Colon Cancer


New Member
I have an appointment with the local surgeon here. I had the cat scan Wednesday and picked up the report and a disk yesterday.

Of course I read the report and it brought up more questions. I apparently have an apple core lesion.... I knew I hated apples [yes I know it's not really related but I'm trying to be up beat and make jokes]....

The report though says my appendix is normal. Problem is, I haven't had an appendix for decades. So now I have to wonder if the whole report is suspect. Glad I got the disk so surgeons can read it for themselves.

I'm collecting questions to ask the surgeon from the American Cancer Website.

The colonoscopy is such and easy test. The prep is not nearly as bad as it used to be, the drugs are good, the staff is professional and Dr. Haque is really a good doctor. I would encourage everyone to take a day off and get the procedure done. Early detection is the key to avoid all this.

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Sounds like you are doing your part... staying on top of things, educating yourself, and staying positive... :yay:


Harley Rider
The colonoscopy is such and easy test. The prep is not nearly as bad as it used to be, the drugs are good, the staff is professional and Dr. Haque is really a good doctor. I would encourage everyone to take a day off and get the procedure done. Early detection is the key to avoid all this.

Except when they hit the air pump... :jameo:

I have a lot of radio folks praying for this to work out well for you HC. :yay:


New Member
I've suffered from post infectious IBS since early 2000 so I know what a pain in the azz it all can be.

I know this is a serious post but heck of way with words none the less. Wishing you, Hot Coffee and then rest the best.


Active Member
I have an appointment with the local surgeon here. I had the cat scan Wednesday and picked up the report and a disk yesterday.

Of course I read the report and it brought up more questions. I apparently have an apple core lesion.... I knew I hated apples [yes I know it's not really related but I'm trying to be up beat and make jokes]....

The report though says my appendix is normal. Problem is, I haven't had an appendix for decades. So now I have to wonder if the whole report is suspect. Glad I got the disk so surgeons can read it for themselves.

I'm collecting questions to ask the surgeon from the American Cancer Website.

The colonoscopy is such and easy test. The prep is not nearly as bad as it used to be, the drugs are good, the staff is professional and Dr. Haque is really a good doctor. I would encourage everyone to take a day off and get the procedure done. Early detection is the key to avoid all this.

I know that what I am about to say is trivial HC, but I would be very concerned that the Radiologist noted that "The appendix is normal", considering that you don't have an appendix. Probably just a typo, however, when you have the appointment with the Doctor, point this out to him/her.


New Member
Good point Roman, however I wouldn't get too worked up over it Hot Coffee.

A lot of medical dictation is cut & paste or auto-populated and then edited to fit the patient. It keeps the provider from having to type the 3/4 the standard mumbo jumbo that fits every one they see. Click a few boxes, edit to fit situation and done.


New Member
I know that what I am about to say is trivial HC, but I would be very concerned that the Radiologist noted that "The appendix is normal", considering that you don't have an appendix. Probably just a typo, however, when you have the appointment with the Doctor, point this out to him/her.

I did. I saw my primary care physician yesterday. It concerned her as well.

In the big scheme of things, a cut and paste scenario is extremely possible and probably doesn't mean a whole lot.

In the case of cancer tho.... it could be that the normal appendix is actually some kind of back up or growth.... or a stump that has a growth as well. This is an important note to bring to the surgeon's attention.

She did remind me that the surgeon would look at the disk I'm taking as well. She suggested that I get a previous report that states the appendix has been removed as a back up. I'll be over in the building today.

Good point Roman, however I wouldn't get too worked up over it Hot Coffee.

A lot of medical dictation is cut & paste or auto-populated and then edited to fit the patient. It keeps the provider from having to type the 3/4 the standard mumbo jumbo that fits every one they see. Click a few boxes, edit to fit situation and done.

I did rush them because I need the results to take to the surgeon. I took that into account.

I just need complete accuracy when we're dealing with cancer in the guts.

Like I said tho... if it's a click... then cool.... if it's really something there... it needs to be noticed....

I am impressed with the staff at the place where I got the exam. I would highly endorse them to friends and family.... I'll go back there myself.... I still trust them....

Sometimes tho... we need to be our own advocate in a cut and paste world... :coffee:


New Member
Hey, HC! Please keep us updated. You are always in my prayers. :huggy:

Met my surgeon yesterday..... check him out...:yahoo:

I am so happy. He loves his work... you can tell when you talk to him. He made me fell really good about my prognosis.... He's thinking I'll only be out of work for a month.... let's hope so.... I'll be in the hospital for a few days tho....

He did say tho, if he gets in there and it's bad.... he'll back out and start me on chemo before doing the surgery.... but neither of us is expecting that.... you know prepare for the worst and hope for the best....


mama to two
Met my surgeon yesterday..... check him out...:yahoo:

I am so happy. He loves his work... you can tell when you talk to him. He made me fell really good about my prognosis.... He's thinking I'll only be out of work for a month.... let's hope so.... I'll be in the hospital for a few days tho....

He did say tho, if he gets in there and it's bad.... he'll back out and start me on chemo before doing the surgery.... but neither of us is expecting that.... you know prepare for the worst and hope for the best....

I am so glad you love your doc, and your prognosis looks good! Your positive attitude will serve you well, also! Please keep us informed, if you wish to. :smile:


New Member
A couple of people have contacted me by IM. That generally means more want information. Here's a link to where I got the best opening information.

For those who don't follow links I'll give you the gist....

Risk Factors

  • You have a higher risk for colon cancer if you:
  • Are older than 60
  • Are African American of eastern European descent
  • Eat a diet high in red or processed meats
  • Have cancer elsewhere in the body
  • Have colorectal polyps
  • Have inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis)
  • Have a family history of colon cancer
  • Have a personal history of breast cancer

Certain genetic syndromes also increase the risk of developing colon cancer. Two of the most common are:

  • Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
  • Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), also known as Lynch syndrome

Many cases of colon cancer have no symptoms. The following symptoms, however, may indicate colon cancer:
  • Abdominal pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen
  • Blood in the stool
  • Diarrhea, constipation, or other change in bowel habits
  • Narrow stools
  • Weight loss with no known reason

Detailed Symptoms associated with colorectal cancer include may also be caused by other conditions. These symptoms include:

  • Changes in bowel movements, such as diarrhea or constipation, or change in consistency of stools
  • Feeling that the bowel has not emptied completely after a bowel movement
  • Abdominal discomfort such as gas, bloating, and cramps
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in stool
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia (low red blood cell count)
  • Weakness and fatigue


New Member
Surgery is set.... April 8th... George Washington University Hospital.... keep me in your prayers....

Go get that colonoscopy you've been putting off....


Surgery is set.... April 8th... George Washington University Hospital.... keep me in your prayers....

Go get that colonoscopy you've been putting off....


That is a super awesome place! That is where they flew my dad to when he came down with a life-threatening bout of diverticulitus and I was AMAZED at the staff...:yay:


Active Member
Surgery is set.... April 8th... George Washington University Hospital.... keep me in your prayers....

Go get that colonoscopy you've been putting off....



Sending positive thoughts your way! I had a cancerous polyp removed last year - luckily it was just the polyp - the stem it was attached to was still clear of cancer, though the doctor said another couple of months and we'd have been talking about more than just an annual retest. Only real symptom I had was narrow stools - which I would never have noticed or thought to attribute to polyps until after the fact. A family member was treated for cancer at GW with great results - you'll be in good hands!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Surgery is set.... April 8th... George Washington University Hospital.... keep me in your prayers....

Go get that colonoscopy you've been putting off....



:huggy: Will do! Great hospital, you're in good hands!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I've been talking to people about getting a colonoscopy. I'm not surprised by the number of people without medical insurance.

Please don't put it off because you don't have insurance. Here's a link to a Nationwide Colonoscopy Program for the Uninsured.


If you live in Maryland and qualify under certain criteria - you can also get a free colonoscopy through the Maryland Tobacco Restitution fund (I think it's called that). All of mine have been taken care of through this fund. That is because I was at risk before age 50 due to my father having colon cancer. (diagnosed at age 64) The first 2 procedures I was paying for my own health insurance, but it was not covered. The last one I had insurance, but it wasn't considered a screening as it was a re-check.

The Health Dept's. number to call for more info is listed on this page - Colorectal Cancer Education and Screening Program | Calvert County Health Department