Christmas Presents

Should Christmas presents be under the tree before Christmas Eve?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 80.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 19.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Yeee hawww
Speaking of cousin and I have a tradition every year we decorate my grandmothers upside down christmas tree and put all 33 stockings up over the firplace and down the stair rails.



Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by CowGirlUp
Speaking of cousin and I have a tradition every year we decorate my grandmothers upside down christmas tree and put all 33 stockings up over the firplace and down the stair rails.

Thursday, right?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Can I ask ...

Originally posted by Ponytail
Same here. The only thing that I ever got for Christmas that wasn't wrapped, was my new bikes.

:yeahthat: Only huge presents like bikes weren't wrapped. Stocking stuffers and Santa presents were wrapped and weren't put out until after us kids went to bed.

We had a tradition of opening one present Christmas Eve night. They were always new PJ's, which we changed into and slept in that night.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by appyday
Family presents, friends presents (not from Santa) under the tree when wrapped ...I agree with Cari it looks so much better. Presents from Santa go under Chirstmas eve..Even with my kids being teenagers (ugg that sounds horrible) we do the Santa thing

:yeahthat: That's how my parent's always handled it and I would too, except that my kids are REALLY little and would rip into the gifts just because they are there. The only exception would be gifts that are too large to actually fit under the tree and you'd be tripping over them because they'd be out in the room.


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by PFgal
My family always opened our gifts on Christmas Eve, too!

:yeahthat: My hubby and I are such dorks! Last year we went home for Christmas. We were to fly out on the 21st or something, so we opened our Christmas presents on the 9th. Both of us are as bas as children...couldn't wait to see what "Santa" brought us! :biggrin:


Happy Camper!
We both have large families and have a ton of gifts so we put our gifts to each other under the tree (it just looks nice to have them there as decoration) and then seperate out our stops into piles of presents in the computer room, just easier to organize. We always let Tyler open our gifts early, we do a 12 days of Christmas like thing so that he opens a gift from mommy & daddy a night since he gets soo much at one time from everyone else this way he can enjoy them and not be overwhelmed. We (Mommy & Daddy) open their gifts on Christmas Eve before bed so by that time the tree has no more presents under it and Santa comes and replaces them with new presents!


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Ehesef
I never understood wrapping Santa presents, or even leaving them in the boxes. I thought Santa made all of the presents, why would he put them in a box? :confused:

We do wrap half. Santa never wrapped our gifts, always left piles too. But Hubby's Santa did wrap. So we compromised. Tyler knows that Santa can't bring him everything he wants and that Mommy & Daddy help him so we wrap half of them and tell him the unwrapped ones are from Santa. Usually the big things that need to be set up to play with (the hotwheels city things and such) are left unwrapped. That way he can run out and paly right away and then more on to opening more presents when he's ready.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by PFgal
Santa presents - wrapped or unwrapped??

Growing up, Santa was inconsistant. But in general, I'd say, wrap it if it is a box, something big or irregular, like a bike stick to a ribbon only.

And yes, I do use different paper and tags for Santa gifts.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Ehesef
I never understood wrapping Santa presents, or even leaving them in the boxes. I thought Santa made all of the presents, why would he put them in a box? :confused:

To protect them in transport.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by CowGirlUp
Thats crazy....three places for me.

I wish we could say that. Presents at my parents on the 20th, His grandmother morning of the 21st, my mom's family the evening of the 21st, Hubby's parents Christmas Eve, Santa Christmas morning, my grandparents Christmas lunch and then his brother Christmas Dinner. Crazy all the running around but I think Christmas should be spent with family so it's worth it.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by cmcdanal
And yes, I do use different paper and tags for Santa gifts.

I'm just waiting for Tyler to find the Santa wrapping paper in the top of the spare closet and say, hey I thought this was Santa's why is it hidden up here.:lol:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Ehesef
Christmas is going to be a bear this year. Christmas Eve at my dad's, opening presents from Dad, Step-mom, brother, sister, step-sister, nephew...Then Christmas morning at home with the b/f's family, on to my mom's house for brunch and presents from mom, brother, sister...then back home for b/f grandparents and aunts, etc. then to my mom's parents for my grandparents, aunts cousins....Day after Christmas is for dad's dad, aunts, cousins, etc.

It's getting to be ridiculous. I'm just glad I'm not towing kids around with us while we jump from place to place.:crazy:
That's nothing. My first Christmas with my husband (actually we were only engaged at the time) we lived in Baltimore County, about 10 miles north of the city. We went from there to my parents in Waldorf, to my aunt's in Morganza, to his parents in Frederick County. We had to do this to make everyone happy (except us) and we managed to miss lunch/brunch/dinner at every location and drove something like 250 miles in one day. We refused to do that again. IF it is convient, we make it to multiple places, but we alternate which family has priority and the Santa thing for the kids is ALWAYS at our house.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Nanny Pam

I resemble that remark!!:cheers:

and now it's my turn to hit the bottle :cheers: (sing with me here folks) "cause it's a ... family tradition" :dance:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by tys_mommy
we do a 12 days of Christmas like thing

This makes me nuts, the stores all talk about the 12 days of Christmas althrough December.

The 12 days are supposed to START with Dec 25th. and run until Jan 6th. It comes from all the people coming to see Christ in the manger AFTER he was born and ends with the Wise men showing up on Epiphany.

Just another way commercialism has warped the meaning of the holiday.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by cmcdanal
This makes me nuts, the stores all talk about the 12 days of Christmas althrough December.

Well, this year there are 20 days of Christmas b/c we had 20 gifts wrapped under the tree from Mommy & Daddy so he's been opening one a night since Friday.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by tys_mommy
Well, this year there are 20 days of Christmas b/c we had 20 gifts wrapped under the tree from Mommy & Daddy so he's been opening one a night since Friday.

I hope you don't end up having any more kids because that's a heck of a lot to live up to and once you start it, it's kinda hard to stop.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by cmcdanal
I hope you don't end up having any more kids because that's a heck of a lot to live up to and once you start it, it's kinda hard to stop.
:yeahthat: Thats a lot of presents!