Well-Known Member
As I sit here cross-legged, tapping my toes, it occurs to me that I'm almost incapable of sitting up straight with my legs crossed or flat on the floor like a normal person, and not fidgeting.
When I'm somewhere that I have to behave and sit nicely, I get the same level of anxiety that I do when I've been out of cigarettes for any length of time. Mild, but it's still there.
I think I'm addicted to sitting cross-legged.![]()
i'm going to assume that you slouch a bit too? I found out that things like this, slouching for example, crossing your legs so one is closer to the heart than it would normally be (even if not by much) are ways the body compensates (naturally, oftentimes without you noticing) for its negativities. For instance, I have a couple low blood pressure "disorders" that my body would naturally compensate for, but eventually the symptoms got to be too much and I actually had to get medicated for half a year or so. I eventually either grew out of it or told myself that it wasn't worth it to be taking medicine for something that wasn't going to kill me, and I no longer have any real symptoms of my disorders.
just sayin, there is probably a reason you sit like that.