Climate Hypocrisy


PREMO Member

79 Arsonists Arrested Amid Deadly Greek Wildfires

As controversy swirls in the United States surrounding the origins of the devastating Maui fires, Greece has its own serious wildfire problem, and 79 arsonists have been arrested in connection with it.

Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias angrily slammed arsonists in a televised briefing this week, saying, “You are committing a crime against the country.” BBC reported Aug. 25 that arsonists have several times tried to start fires on Mount Parnitha near Athens. “Arsonist scum are setting fires that threaten forests, property, and, most of all, human lives,” Kikilias said. He added, “You will not get away with it, we will find you, you will be held accountable.” Wildfires in Greece have tragically killed 20 people this week, BBC noted, as hundreds of fires burn in the country.


PREMO Member


No Tricks Zone publishes a summary of an article by Dr. Klaus-Dieter Döhler, a natural scientist and environmentalist, and Josef Kowatsch, a nature conservationist, that criticizes the global warming industry in Germany. Their criticisms apply equally to that industry in the U.S.
The authors point out that reality has refuted the tricked-up models that are the only basis for global warming hysteria:


They write:

The business model “global warming” is mainly corrupt and is run by paid scientists and organizations and is headed by a super rich group of billionaires. Their aim is not to protect the climate, but to generate funds for themselves and their dubious machinations.
Their goal is to introduce a CO2-emission tax, like the sin-emission model in the Middle Ages, in which all the states, the politicians and corrupt scientific institutions make money. Their approach is fear and panic mongering by claiming that the end of the world is coming and that it is due to man burning fossil fuel.

To be fair, medieval sales of indulgences had a more plausible basis in theology than global warming hype has in science.

This business model also involves the media who employ trained fear reporters who are referred to as “experts”. Their mission is to work for the profitable business model of global warming and climate death. They are experts of fear-mongering and the propagation of the CO2-climate lie.


PREMO Member

Rangers Demolish Loathsome Climate Activists' Roadblock

In today’s episode, smelly hippies from a group called Seven Circles set up a barrier across a main road leading to this year’s Burning Man festival. Seven Circles is “a diverse coalition that uses non-violent direct action to raise class consciousness within the climate movement. It was formed with the objective of uniting labor unions, climate scientists, student bodies, socialist organizations, and the general public in demanding a change to the current economic system—capitalism—to avert the risk of social collapse.” This is according to the group’s press release regarding its illegal and obnoxious action on Sunday. I will not include any of the group’s aims or intentions in this article, as the activists should not be rewarded for their self-centered, lawless actions.

Burning Man was once a counter-cultural art and music festival out in the Nevada desert, where fringy folk would get lit for days before lighting a massive wooden man-effigy on fire. But as with many such gatherings (SXSW comes to mind), Big Left moved in and turned the once-genuinely edgy event into a bougie conference for Marxist activists.

Distraught at the commercialization of the once-hip hippie party, the small group of hippies thought they could make friends and influence people by blocking the larger group of hippies making their way to Burning Man. Because nothing wins people to your cause like forcing them to sit in a hot car in the desert for hours.

The handful of activists dragged a trailer across the highway. Then they set up their obnoxious signs, which read “De-growth Now,” “Abolish Capitalism,” “General Strike for Climate,” and “Burners of the World Unite.” They handed out flyers to the captive audience of people stuck in their cars for a while but when enough angry motorists began trying to remove their roadblock, they chained themselves to it.


PREMO Member

I'm laughing my ass off hearing that woman crying

we are environmental protesters ... please ... we are non violent, we have no weapons please, please,


PREMO Member

Climate Cult Tyrants Are Still Worse Than COVID Tyrants

There is, of course, a lot of overlap between the COVID tyrants and the climate tyrants. The lefties do often like to specialize, however. The climate commies have been grifting in that lane for so long that they don’t really need to pay attention to any opportunities that may come along on the COVID panic front.

John Kerry — America’s Ugliest Trophy Wife — is tasked with demonizing anyone who questions the Climate Cult orthodoxy, and Ben wrote about his latest antics:

The corporate state is intent, apparently, on ramping up its propaganda against so-called “climate deniers,” presumably to set the rhetorical groundwork for more extreme legal and social action against them in the future. So it dispatched something called its “climate envoy,” John Kerry, to Scotland with that aim.

Everything these loons do is, as Ben wrote, setting “rhetorical groundwork” in order to add weight to the already too-heavy hand of the federal government.


If, like me, you’re skeptical whenever the government says that forcing you to do something will save you money in the long run, you have a clean bill of mental health.

I live in a very, very hot part of the country. I’ve been away from home for almost two weeks and my ceiling fans have been running the whole time because I don’t want to return to a thousand-degree sweat box. I didn’t need to turn them off to give them a rest because — other than when I stop them for a few minutes to dust them — my ceiling fans run from May to October. They’re BEASTS. I’m not in the mood to nuke them for Democrat Big Green-approved fans that will save me forty bucks in 10 years.

If the government-approved fans even last that long.

The Climate Cult attempts to rule with a combination of fear-mongering and paternalistic condescension. Both are offensive. All of it is built on lies.


PREMO Member

Washington power company raises rates to cover increased expense due to climate legislation—AG's office instructs them not to tell consumers reason for higher prices

The Center Square reported that the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) approved a request by Puget Sound Energy earlier this month to raise its natural gas rates to cover the costs of Washington’s cap-and-trade program, part of the Climate Commitment Act, which was passed by the Democrat-controlled state legislature and signed into law by Democrat Governor Jay Inslee.

However, the UTC mandated that Puget Sound Energy (PSE), which serves approximately 800,000 customers in six counties, was not permitted to inform customers in their bills as to why there was a rate increase. According to the outlet, the decision was a recommendation from the office of Washington State Attorney General, Democrat Bob Ferguson.

PSE informed the UTC that it required a 3.25 percent increase for all natural gas customers in order to generate the $16.8 million to cover its losses, meaning that a typical household using 64 therms per month would see an increase of $3.71 per month or 3.89 percent. The increase would be done using a State Carbon Reduction Charge.



PREMO Member

Our electricity bill went up by $300 – I installed a $7 Lowe’s buy and it immediately made my home a lot colder

After realizing her electricity bill had gone up by $300, however, she got creative.

“I am going to save us some money by putting these blackout papers in our windows,” she began in the clip.

Revealing that they only cost $7 at Lowe’s, she called the shades “absolutely incredible.”

The home hack pro began to place the shades directly on her window.

“My windows do have a grid on the side, so I just tucked the papers into the side.

“But there is a sticky part on it, so you can stick it to the window if you want," she explained.

Because they were a little too short for her floor-to-ceiling windows, she bought extra packs and cut them up to fill the space.


Well-Known Member

Our electricity bill went up by $300 – I installed a $7 Lowe’s buy and it immediately made my home a lot colder

After realizing her electricity bill had gone up by $300, however, she got creative.

“I am going to save us some money by putting these blackout papers in our windows,” she began in the clip.

Revealing that they only cost $7 at Lowe’s, she called the shades “absolutely incredible.”

The home hack pro began to place the shades directly on her window.

“My windows do have a grid on the side, so I just tucked the papers into the side.

“But there is a sticky part on it, so you can stick it to the window if you want," she explained.

Because they were a little too short for her floor-to-ceiling windows, she bought extra packs and cut them up to fill the space.
Posting advertisements for Lowe's now? I think blackout shades/drapes are well known.


Well-Known Member
It was great to see the police do what they are paid to do, keep the highways open.
I don't have any notion of why these people want to go to the desert for this event, but it is their right to do so without ass wholes blocking them.

This is the way all highway blockages should be handled. Move them forcefully out of the road and arrest them. Arrest them and let them spend a month in prison. Trying to treat them with kid gloves only helps their cause.


PREMO Member

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

A total of 1,609 scientists and professionals from around the world have signed the declaration, including 321 from the United States.

The coalition pointed out that Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed, with the planet experiencing several cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age only ended as recently as 1850, they said.

"Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming," the declaration said.

Warming is happening “far slower” than predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools,” the coalition said, adding that these models "exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases" and "ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.” For instance, even though climate alarmists characterize CO2 as environmentally-damaging, the coalition pointed out that the gas is “not a pollutant.”

Carbon dioxide is “essential” to all life on earth and is “favorable” for nature. Extra CO2 results in the growth of global plant biomass while also boosting the yields of crops worldwide.


Well-Known Member

Our electricity bill went up by $300 – I installed a $7 Lowe’s buy and it immediately made my home a lot colder

After realizing her electricity bill had gone up by $300, however, she got creative.

“I am going to save us some money by putting these blackout papers in our windows,” she began in the clip.

Revealing that they only cost $7 at Lowe’s, she called the shades “absolutely incredible.”

The home hack pro began to place the shades directly on her window.

“My windows do have a grid on the side, so I just tucked the papers into the side.

“But there is a sticky part on it, so you can stick it to the window if you want," she explained.

Because they were a little too short for her floor-to-ceiling windows, she bought extra packs and cut them up to fill the space.

Someone who's never heard that a darkened room is cooler . :rolleyes: