Cigarette addiction...

Addicted or not?

  • Yes, addicted smoke junky, am powerless to stop!

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Rather addictive; those who honestly want to stop have a tough time

    Votes: 28 57.1%
  • Calling it an addiction helps me get attention

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • We say it's addictive because people say it is, true or not

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm addicted to smoking like I'm addicted to Ben and Jerry's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's just a habit which can be tough to break

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • It is not an addiction, I just don't wanna quit

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • It is not an addiction

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How long...

I was a pack and a half smoker. I quit 17 years ago and don't miss it a bit. I can't imagine starting that nasty habit back up. The first couple of times I tried to quit, it just didn't work. I started back up. One day I woke up and just decided to quit cold turkey. Never smoked again.

...were you in rehab? Do you keep up with your meetings? Avoid smokers? Sponsoring anyone to help them stay clean?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Patron realize that there are more ex smokers in the US walking around today than there are smokers, right? No one had to change lifestyles or change friends or start their lives all over again after hitting rock bottom. They just changed their habits.

Okay, so where are you going with this? Is it your opinion that nicotine is addictive, or is it just a habit? Because you're all over the place.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You wanna...

Okay, so where are you going with this? Is it your opinion that nicotine is addictive, or is it just a habit? Because you're all over the place.

...point out where I've taken the 'addiction' side? Sometimes I don't do so good with communicating. Should be easy enough for you to show me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What you quoted...

Okay, so where are you going with this? Is it your opinion that nicotine is addictive, or is it just a habit? Because you're all over the place.

you realize that there are more ex smokers in the US walking around today than there are smokers, right? No one had to change lifestyles or change friends or start their lives all over again after hitting rock bottom. They just changed their habits.

You read that as support for cigarettes as addictive?


New Member
I'm trying to quit, but all this talk about smoking is making me want to go outside and light one up!

I really don't know if it's more of a habit for me or an addiction. I really don't think I'm physically addicted (I only smoked 2-5 a day) Maybe mentally addicted, or it could be just a bad habit. I quit, no problem, when I was pregnant, then my dumb a$$ started back up after I became very stressed when my baby was about 6 weeks old.

Someone once told me that it is a mental addiction if it relates to certain things, like driving, eating, drinking coffee, drinking alcohol, hanging out with friends, or if your bored. That describes all times I crave a cigarrette, in addition to stress.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm invested in my position because of personal experience. Others can disagree all they want, but if I've seen something first-hand, it's going to be hard for them to change my mind.

...we're talking about cigarettes and quitting, right? Don't we all have first hand experience with smoking, smokers and quitting? It's become in vogue to call everything an addiction the last 10-20 years including smoking and, given things like alcohol and heroin, calling cigarettes an addiction seems pretty silly, doesn't it?

You weren't there when that dumb cop flipped out over the kid 'resisting arrest' thread were you? That took quite some doing and I'm still not sure you don't just 'know' that kid was in the wrong. Right?

We could go on for some time about things you have no personal knowledge about that you were pretty invested in. How about OJ?



Hmm I'll smoke a pack in 3 - 10 days, then a couple packs over a month or so and not buy any for 2 months, then get another pack and start all over ...........

Mental Addiction perhaps ..............

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good example...

Sorry, but the vast majority of the smokers I know are in fine health. Non-smokers are always the ones that can't breathe, which is why smoking bans are implemented.

...of you being invested in something that's not true. Smoking is bad for people. It just is. Everyone you know who smokes has lower blood oxygen levels than they would naturally. Everyone you know who smokes is suffering the negative affects of this including skin again, decreased lung capacity, stress on their heart and so on, every organ in their body.

That's not to say smokers are the walking dead. It's just that smoking isn't good for the body. It is simple and obvious looking at two 70 year olds, one who has smoked their whole life, one who has not.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As I sit here cross-legged, tapping my toes, it occurs to me that I'm almost incapable of sitting up straight with my legs crossed or flat on the floor like a normal person, and not fidgeting.

When I'm somewhere that I have to behave and sit nicely, I get the same level of anxiety that I do when I've been out of cigarettes for any length of time. Mild, but it's still there.

I think I'm addicted to sitting cross-legged. :jameo:


I bowl overhand
Sorry, but the vast majority of the smokers I know are in fine health. Non-smokers are always the ones that can't breathe, which is why smoking bans are implemented.

How many of these smokers do you think can get out of their recliners and run a mile or two.. without breaking down in a wheezing fit? not having medical problems and being healthy are two different things..

There are many 500 pounders out there that don't have medical problems .. today... but they won't make the cover of Fitness magazine.. or Healthy Lifestyle..

Larry Gude

Strung Out

As I sit here cross-legged, tapping my toes, it occurs to me that I'm almost incapable of sitting up straight with my legs crossed or flat on the floor like a normal person, and not fidgeting.

When I'm somewhere that I have to behave and sit nicely, I get the same level of anxiety that I do when I've been out of cigarettes for any length of time. Mild, but it's still there.

I think I'm addicted to sitting cross-legged. :jameo:

...that is a great example of what I am talking about. Sime would argue you have an addiction. I would argue you have strong habits. Lip shmacky being another.