Climate Hypocrisy


PREMO Member

Woke Parent Triggered After Teen Climate Change Activist Embarrassed During Live Interview

Climate change cultists and their supporters are some of the most hypocritical people you will ever come across, not to mention rank at about 20 on a scale of one to ten when it comes to sanctimonious righteousness.

But every once in a while, some of them end up getting their just deserts, and that is exactly what some are saying happened to Wellington, Australia teen climate change activist Izzy Cook, who went on a New Zealand radio program Friday to talk about her and her fellow students’ participation in the annual School Strike for Climate worldwide “protest” that took place last week.

Not surprisingly, leftist Karens who hate it when their side is held to their own standards have started doing their thing:

Cook’s mother Rose Cook was so outraged by the so-called “bullying” treatment she says her daughter received on the program that she took to the Internet to condemn what happened, and in the process inadvertently informed the world that she was the, ahem, guiding force behind her daughter’s school-skipping activism (language warning):

On Friday evening, I listened in horror as my 16 year old daughter had a phone conversation with someone who appeared to be bullying her, laughing at her, and talking over her. As soon as she got off the call I demanded to know who the hell was speaking to my child in this way.
Commentators like du Plessis-Allan don’t give a crap about climate change. They don’t care that Arctic ice is melting at four times the expected rate, or that we are seeing more and more extreme weather events killing and displacing people across the globe. No, as du Plessis-Allan is fond of reminding us, it’s the economy that matters, not our planet. These sorts of commentators use ad hominem arguments and “gotcha” moments for point-scoring and discrediting their opponents. We saw it when Mike Hosking opined that Greta Thunberg is “the world’s most annoying kid” and when Duncan Garner said she was “too dramatic” to take seriously. It’s a common tactic used to deflect from the climate crisis, instead of focusing on the actions that we need to take in a rational, reflective manner. They seem particularly keen to go after our youth, whose future is most at stake.

“They seem particularly keen to go after our youth, whose future is most at stake.” This line in particular stuck out at me as the particularly telling part of Rose Cook’s diatribe. Like others on the far left, she expects teenage activists including her daughter to be able to go out and “be independent” and express their opinions, and in some cases be turned into international icons as Thunberg has, but don’t you dare question them because if you do then you’re a bully or something for “picking on a child” or whatever.

We saw this same warped mentality after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting tragedy in 2018. Some of the teens from the school immediately went the activist route with the help of anti-gun organizations that were on standby, and yet when those same students were questioned on their statements, pro-Second Amendment conservatives were blasted as insensitive, hateful bullies who didn’t care how many children were murdered as long as they could keep their guns. An entire segment on CNN, which aired one week after the mass shooting, was devoted to perpetuating that very stereotype.
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Never Let A Devastating Natural Disaster Go To Waste

“Hurricane Ian gets nasty quickly, turbocharged by warm water,” explains the Associated Press, which has been true since the first hurricane formed. More “climate havoc,” says The New York Times, as Ian threatens to hit the same exact places that storms have always hit. Today’s media simply can’t report on any flood or tornado or hurricane or brain-eating amoeba without making it about their favorite policy hobby horse. It just feels like things are worse, you know?

“What effect does climate change have on this phenomenon?” CNN’s Don Lemon asks Jamie Rhome, the acting director of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center about Hurricane Ian. “Because it seems these storms are intensifying.”

“I don’t think you can link climate change to any one event. On the whole, on the cumulative, climate change may be making storms worse. But to link it to any one event, I would caution against it,” answers Rhome.

“Ok, listen, I grew up there. And these storms are intensifying,” responds Lemon.

He grew up there.

Joy Behar, cohost of “The View,” noted Wednesday that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he is “not in the pews of the church of the Global Warming Leftists.” “This is what he thinks about climate change. And now, his state is getting hit with one of the worst hurricanes that we will ever see!” This a quite common attack, but it’s a non sequitur. Even if we accepted every alarmist forecast about anthropogenic global warming, and embraced the Democrats’ net-zero plan and banned gas-powered engines and fossil fuels by 2050 or 2030 or even 2024, the temperature wouldn’t be any different today. Forget India and China, not a single major economy that signed onto the Paris Accord has met its goals.

Of course, the underlying claim is also untrue. Since Behar’s birth in 1942, Florida has seen 48 hurricanes make landfall. Three of them have been Category 5 (so worse), nine of them have been Category 4 (including Ian), and 11 of them Category 3. Granted, Behar was not around for 1900’s Great Galveston hurricane, which hit eight years before Model Ts began emitting carbon into the air; it likely killed somewhere around 10,000 people in Texas. The 1926 Great Miami hurricane killed 372, causing an estimated, inflation-adjusted $164 billion in damage. Only around 150,000 people lived in all of Dade County back in those days. The Great Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 was tied with 2019’s Hurricane Dorian for strongest maximum sustained landfall winds (185 mph). Those were pretty bad storms, as were many others.


Power with Control
but don’t you dare question them because if you do then you’re a bully or something for “picking on a child” or whatever.

This is a feature, not a bug.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They use these kids as human shields specifically so they can be all outraged when anyone disputes them. "HOW can you speak that way TO A CHILD?????"

We will note they didn't feel that way when they were going after Nicholas Sandmann like a pack of rabid wolverines.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Of course, the underlying claim is also untrue. Since Behar’s birth in 1942, Florida has seen 48 hurricanes make landfall. Three of them have been Category 5 (so worse), nine of them have been Category 4 (including Ian), and 11 of them Category 3. Granted, Behar was not around for 1900’s Great Galveston hurricane, which hit eight years before Model Ts began emitting carbon into the air; it likely killed somewhere around 10,000 people in Texas. The 1926 Great Miami hurricane killed 372, causing an estimated, inflation-adjusted $164 billion in damage. Only around 150,000 people lived in all of Dade County back in those days. The Great Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 was tied with 2019’s Hurricane Dorian for strongest maximum sustained landfall winds (185 mph). Those were pretty bad storms, as were many others.

All the Climate Hysterics have 10 Second Toms memory.


Well-Known Member
They use these kids as human shields specifically so they can be all outraged when anyone disputes them. "HOW can you speak that way TO A CHILD?????"

We will note they didn't feel that way when they were going after Nicholas Sandmann like a pack of rabid wolverines.

What bewilders me is they can't see that it's hypocrisy. How many times have you seen "rules for thee but not for me".

You have to wear a mask - but not me. YOU have to social distance - but hey, the music moved me.
You have to use less electricity and you have to get rid of your gas guzzler - while I have several houses 3 times the size of yours that all use more electricity than you use in a year, and I will fly around in my private jet to tell you about it.

You don't need that gun - but well, my armed bodyguards, do. I welcome immigrants, but not to my home.

Walls don't work - but I have a huge wall around my house.

That's just off the top of my head - and they DO NOT see the problem.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What bewilders me is they can't see that it's hypocrisy. How many times have you seen "rules for thee but not for me".

You have to wear a mask - but not me. YOU have to social distance - but hey, the music moved me.
You have to use less electricity and you have to get rid of your gas guzzler - while I have several houses 3 times the size of yours that all use more electricity than you use in a year, and I will fly around in my private jet to tell you about it.

You don't need that gun - but well, my armed bodyguards, do. I welcome immigrants, but not to my home.

Walls don't work - but I have a huge wall around my house.

That's just off the top of my head - and they DO NOT see the problem.
They've been told they were "Special" their entire lives.

Naturally they feel they are above all others.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone who watches the View and takes anything these biased morons have to say as truth is bordering on being an imbecile. If you watch the show to laugh at their ignorance and silly rhetoric you too are silly.

The View is unfit for any intelligent person to View.


PREMO Member

PBS Suggests DeSantis, Republicans To Blame For Hurricanes

After discussing more immediate concerns, Stokes turned to the bigger picture, “So, this is why we can't stop ignoring the climate crisis. And unfortunately, the governor of Florida, DeSantis, he is not really willing to talk about climate change. In fact, earlier this summer he said that the state could not be investing pension funds, public dollars, in a way that is aligned with climate change. This is terrible. He is acting in ways that are undermining the safety and well-being of his own constituents in Florida.”

Instead of correcting the record about DeSantis’s ESG order or noting that despite Ian, 2022 has been a below average year for hurricanes, Amanpour expanded the conversation even further:

Leah, how far out of step is he or not with the majority of American opinion? I ask you this because as you know, in President Trump's administration, they rolled back some 100 environmental rules and regulations. And the Supreme Court, as you know, just curbed the EPA's ability to fight climate change. And you just mentioned DeSantis and his views. Have Americans changed their views? Are the deniers less, you know, powerful than they used to be when this was, you know, a matter of debate?

Stokes agreed that they are, but still blamed “fossil fuel companies and electric utilities” that she claimed “spent decades sowing misinformation. They got their talking points into presidents’ speeches. They got them into high school textbooks. So, it's no wonder that for a long time, Americans were confused about the climate crisis. That was an intentional thing by fossil fuel companies so that they can continue to extract pollution and really endanger all of us.”


Well-Known Member
Yup Florida never had a Hurricane before DeSantis was elected.
Everybody knows that.

People can stop the climate from changing if they just stop breeding, and driving to work in gasoline powered vehicles.


Well-Known Member
What bewilders me is they can't see that it's hypocrisy. How many times have you seen "rules for thee but not for me".

You have to wear a mask - but not me. YOU have to social distance - but hey, the music moved me.
You have to use less electricity and you have to get rid of your gas guzzler - while I have several houses 3 times the size of yours that all use more electricity than you use in a year, and I will fly around in my private jet to tell you about it.

You don't need that gun - but well, my armed bodyguards, do. I welcome immigrants, but not to my home.

Walls don't work - but I have a huge wall around my house.

That's just off the top of my head - and they DO NOT see the problem.
They also want communism where everyone is equal, except them, of course.


PREMO Member

Bill Gates Takes Surprising Shot At Left-Wing Climate Alarmists: ‘Just Completely Not Solvable’

“I don’t think it’s realistic to say that people are utterly going to change their lifestyle because of concerns about climate,” Gates said. “You can have a cultural revolution where you’re trying to throw everything up, you can create a North Korean-type situation where the state’s in control. Other than immense central authority to have people just obey, I think the collective action problem is just completely not solvable.”

“Anyone who says that we will tell people to stop eating meat, or stop wanting to have a nice house, and we’ll just basically change human desires, I think that that’s too difficult,” Gates said. “You can make a case for it. But I don’t think it’s realistic for that to play an absolutely central role.”

“But just having a few rich countries, a few rich companies and a few rich individuals buy their way out so they can say they’re not part of the problem, that has nothing to do with solving the problem,” Gates added. “Those [remaining] two-thirds of emissions are pretty basic in terms of the calories and shelter and transport and goods being used. So, the excesses of the rich countries … even curbing those completely out of existence is not a solution to this problem.”

Saying the quiet part out loud ... this is why Progressives DEMAND The POWER to FORCE Citizens to Make changes Global Climate Warming Change Proponents Deem Required to save the planet


PREMO Member

25 myths about extreme weather, refuted

With Hurricane Ian, the media have once again put forward the narrative that fossil fuels make extreme weather danger worse—and that fossil fuel supporters like Governor Ron Desantis are to blame.

Nothing could be further from the truth.


  • Myth 2: The media and its designated experts are accurately reporting on fossil fuels and extreme weather.

    Truth: The media and its “experts” are:
    1. totally ignoring how fossil fuels make us safer than ever from extreme weather
    2. wildly overstating fossil fuels' negative impact on weather.
  • Myth 3: The effect of fossil fuels on extreme weather danger is solely negative.

    Truth: Not only can warming from fossil fuels have significant benefits (fewer cold deaths) but the low-cost energy fossil fuels provide for billions gives us an unprecedented ability to master extreme weather.
  • Fossil fuels have made us far safer from extreme weather by providing low-cost energy for the amazing machines that protect us against storms, protect us against extreme temperatures, and alleviate drought. Deaths from extreme weather have decreased 98% over the last century!2



Well-Known Member

25 myths about extreme weather, refuted

With Hurricane Ian, the media have once again put forward the narrative that fossil fuels make extreme weather danger worse—and that fossil fuel supporters like Governor Ron Desantis are to blame.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

View attachment 166554

  • Myth 2: The media and its designated experts are accurately reporting on fossil fuels and extreme weather.

    Truth: The media and its “experts” are:
    1. totally ignoring how fossil fuels make us safer than ever from extreme weather
    2. wildly overstating fossil fuels' negative impact on weather.
  • Myth 3: The effect of fossil fuels on extreme weather danger is solely negative.

    Truth: Not only can warming from fossil fuels have significant benefits (fewer cold deaths) but the low-cost energy fossil fuels provide for billions gives us an unprecedented ability to master extreme weather.
  • Fossil fuels have made us far safer from extreme weather by providing low-cost energy for the amazing machines that protect us against storms, protect us against extreme temperatures, and alleviate drought. Deaths from extreme weather have decreased 98% over the last century!2,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

View attachment 166555

This has been a pretty mild storm season so far. Not even halfway through the alphabet. They better start naming more wind.