Chinese Blimp over US


Power with Control
Sparrow is radar guided, the balloon itself little signature if any at all. The payload itself would have easily shown as a target. They did not use a heat seeker, no heat.
Amazing both sidewinder and sparrow are 60 years old but upgraded many times. I toted many of them, hundreds on working parties.

Well, this video shows the hit. Looks to me to be right between the payload and the balloon. Radar would have hit the payload square on. I suspect there might have been a heat source there. Maybe a small heater, remember, this thing isn't exactly a weather balloon. Sparrow I think would have had a larger explosion. Looks like they will get the payload back after all. They said its in 47 feet of water. Look at about 12 seconds in on this video.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well, this video shows the hit. Looks to me to be right between the payload and the balloon. Radar would have hit the payload square on. I suspect there might have been a heat source there. Maybe a small heater, remember, this thing isn't exactly a weather balloon. Sparrow I think would have had a larger explosion. Looks like they will get the payload back after all. They said its in 47 feet of water. Look at about 12 seconds in on this video.

Was it a Sidewinder or a Sparrow? From what I have seen/read it was the Sparrow which is radar guided and can (likely in this case) have a radar proximity fuse (along with contact fuse). No direct hit needed to take out the payload and balloon.


Power with Control
The balloon is just a rubber, nylon or possibly Mylar bag of gas, I think a missile of any kind is going to go in one side and out the other without noticing.
Was it a Sidewinder or a Sparrow? From what I have seen/read it was the Sparrow which is radar guided and can (likely in this case) have a radar proximity fuse (along with contact fuse). No direct hit needed to take out the payload and balloon.

Sidewinder has a proximity fuze also. I've not seen the missile used officially identified, though.

Go look at the video, it looks like whatever the missile was, it went off between the balloon and payload.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Sidewinder has a proximity fuze also. I've not seen the missile used officially identified, though.

Go look at the video, it looks like whatever the missile was, it went off between the balloon and payload.
Okay, now I am seeing some articles claiming it was a Sidewinder. Either way you don't have to hit the target dead-on to take it out which is why it looks to be between the balloon and payload.


Well-Known Member
Was it a Sidewinder or a Sparrow? From what I have seen/read it was the Sparrow which is radar guided and can (likely in this case) have a radar proximity fuse (along with contact fuse). No direct hit needed to take out the payload and balloon.
correct...the 20/30 mm cannon to me would have better maybe put holes in balloon and it would maybe sink back to earth slowly but biden did what ever china told him to do


Well-Known Member
Okay, now I am seeing some articles claiming it was a Sidewinder. Either way you don't have to hit the target dead-on to take it out which is why it looks to be between the balloon and payload.
do any of those 2 missles even contact the target or do the explode next to it


Well-Known Member
I don’t buy that these are implements of state spy craft. China already has orbital satellites and their ability to spy digitally is well-known. This doesn’t enhance their capabilities.

Most likely a test run for an EMP delivery or other bio weapon.
Maybe but it can be taken out well before it gets to the USA


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don’t buy that these are implements of state spy craft. China already has orbital satellites and their ability to spy digitally is well-known. This doesn’t enhance their capabilities.

Most likely a test run for an EMP delivery or other bio weapon.

I hate to agree with you because you're such an ahole, but that makes more sense. The Chinese learned that not only can they send a vehicle into our airspace, nobody will do anything about it.

My only real hope is that if they decide to bomb the chit out of us, they wait until the next SotU and nuke the Capitol building.


Power with Control
do any of those 2 missles even contact the target or do the explode next to it
Depends on how they are fused as to whether it needs to contact the target or just get close enough.

Generally, the best is a prox fuse hit that sends high speed shrapnel in an expanding cloud into the target. Which is usually going a least a few hundred miles an hour towards the missile, which itself is usually going much faster. But they also have contact fusing in case things are too fast. But the norm is to explode in front of the target.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
MSN to the rescue!!!!! Its Trumps problem!!!!! I think there is blaring hypocrisy in this article. See if you can spot it.

It's real I tell you - just like the Steele dossier and the laptop being a Russian conspiracy. Officials told us so.


Well-Known Member
MSN to the rescue!!!!! Its Trumps problem!!!!! I think there is blaring hypocrisy in this article. See if you can spot it.

I've seen people talking about this. At 3 times while Trump was in office balloons made brief incursions into US airspace. None of the links say where. One men.tioned Hawaii. Yep MSN covering for their boy