Cho sent...


Well-Known Member
They Ran an emergency scenario...

in a NJ school last month with gunmen shooting hostages and barracades:
Just to make it as realistic as possible they chose an extreme group of fanatical............................


who objected to sex ed. or abortion education.

When confronted with this odd ball set-up,...they said they wanted it as realistic as possible. Yeah, you really have to look out for Nuns with guns.


Whoever sent me karma message in relation to this thread, you didn't sign it so I don't know who to respond to. :shrug:


New Member
Hessian said:
in a NJ school last month with gunmen shooting hostages and barracades:
Just to make it as realistic as possible they chose an extreme group of fanatical............................


who objected to sex ed. or abortion education.

When confronted with this odd ball set-up,...they said they wanted it as realistic as possible. Yeah, you really have to look out for Nuns with guns.
Or you could just look at Fred Phelps and WBC.