Climate Hypocrisy


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Never mind shortages of natural gas here and abroad: we may be running short of diesel fuel before long. Energy analyst John Kemp reported the troubling picture last week:

Global shortages of middle distillates such as diesel, gas oil and heating oil are intensifying rather than easing – making it more likely a relatively severe slowdown in the business cycle will be necessary to rebalance the market. U.S. inventories of distillate fuel oil depleted to 106 million barrels on Oct. 7, the lowest seasonal level since the government began collecting weekly data in 1982.

Given how much of our goods transportation (think trains and trucks) use diesel, this is going to be another upward force on inflation.
Here’s what the chart looks like:

Bonus chart to start the week—a startling graph that underlines the reckless irresponsibility of Joe Biden:



PREMO Member


Years of terrible energy policy are coming home to roost, as New England is threatened with blackouts this winter:

New England power producers are preparing for potential strain on the grid this winter as a surge in natural-gas demand abroad threatens to reduce supplies they need to generate electricity.
The region’s power-grid operator, ISO New England Inc., has warned that an extremely cold winter could strain the reliability of the grid and potentially result in the need for rolling blackouts to keep electricity supply and demand in balance. The warning comes as executives and analysts predict power producers could have to pay as much as several times more than last year for gas deliveries if severe weather creates urgent need for spot-market purchases.

But wait! Why does New England have “limited pipeline capacity”? Because anti-American “environmentalists” in New York have blocked construction of pipelines that would bring domestic natural gas to the region:

The main problem is that New England can’t get enough natural gas from the rest of the country. …[R]esistance to natural gas infrastructure, specifically pipelines in New York, has left New England relying on oil for electricity and heat when the gas can’t flow fast enough.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2016 used administrative maneuvering to block the proposed Constitution Pipeline, which would have brought gas from Pennsylvania into existing pipelines that supply New England. Several other gas projects were subsequently nixed or withdrawn because of obstacles created by New York state agencies.

Fuk'em .... you deserve the Gov you vote for ... ofc getting torpedo'd by NY Environmentalists is not their fault, but these leftists all run on the same playbook


Well-Known Member
No excuse for Fossil Fuel shortages.
Democrats created the whole problem when they elected a demented moron to the Presidency. If we ever expect to live in a decent United Sates again, we have to destroy the Democrat party,.


PREMO Member

Get Woke, Go Broke: BlackRock Stock Downgraded Over Risk From ESG Investing

As several conservative state officials continue to pull hundreds of millions from BlackRock and other asset managers, Hawken slashed the target stock price from $700 to $585, according to a report from Barron’s. Shares for BlackRock fell 1% last Tuesday on the news.

“We are downgrading BLK to Neutral based on environmental pressure to earnings and risk from the firm’s ESG positioning,” Hawken remarked, citing the potential for further lost business and increased regulatory scrutiny.

Most recently, South Carolina State Treasurer Curtis Lofits said that he would pull the state’s remaining $200 million in BlackRock because of the company’s “leftist worldview,” through which executives “undermine” their fiduciary responsibilities. BlackRock, which manages $8.5 trillion in client assets, has taken “voting action on climate issues” against dozens of its portfolio companies, according to an investment stewardship report.

Louisiana also announced intentions earlier this month to divest from BlackRock until a total of $794 million is removed from the company. Weeks earlier, the state of Texas revealed that BlackRock and nine other firms had violated state law by “refusing to deal with” or “terminating business activities with” companies involved in the production and use of fossil fuels “without an ordinary business purpose.”


PREMO Member

BlackRock Gets Downgraded for the Increasing Political Risk of ESG Investing

Following Hild’s warning, news broke that Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick announced that the Missouri State Employees Retirement System (MOSERS) pulled $500 million in pension funds managed by BlackRock. Fitzpatrick cited his belief that BlackRock was ignoring its fiduciary responsibility in favor of forcing a political and social agenda.

“This is the right thing to do for Missouri state employees who rely on the assets managed by MOSERS for their retirement. Fiduciary duty must remain the top priority for investment managers—a duty some of them have abdicated in favor of forcing a left-wing social and political agenda that has failed to succeed legislatively, on publicly traded companies,” Fitzpatrick said.

He added, “MOSERS has an obligation to manage its assets in a way that prioritizes providing maximum possible returns for retirees and taxpayers. We should not allow asset managers such as BlackRock, who have demonstrated that they will prioritize advancing a woke political agenda above the financial interests of their customers, to continue speaking on behalf of the state of Missouri.”

“Missouri State Treasurer Fitzpatrick is taking decisive action to protect the people of Missouri by divesting pension funds from BlackRock, who has weaponized ESG by pushing radical climate and social policies under the guise of an investment strategy,” said Derek Kreifels, CEO of the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF).

Kreifels went on to explain how ESG investing hurts Americans. “BlackRock’s reckless agenda is robbing Americans of their retirement dollars and driving up costs from the gas pump to the grocery store. Treasurer Fitzpatrick’s commitment to his fiduciary duty and protecting Missourians’ hard-earned money follows similar actions to protect individual’s investments by several states including Utah, West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, and most recently South Carolina.”


PREMO Member

New Zealand Farmers Protest Proposed Farm Animal Emissions Tax

“The government’s ideological commitment to punitive and counterproductive emissions taxes on food production is an existential threat to rural communities,” McKenzie said, adding that the move would be counterproductive. He said whatever reductions that occur “will be replaced by less efficient foreign farmers.”

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor acted as if the tax would essentially be a good thing for farmers, but the people who would potentially be impacted don’t appear to feel the same way.

“New Zealand’s farmers are set to be the first in the world to reduce agricultural emissions, positioning our biggest export market for the competitive advantage that brings in a world increasingly discerning about the provenance of their food,” Ardern said, noting that the fees garnered from the tax would go back into the farming industry.

“Farmers are already experiencing the impact of climate change with more regular drought and flooding,” O’Connor said. “Taking the lead on agricultural emissions is both good for the environment and our economy.”


PREMO Member

Hilarious: This May Just Be the Best Response to Climate Change Radicals

But the folks at Volkswagen may just have had the best response ever to this kind of idiocy.

Sixteen members of “Scientist Rebellion” (which looks like an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion) went to the Porsche pavilion at Volkswagen’s Autostadt in Germany. Nine of them glued themselves to the floor, they also had six other people, and one of the glued “scientists” claimed that some were “on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonize the German transport sector are met.”

Hope they ate well because that’s not happening anytime soon. He’s a “researcher in social psychology” but he’s a “scientist” wearing a lab coat?

But hold on, here comes the best part. Rather than calling the police, getting them loose, and having them arrested, the Volkswagen people left them there and closed, turning everything off, with them glued to the floor, without food, heat, and as, they complained, any way to go to the bathroom.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Group Leo DiCaprio funneled grants through to fund climate lawsuits moved to largest US dark money network

The Collective Action Fund for Accountability is fiscally sponsored by the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit incubator managed by Arabella Advisors

A shadowy group that Leonardo DiCaprio and several major progressive nonprofits have funneled cash to, and which has financed climate lawsuits, quietly moved to America's largest liberal dark money network, grants show.

The Hollywood actor pushed cash to the Collective Action Fund for Accountability, Resilience and Adaptation, a fund that at the time of DiCaprio's 2017 donation was managed by the Resources Legacy Fund (RLF), Fox News Digital previously reported. The Collective Action Fund, in turn, sent money to the law firm behind various climate-nuisance lawsuits across the country.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Mark Zuckerberg's private jet burned $158,000 worth of fuel in two months despite frequent climate activism

In two months, the carbon footprint of Zuckerberg's jet was 15 times larger than the average American's annual carbon footprint



PREMO Member
In two months, the carbon footprint of Zuckerberg's jet was 15 times larger than the average American's annual carbon footprint

1Al Gasbag Bore ... in the 1990's when he was lecturing the world his house in Tenn consumed more electricity then 10 of his neighbors combined


PREMO Member

When the Huffington Post Mused About Nuclear War as a 'Global Warming' Cure

“If you want to make an omelet, you gotta break a few eggs.”

Such is the corporate left ethos.

Via the Huffington Post, back in 2011 (with emphasis added):

Scientists from NASA and a number of other institutions have recently been modeling the effects of a war involving a hundred Hiroshima-level bombs, or 0.03 percent of the world’s current nuclear arsenal, according to National Geographic. The research suggests five million metric tons of black carbon would be swept up into the lowest portion of the atmosphere. The result, according to NASA climate models, could actually be global cooling.


Countering this absurd mess shouldn’t be necessary and is probably a futile attempt to deconvert the Neoliberal Church© faithful, who form their political convictions based on emotion and blind faith in authority rather than logic, but here’s a stab at it.

A nuke would literally kill everything in the blast zone and a bunch more stuff outside of the blast radius due to nuclear winter:

A nuclear attack would kill wildlife and destroy the vegetation over a large area through a combination of blast, heat, and nuclear radiation. Wildfires could well extend the zone of immediate destruction. Surface disruption and the loss of vegetation would lead to greatly accelerated wind and water erosion and “nutrient dumping.”


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^I read about that last night: "We are Climate Warriors!!! When it's not uncomfortable."