CNN Hot Takes and Mis-Information


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Harlow then asked “You look at the Trump campaign website, Mr. Secretary General, it says, quote, ‘we have to finish the process that we began under my administration of fundamentally re-evaluating NATO's purpose and NATO's mission.’ Would a second Trump presidency concern you about the future of U.S. membership in NATO?

NATO did come to the defense of the United States after 9/11, but Stoltenberg refused to be drawn into American electoral contests “I believe that the United States will continue to be a staunch NATO ally regardless of the outcome of the U.S. elections because it is in the U.S. interest to have a strong –”

After Harlow interrupted to add “Even under President Trump?” Stoltenberg recalled his time working with Trump, arguing he highlighted a very real problem and got results, “Well, I worked with him for four years and I listened carefully because the main criticism has been about NATO allies spending too little on NATO and the message has been taken across the alliance in Europe and Canada.”

Stoltenberg elaborated, “So, over the last years, NATO allies have significantly increased defense spending. More and more allies meet the NATO guideline on spending two percent of GDP on defense. Poland is actually spending four percent of GDP, no other allies spending more than that. And in total, they have added 450 billion extra for defense. So, the message from the United States that the European allies have to step up has been understood and they are now really moving in the right direction and that strengthens also the transatlantic bond within the alliance.”



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CNN Legal Analyst Nails Biden on False Claim During National Address/Presser

It was too much for even CNN to take.

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig laid out how serious this was, acknowledging that Biden retained "sensitive, classified" documents that were of the highest classification.

"Marked classified, Highest level, Top Secret," Honig said. "They related to our international affairs, to our war plans, foreign relations."

"He's ON TAPE — after he's out of the vice presidency — saying to his autobiographer, 'the classified documents are in the basement.' He knew it!" Honig said, just astonished at Biden's actions.

They point out on the panel how Biden denied that during the presser despite the fact that it's on tape.

So even CNN is nailing Biden on his false denials and how what he said is contradicted by Hur's report. Even they have to grudgingly admit just how bad this is for Joe Biden.

What does that say about where we are when they're now throwing him under the bus? Have we entered the time for him to be moved to the side?

Biden is digging a big hole for himself with this. Why his staff let him talk on a Thursday night, I don't know. They should have just stood on his earlier statement -- which was bad enough, but at least it wasn't an ad for angry incoherent old man.


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‘Five-Alarm Fire’: CNN Panel Delivers Brutal Assessment Of Biden Press Conference On Special Counsel

“I don’t think he did himself any favors in that speech,” Alyssa Farah Griffin told CNN host Anderson Cooper. “He undercut two of his biggest messages: The adults are back in charge, by sort of being dismissive. Yes, he was exonerated. He won’t be convicted or tried for this. But there were some really damning things. He had deliberation of Afghan war plans with him, he spoke to a biographer about classified documents who didn’t have clearance. This showed a decent level of recklessness of handling classified information.”

Griffin also said that one of the talking points Biden used also undercut his message.

“They were using this bizarre line to say he stepped away from an international crisis, the biggest attack on our ally Israel since the Holocaust, to go deal with a self-inflicted investigation by the Department of Justice,” Griffin said. “How is that supposed to inspire confidence? I don’t know why he went back out. He already said most of this in Virginia. This is becoming a five-alarm fire for the White House.”

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin noted that a verbal gaffe by Biden might be a major takeaway from the press conference.

“Mexico? Where did that come from?” Toobin asked. “I mean, that’s the only thing anyone will remember from this.”


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‘What Fraud?' Kevin O'Leary Destroys CNN Host Over Latest Trump Verdict

"When you get a developer that builds a building and he says it's worth 400 million, and he wants to borrow 200 million from a bank, which happens every day everywhere on Earth, including every American city — every developer is an entrepreneur, they shine the light on their building, and they say it's worth 400. The bank does its own due diligence — as was done in this case, because they're very good at it, the banks are very good — and they say no, it's worth 300, we're only going to loan you 150 million. That haggling has gone on for decades, that's how it works."

O'Leary continued, "And then, in this case, even the bank that was supposedly defrauded, testified and said we didn't lose anything. We want to do business with this guy again, we'd like to, but the judge said, 'No, no, no, no, no, no, let's penalize this developer for $355 million. And if we're going to do that, let's penalize all the developers all across America. They've all done the same thing. All of them should go to jail and we should stop building buildings.' That's what the message is from New York. Even the governor herself is concerned about what this looks like to investors all around the world. It's not just U.S. domestic. All around the world, people are talking about what happened here. You really think people want to invest money in New York after this?"

Coates then attempted to support the argument that Letitia James' suit was "about making the playing field level for those who are not the major and billionaire investors, but for those who are supposed to put business records out there, want to get a loan, the idea of making sure that they have to have the same true statements included as those who have a lot more money." She asked O'Leary, "Is there any weight to that for you?"

O'Leary wasn't buying her ridiculous argument. "Well, I asked you 'Who lost money?'" he replied. Then he presented her with a hypothetical where she and he were seeking to invest in a data center and asked whether she would rather invest in a state that is pro-business and supports entrepreneurs or New York.


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Shark Tank Real Estate Investor DESTROYS CNN Host DEFENDING Democrats $355M Trump Fraud Fine!



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CNN Host STUNNED After RFK Declares Biden A Worse THREAT To Democracy Than TRUMP!​



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Jim Acosta COPES Over CNN Poll Showing MOST Americans Believe Trump Presidency Was SUCCESSFUL!​



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CNN Host ADMITS Trump Prosecutions Are Politically MOTIVATED While DESTROYING Biden's Election Hopes​



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CNN Analysts FLABBERGASTED As Disaster NYT Poll Shows TRUMP BLOWING OUT Biden Across Swing States!​



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CNN Host ADMITS Trump Prosecutions Are Politically MOTIVATED While DESTROYING Biden's Election Hopes​

📈📈 By way of a Trump Trial update, I present yesterday’s clip from CNN’s hangdog-looking anchor Fareed Zakaria, who is now hanging even more doggedly. In fact, he’s about ready to give up. “It is very unlikely that Biden can win this race,” he sighed in his short monologue.


CLIP: Discouraged CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria admits Trump Trial is politically motivated, and more (5:25).

To Fareed, at first the electoral strategy looked very sound. Joe Biden was supposed to stand for a post-pandemic return to normal life — as if that were even possible — and to easily preside over a rapid return to a booming economy. Without cannibals. “I have to admit, none of this is playing out like I thought it would,” Zaharia sadly admitted. “Trump is now leading in all the swing states,” he said, “but behind those numbers lie even more troubling details.” The anchor paused dramatically, searching for words. “I think it’s best to be honest about reality.”

Honesty is the best policy. Not that it ever stopped CNN.

Firstly, all the big issues are favoring Trump. Almost wistfully, as though parting with a lover, Fareed gingerly suggested abortion won’t loom large over the presidential race, since the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe threw the issue back to the states; in other words, it’s not really a national issue anymore.

Instead of handily winning on abortion, President Peters instead faces two insoluble problems dividing democrats like the Red Sea: the wide-open border and the Israel issue.

The open border is an open political wound, relentlessly oozing shocking scenes of rapes, random attacks, disparate treatment, and community discontent. And it’s riling up the inner city — i.e., mostly democrats:

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Even worse, Biden’s unaccountably awful, shimmying and shifting support-slash-non-support for Israel is roiling the country and shattering democrat unity. Half of democrats are shocked Biden is betraying one of the U.S.’s most important Middle Eastern allies, while the other half demands the U.S. double-down on dividing up the world’s only Jewish nation.

Compare Axios, on Friday…:

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…with this headline from the Jerusalem Post, the day before on Thursday:

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Those two sides of the democrat coin are irresolvable; they don’t even want be reconciled or compromised. By trying to offend nobody, Biden is mumbling his way around to infuriating everybody.

Fareed next turned to the Trump trial — and this was perhaps the anchor’s most significant admission — Fareed flatly stated about the Manhattan trial what we’ve all been saying since Day One: it would never have been brought against anyone else. Trump-deranged democrats have somehow managed to transform the former president into the most famous underdog the country has ever tried to elect; and America loves an underdog. Fareed’s astonishing admission:

The trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base — who sees him as a martyr — and may even make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe his prosecutors are politically motivated.​

This happens to be true, in my opinion. I doubt the New York Indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Trump.​

What the CNN anchor was really saying was, you morons thought tying him up in court would lock down the campaign? Idiots, Trump gets more eyeballs this way than he EVER would have on the trail.

A couple weeks ago, a friend texted me asking whether I agreed the trial would hurt Trump by keeping him sitting around the courtroom trying to stay awake instead of on the campaign trail. My response was uncertain: there’s no way to predict the utterly unpredictable.

But based on Zakaria’s bombshell monologue, it sure seems like the trials are helping Trump.

Zakaria ended his exasperated exposition on a sour note: Biden is not getting any younger. The distressed anchorman explained:

Trendlines are not working in Biden’s favor. He needs to do something bold and dramatic to seize the initiative — on asylum policy, for example — and reverse these numbers. The figure that troubles me the most is on the question of, who was the more competent? Joe Biden led Donald Trump by +9 points in 2020. But Trump now leads by +16 points in January, 2024. That +25-point shift could be a reflection of people’s sense that the President’s age is affecting his capacity to govern. And there’s very little that Joe Biden can do now to change that perception.​

What could Biden possibly do at this point to turn things around? The best he can hope for at this point in his Eastern European Proxy War is more stalemate, an unhelpful maintenance of the status quo which seems less likely by the second. Biden can lie about inflation all he wants, but inflation keeps getting shoved up our noses every single time we wander outside the house or pay a bill. Despite trying to blind us with statistics, the New York Times admitted this morning nobody’s buying it:

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On the domestic front, no-bail border jumpers keep committing crimes (see, e.g., Laken Riley). And as mentioned, Biden’s collapsing Israel policy is dragging his Administration down into the political pit.

Fareed Zakaria, while occasionally showing flashes of reality, is a reliable liberal who is obviously unhappy at the prospect of a second Trump term. Don’t forget Obama’s prophetic words: “never underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.”



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CNN Throws in the Towel on NY Trump Case

Michael Cohen is making it up. He is a liar. Not just in the past but right here, right now, on the stand. He is committing perjury so obvious that it's laughable for anyone to believe him.

Donald Trump supporters already knew that. Most Independents suspected it.

But this is CNN.



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CNN Host ABRUPTLY CUTS Interview After Ted Cruz DEMANDS She Ask Democrats About Denying Elections!​



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CNN star Ana Navarro says Latino voters who support Trump have 'very stupid' attitude

  • Navarro criticized Latino Trump fans saying stance on immigration 'very stupid'
  • She argued how some Latino immigrants forget their own origins
  • She highlighted the irony of Trump's rhetoric, which demonizes immigrants despite his diverse support base

CNN's Ana Navarro has criticized fellow Latinos who support Donald Trump, labeling their attitudes towards immigration as 'very stupid.'

Navarro suggested that some Latino immigrants seem to forget their own roots and mistakenly believe that being anti-immigrant will help them assimilate better into American society.

Speaking on CNN on Friday night, the anti-Trump Republican expressed her frustration with such a mindset, saying it only serves to highlight how it contributes to a divisive atmosphere.

'There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them, and who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever. And that's a very stupid attitude to have.'


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Being the last one in and shutting the door to everyone else is very American, these Latinos are learning quickly.