Chinese Blimp over US


Well-Known Member
As much as I kept hearing talking heads speak about ‘punching holes’ in the balloon so that it would fall slowly, apparently we took another route. We blew that thing up. Anyone else wonder why? What we just did was enable that apparatus under the balloon to plumet rapidly to the ocean. Probably won’t be much left. Intentional?
There was no tech to find in that balloon that didn't come from the US initially so they aren't interested in recovering it.


Well-Known Member
I don’t buy that these are implements of state spy craft. China already has orbital satellites and their ability to spy digitally is well-known. This doesn’t enhance their capabilities.

Most likely a test run for an EMP delivery or other bio weapon.
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Power with Control
I don’t buy that these are implements of state spy craft. China already has orbital satellites and their ability to spy digitally is well-known. This doesn’t enhance their capabilities.

Most likely a test run for an EMP delivery or other bio weapon.

Might be a sensor of some kind that needs to closer to the ground. Maybe some sigint? I would like us to get that sensor payload, but I suspect Joe wil make sure its sunk way deep.


Beloved Misanthrope
I don’t buy that these are implements of state spy craft. China already has orbital satellites and their ability to spy digitally is well-known. This doesn’t enhance their capabilities.

Most likely a test run for an EMP delivery or other bio weapon.
Holy ****

that’s the first time you’ve ever posted anything, intelligent.

Example of the broken clock theory?


Well-Known Member
Well if reports are true the Pentagon has said it has changed course. That makes it an airship and not a balloon. Weather balloons go up until they pop, this thing is operating at around 60,000 feet.
Not necessarily. Google operates balloons this way (project loon), they increase or decrease balloon volume to catch different air currents to drive them around. There are no propellers, rudders, or propellant used.


Well-Known Member
It is over the Carolinas now. It will hit the open water soon. If we do not shoot it down once it is open water, we cannot shoot it down due to the elevation travel path (higher altitude than our aircraft can fly). If that is the case, we are F'd. We are PWN'd. We wasted all of our military money, might and minds worrying about touchy, feelgood, ideals when other countries were investing in how they can F us.
We can shoot satellites out of orbit and inbound missiles out of the air. Pretty sure we have stuff that can take out a slow ass giant balloon.


Well-Known Member
We can shoot satellites out of orbit and inbound missiles out of the air. Pretty sure we have stuff that can take out a slow ass giant balloon.
Wonder if they can hit it with a laser, burn a hole or all those test planes cancelled.


Well-Known Member


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Questions/observations I have -
  1. They say its capable of navigating but appears to me that its riding the polar vortex.
  2. Read that it was at altitude of 80k feet, thus out of range for ground to air targeting so it would have to be shot down with an air to air missile.
  3. Military said they were concerned about lives on the ground if they shot it down, which sounds like BS to me, they are just saying that under orders from the cabal in the WH.
Large balloons maneuver by going up and down and catching an air current going the way they want.

Radio control can spill helium or add helium from a tank, thus giving vertical control.

I’m wondering if possibly they’re worried about it having explosives on board to keep anyone from reverse engineering it.


Well-Known Member
In theory a Rapture can reach 60K plus, much more if zoom climb. Why spend the bucks with advanced sparrow and blow it to shiit when 20mm would have worked much better imo.
The missile no doubt locked on the payload and not the actual balloon.


Well-Known Member
Large balloons maneuver by going up and down and catching an air current going the way they want.

Radio control can spill helium or add helium from a tank, thus giving vertical control.

I’m wondering if possibly they’re worried about it having explosives on board to keep anyone from reverse engineering it.
Or Kungflu 2.0. put nothing past the lil bastards.
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Power with Control
In theory a Rapture can reach 60K plus, much more if zoom climb. Why spend the bucks with advanced sparrow and blow it to shiit when 20mm would have worked much better imo.
The missile no doubt locked on the payload and not the actual balloon.
I would think the balloon would be a hotter target than the payload. The video I saw looked like the balloon blew. The payload streamed down, I think.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I would think the balloon would be a hotter target than the payload. The video I saw looked like the balloon blew. The payload streamed down, I think.
The balloon is just a rubber, nylon or possibly Mylar bag of gas, I think a missile of any kind is going to go in one side and out the other without noticing.


Well-Known Member
I would think the balloon would be a hotter target than the payload. The video I saw looked like the balloon blew. The payload streamed down, I think.
Sparrow is radar guided, the balloon itself little signature if any at all. The payload itself would have easily shown as a target. They did not use a heat seeker, no heat.
Amazing both sidewinder and sparrow are 60 years old but upgraded many times. I toted many of them, hundreds on working parties.