Chris Benoit

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Great - then he can just take ALL state rights away and we can have a dictatorship!'re just being difficult. Wherein lies a states right to ban cigarettes? If they have that right, do they then also have the right to regulate what you eat? Then, using the same logic, what you say? See? Do?


I'm Rick James #####!
vraiblonde said:
Great - then he can just take ALL state rights away and we can have a dictatorship!

States rights? What are those? If a state does something the fed doesn't aprove of that state finds their federal aid evaporating rather quickly!

"What you want to legalize left handed metric screwdrivers?!?!" "Well, no federal highway dollars for you!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lugnut said:
States rights? What are those?
Those are where the state tells you what legal activity, such as smoking, that you can and cannot allow in your privately owned business.

Those state rights.


I know nothing
Larry Gude said: having one of his oxen gored; he tried to stick up for Benoit before all the facts came in. The rest of us smelled steroids from the get go.

That's what we're doing; gathering in the town square and throwing rocks at the victim of the moment until it's someone else's turn.

Hold on one sec... I never stuck up for the guy... Go back and re-read the thread. Spudtrooper was the one who was sticking up for him.

I was making the point that any drug when abused can screw with your head.

You guys were so easy to jump on the steriod bandwagon....

You dont see cancer patients killing people when they are on steriods.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh for crying...

LordStanley said:
Hold on one sec... I never stuck up for the guy... Go back and re-read the thread. Spudtrooper was the one who was sticking up for him.

I was making the point that any drug when abused can screw with your head.

You guys were so easy to jump on the steriod bandwagon....

You dont see cancer patients killing people when they are on steriods.....

...out loud. I am not re-reading this dreck. It's easier to lay it on you. :lmao:

In any event, cancer patients are not pumping iron all day in an effrot to get huge/perform better. And they are not taking roids in the doses and manner these guys are.

If you want to re-read the thread, I said long ago that Benoit snapped as a combination of the brutal pressures of his job, the need to take roids and painkillers and who knows what else to deal with injury, pain and the demand to perform.

And Vrail said the rest; tough ####. It was his choice.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Are you kooky? When was the last time you ever heard of nicotine making someone snap? Or caffeine? Or allergy meds?

Alcohol, I'll give you. But I certainly don't drink every day, contrary to what the little forum gossips say.

Don't take your 'roid rage out on me :smack:

A LACK of nicotine can do some ugly things to people. :shrug: And you wouldn't want to see what would happen if somebody messes with my stash of Claritin.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bohman said:
A LACK of nicotine can do some ugly things to people. :shrug: And you wouldn't want to see what would happen if somebody messes with my stash of Claritin.

...and I don't wanna be in the same solar system with that goofy bastard on TV when his Encite prescription runs out.

Could get ugly.


All Up In Your Grill
Now that...

Larry Gude said:
...and I don't wanna be in the same solar system with that goofy bastard on TV when his Encite prescription runs out.

Could get ugly.

deserves this. :killingme