Well...since I am up this late, might as well respond to your post. Do you think that all homeless people had a choice in their dilemma? How is that ivory tower that you live in, your gym, or your so called perfect life? Nice and cushy? Good for you. Some people are just lucky.
You are jealous of my life, that much is certain. Or you wouldn't refer to it all the time when you go on your drunken benders.
Oh yeah, and what about the veterans that America forgot; or the ones that were killed for that matter. I am, actually, surprised at your reply. Sort of, but not really. I always thought you were an advocate for the mentally impaired, since you love to talk about your son who is, and how much you understand that situation. Bless his heart. You have contradicted yourself, and there is no going back. Is it Thing1 or Thing2 that has a developmental problem? I have always been confused by that.
Many people confuse mental illness (psychiatric disorders) with developmental disorders. They are not the same thing. (You should be familiar with that) So, you can try to pretzel-twist your demonic rantings into whatever argument you like, makes no difference to me.
Oh, and by the way, at least MY son, with a developmental disability isn't a drug addict, no account loser.
One more 'thing'. You said you call your children things for anonymity sake. I have always thought that was unmotherly of you. You could have called them: son 1, son 2, child 1, child 2, baby 1, baby 2, angel 1, angel 2, offspring 1, offspring 2, none of your biz 1, none of your biz 2, or blessing 1, blessing 2, or miracle 1, miracle 2. No, you chose to call them Things. That is what set us against each other 4 years ago. Nothing has changed. You think, no matter what you say on this forum, that your poop don't stink. Do you not understand that people see through all that? Just wondering.
At least I can talk about my kids with pride.
I forget nothing. My mind is a trap. If I could change that, I would. There are many memories I would surely like to forget.
and, yet, you keep creating them here.
One more thing. You couldn't be more of a hypocrite even if you tried harder.