ChuckT--Man up or Shut up


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Whew! All this conflict makes me feel better every passing day about being a Druid. Get together..relax around a big fire..tell stories about the Otherworld...drink mead... Heck, if I didn't know better, it sounds like a typical outing to hunt deer too. ;-)

All you upstarts (us Druids go back at least 4500 years) should take a page.


Bead mumbler
But none of those areas concern salvation or eternity, which is the flash point between the rcc and Protestantism.

Really? So you want us to believe that a Calvinist's take on salvation is swallowed by all Protestants? And really, enough with Maranatha--we get it--you learned a new phrase in Bible study


Well-Known Member
They thought they had it right, until that good old Catholic Luther saw the light, the truth, and exposed it to the world. But we've been over that many times. I do believe most Protestants see the scripture more clearly, and in the context of scripture only, not man-made doctrine. Read it for yourself - no one needs to be told anything about the Bible, but you need to check it out for yourself. As far as being "told things" how about starting with a few tidbits of good old catholic teachings like the, say, little number of 2,865 catechisms? No one is told to read those, are they? It's all voluntary? And completely aside from the scriptures, right? That's a shelf of commentary itself on the discrepancies between those and the Bible.

The Bible is the measuring stick, and like I said, any honest self examination will find us all to fall short. The answer lies in His Word only. If you want to call that measuring others, which I'm not, go ahead.


Like I said, the teen thinking he knows more than the parent.....

The problem with sola scripture is that the bible was never the whole story. For hundreds of years after Christ allegedly lived there was no written bible. Then a bunch of men got together and decided what stories to include and which to leave out. Then there were the numerous translations and revisions. There is a lot more to the story than the KJV.

Do you know who has the most extensive collection of biblical and related documents?

BTW, it ain't 'his word' its the word of a bunch of men :shrug:


Soul Probe
I have no dilemma. If you say I have taken things out of context, so be it. In this instance on this thread, just admit my first sentence was negated by the following sentence, as it was fully intended to be, and should have been seen that way.

Try to clear your mind of all your catholic teachings and indoctrination. Sit down and read the NT by itself, those words only. I, and every other born again believer, have done that and reached the same conclusion without other doctrine that is NOT in the bible. Yes, there are vastly more knowledgeable biblical scholars to help one along, but it is biblical. The Gospels are not difficult to understand - everything that God wants us to know is easily discernible concerning the eternal matters, which is the thrust of the entire Bible.

There are areas that we will not understand until God reveals it to us, and there are areas that there can be dispute with different answers possible, and different viewpoints can be seen in context of biblical teaching. But none of those areas concern salvation or eternity, which is the flash point between the rcc and Protestantism. I see things biblically, which is God's intent, through the prism of the Bible only, as the Word was intended and proclaimed by the apostles. You see it through the eyes of rcc teachings that blur, or completely dismiss or ignore much of the NT teachings.


Oh honey... :huggy:

1) I wasn't referring to your statement that you hate Catholics. I didn't feel the need to even comment on that. :lol:
2) You forgot that I'm a Catholic convert who was raised Protestant. After my "born again" experience as you would call it, I read my Protestant bible for myself without any commentary or sermon of any sort and determined that the early church was indeed the Catholic Church and the fullness of Truth was to be found there. My very existence proves you wrong.
3)The bible doesn't say that the bible was God's intent, the Word of God existed before the book and the book itself says it doesnt include everything, so I'm not sure where that leaves you. Its the Catholic magisteriun that are the apostles as handed down from the first 12 (an undeniable historical fact) and is the very reason you have a bible to begin with. How extraordinarily ironic that you would say you follow the Word of God as proclaimed by the apostles while at the same time rejecting them.
4) Your opinion of what the NT teachings actually are would hold weight of you actually had some authority, but you don't have that authority, nor, ironically, does the bible give It to you.



Like I said, the teen thinking he knows more than the parent.....

The problem with sola scripture is that the bible was never the whole story. For hundreds of years after Christ allegedly lived there was no written bible. Then a bunch of men got together and decided what stories to include and which to leave out. Then there were the numerous translations and revisions. There is a lot more to the story than the KJV.

Do you know who has the most extensive collection of biblical and related documents?

BTW, it ain't 'his word' its the word of a bunch of men :shrug:

You really don't know what you are talking about.
Whew! All this conflict makes me feel better every passing day about being a Druid. Get together..relax around a big fire..tell stories about the Otherworld...drink mead... Heck, if I didn't know better, it sounds like a typical outing to hunt deer too. ;-)

All you upstarts (us Druids go back at least 4500 years) should take a page.

Right there with ya, just not a Druid.... :biggrin:

This is exactly why I am a agnostic. I've never seen so many religious people with such nasty words and attitudes. Completely contrary to teachings of turning the other cheek. And it's not just here on this forum. I saw the same attitudes in my own church and in "religious" people around me before getting fed up with it all. It's so easy for me to now see why religious wars happen.


Thought pirate
I'm still waiting for chuckie tee to tell us at least what type of church, or the name of it. Or what denomination it is. Or something.



so you are taking the word of some guy on the internet over the word of the custodians of christiantiy's history and documentation? thats rich.

When you actually and honestly read the link and then try to answer it, then you will know if you are rich or poor.

When you can actually read it and disprove it enough to move others to defend against it then you might be a weekend warrior because then you wouldn't have any time left to have a life. Until then, talk is cheap.


I'm still waiting for chuckie tee to tell us at least what type of church, or the name of it. Or what denomination it is. Or something.

You should really be caring about the others not answering questions or arguments posed to them because that means they are holding to what their church says instead of evidence.

God judges by his plumb line which is His word and not by what type of Church I go to which is really irrelevant because I've been in a lot of them learning everything I can.

You should really be judging whether they are going by their church which is their authority or faith:

Romans 10:17

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The fact is they only appeal to the Bible with interpretations instead of it spelling out what they believe and the rest of the time they ignore the Bible and favor the authority of their church so therefore they can't please God:

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
which is really irrelevant because I've been in a lot of them learning everything I can.

ahh...that explains why you recently applied to become a Druid. The membership committee is still reviewing your application. Might take a while....


Well-Known Member
Really? So you want us to believe that a Calvinist's take on salvation is swallowed by all Protestants? And really, enough with Maranatha--we get it--you learned a new phrase in Bible study

Get over it, onel - Maranatha has been used by me for decades on occasion. Look around at the state of the world today, and you ought to be thinking about it yourself. Look forward to it.

I'm not a Calvinist, or a Lutheran, or Baptist - just a NT Christian. One is saved by grace, and grace only. You know the verse, you just don't pay it any heed because if Catholics went by what the bible preaches, there wouldn't be much of a Catholic church. Just lots more saved people if they believed. So I urge you to read the instruction manual for yourself - and leave all Catholicism out of it. You wouldn't be the first one to do.