Chris Benoit


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LordStanley said:
Do you smoke?
Do you drink Alcohol?
Do you take drugs for alergies or pain medication?
Do you drink Caffine?
Are you on any type of medications?

Steriods dont kill people, people kill people...
Are you kooky? When was the last time you ever heard of nicotine making someone snap? Or caffeine? Or allergy meds?

Alcohol, I'll give you. But I certainly don't drink every day, contrary to what the little forum gossips say.

Don't take your 'roid rage out on me :smack:


curiouser and curiouser
An anonymous user operating a computer traced to Stamford, Conn. — home to World Wrestling Entertainment — posted an entry to pro wrestler Chris Benoit's biography on announcing the death of his wife Nancy at least 13 hours before police in suburban Atlanta said they found her body along with her husband's and that of their 7-year-old son, has learned.,3566,287194,00.html

TMZ has learned that the personal physician who saw Chris Benoit just hours before the wrestler killed his wife and son once had his medical license suspended for "reasons related to competence or character."

Early Thursday morning, authorities raided Dr. Astin's office in connection with Benoit investigation. Officials claim they seized medical records, but no arrests were made. According to the AP, Astin has admitted to prescribing testosterone to Benoit in the past, but has not commented on what, if anything, he prescribed to the wrestler on Friday.

Talk about shady. :eyebrow:


Look my ass glows!
Dr Feelgood-

Chris Benoit bought injectable steroids excessively, according to court papers released Monday. His doctor, Phil Astin III, was charged with improperly prescribing drugs to other patients.

Dr. Astin prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Chris Benoit every 3 to 4 weeks between May 2006 and May 2007, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent said in an affidavit filed Friday and made public Monday.

DEA investigator Anissa Jones wrote that a preliminary review of Astin's prescription writing showed he authorized "approximately 1 million dosage units of various pharmaceutical controlled substances in the last two years, [including] significant quantities of injectable testosterone cypionate, an anabolic steroid."

Jones also wrote that Benoit has been identified in a separate DEA investigation of a company, RX Weight Loss, "as an excessive purchaser of injectable steroids."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They're making a big deal about this doctor on Fox. So, who is the bad guy: the person who willingly took drugs and killed his wife and child; or the doctor who prescribed the drugs?


I mean, yeah, the doctor broke the law and should be prosecuted. But they're trying to say that Benoit was some poor victim of this doctor - who apparently forced the drugs into Benoit's veins, to hear the news people tell it.


I know nothing
vraiblonde said:
They're making a big deal about this doctor on Fox. So, who is the bad guy: the person who willingly took drugs and killed his wife and child; or the doctor who prescribed the drugs?


I mean, yeah, the doctor broke the law and should be prosecuted. But they're trying to say that Benoit was some poor victim of this doctor - who apparently forced the drugs into Benoit's veins, to hear the news people tell it.

Its America at its finest. They have to blame someone....

Benoit is already dead... He's the next logical choice


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nachomama said:
They just said on CNN that the autopsy showed Benoit had 10X the amount of Testosterone in his body at the time of his death.
Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that steroids have no effect on a person's thought process and behavior.



Lem Putt
LordStanley said:
I guess you missed this part

You must have missed the part about not assuming that news reports know anything about the facts. Testosterone IS a steroid.

Main Entry: tes·tos·ter·one
Pronunciation: te-stäs-t-rn
Function: noun
: a male hormone that is a crystalline hydroxy steroid ketone C19H28O2 produced primarily by the testes or made synthetically and that is the main androgen responsible for inducing and maintaining male secondary sex characteristics
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Am I missing...

LordStanley said:
I guess you missed this part

...the context here? Benoit was full of steroids and Xanax and something else.

Besides the heightened level of testosterone, a synthetic version of the primary male sex hormone that is considered an anabolic steroid, Benoit's body tested positive for the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone, authorities said Tuesday.

Benoit was all chem'd up.


So what we are trying to decide here is if Benoit was a sick twisted evil son of a biatch all on his own or if he was helped along with steroids?

Seems to me the result is the same, they are all dead. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Lord Stanley...

Pete said:
So what we are trying to decide here is if Benoit was a sick twisted evil son of a biatch all on his own or if he was helped along with steroids?

Seems to me the result is the same, they are all dead. :shrug: having one of his oxen gored; he tried to stick up for Benoit before all the facts came in. The rest of us smelled steroids from the get go.

That's what we're doing; gathering in the town square and throwing rocks at the victim of the moment until it's someone else's turn.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Seems to me the result is the same, they are all dead.
True, but the big controversy is whether professional sports should really crack down on steroid use, not just pay it lip service like they do now.

Maybe if we elect Ron Paul for President, he'll make anabolic steroids legal without a prescription.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Maybe if we elect Ron Paul for President, he'll make anabolic steroids legal without a prescription.

...because it's not a problem now?


Gotta ban those guns...alcohol...rap lyrics...

At least the hypocrisy and corruption will be gone.
