. :yay:
There is so much there to see! It was nice to see you and meet your lady friend, too. I do hope you all add a lot of merchandise to your area. Despite the economy, people are spending money. Though there is no rhyme or reason as to what they are buying. Sometimes, the ugliest and most oddball stuff sells! Good pricing also helps.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Shes been collecting for years and all of a sudden she has the urge to sell. I'm sure we'll have quite a variety as soon as we can tunnel into her garage. 😆

The main issue we have is focusing. Our lives are spent looking out for others and not having enough time for what we want to do.

She just sent me a text after visiting an auction in Loveville. I have to pick up some boxes after work. Not a box, but several. I can't help but love her. We're just alike. :roflmao:


happy to be living
breaking news within the past hour!!!

I drove by chesapeake marketplace. FF was not there. ergo, she was not working. I reached out to various sources, including the fried chicken cook at Fastop across the street, however he didnt want to comment publicly, referring me to Larry and Kay, who, somehow were surprisingly absent too!!!
Given that both the auction house and marketplace were closed today...I guess no one was working :lol:
But I did volunteer my time at :gossip: and am sorry I missed you.