Clarke's Landing: Saturday, Sept 24th

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
fttrsbeerwench said:
AND! He's a county boy...People say he's crazy but I understand him...He is a tree climbing farm boy who takes me out in the woods and shows me plants and bugs... I love it!

Sadly though, we are just friends.. He has a girlfriend..... She doesn't like to go out in the woods or fish and hunt like I do. So he and I take hang out drinking Jager and talking about how we both want to live in Montana, away from the world someday.
There is so much "tension" between us that people say, "Why don't you two just go **** each others brains out.. But he's not like that and I like her.. We all went out drinking a few weeks ago.. I feel that she suspects that we are more than friends.. But we aren't.... I wouldn't want it that way....
It's ok with me that he has a girlfriend.. Sex ruins the best friendships and as long as things remain this way . I get the best of him without having to deal with his sh*t.
He says the flowers are just to make me smile.. He can't believe I am single and says that men throw themselves at me at the bar because I have a sexy mouth and a slight lisp...He told me that I looked good enough to eat and that me ass is phat and I'm sexy when I'm walking through the woods with beer in both hands, girlie shoes and a gun slung over my shoulder...:lmao: He swears that one day my prince will come, driving a big truck(like his), waving a fox tail and a copy of "Leaves of Grass".

Could you just do it an leave the rest of us out of it?
mainman said:
Why don't you take a moment and read the thread, lazy ass...:razz:
Why yes...yes I am lazy. How do you think I keep my girlish figure?

Actually...why don't you read it for me sugar. Lemme know...kk :smoochy:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
StarCat said:
K Jo, I'm broken hearted, i saw you say you would be there and got sooo excited. :bawl: Tease
I'm trying to switch shifts with the other drive-thru crew chief so I can make it. Cross your fingers!!