Condi as VP


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She was on F&F this morning and was asked if she would consider the VP slot. She smiled through her revulsion at the idea and said with a shudder, "No." Said she's looking forward to going back to Stanford and, while she appreciates the thought and is flattered by it (more shuddering), she thinks it's time for new people to take the reigns.

So sorry kids. I told you all that when she was done, she'd be done. Everyone speculated that she'd run for Prez and she was quite definitive in rejecting that idea, as well. I'll bet January can't come fast enough for her so she can get back to the real world and won't have to deal with the hostile liberals and press anymore. She's too smart to want to stick around and mess with that crap.


My Sweetest Boy
She was on F&F this morning and was asked if she would consider the VP slot. She smiled through her revulsion at the idea and said with a shudder, "No." Said she's looking forward to going back to Stanford and, while she appreciates the thought and is flattered by it (more shuddering), she thinks it's time for new people to take the reigns.

So sorry kids. I told you all that when she was done, she'd be done. Everyone speculated that she'd run for Prez and she was quite definitive in rejecting that idea, as well. I'll bet January can't come fast enough for her so she can get back to the real world and won't have to deal with the hostile liberals and press anymore. She's too smart to want to stick around and mess with that crap.

Sean Hannity interviewed her a couple of years ago. She said the ONLY thing she really wanted to do after serving was be the NFL Commissioner..that it was her "dream job." She said she would NEVER consider running for the presidency or VP.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I understand...

It's the people kicking, clawing, scratching, and stabbing others in the back to get the job that scare the hell out of me!!

...that point of view as well, but, given all of mankind's various attempts at government, isn't ours still the best? Yeah, some of it sucks, but not as much as every other system.


Lem Putt
She was on F&F this morning and was asked if she would consider the VP slot. She smiled through her revulsion at the idea and said with a shudder, "No." Said she's looking forward to going back to Stanford and, while she appreciates the thought and is flattered by it (more shuddering), she thinks it's time for new people to take the reigns.

So sorry kids. I told you all that when she was done, she'd be done. Everyone speculated that she'd run for Prez and she was quite definitive in rejecting that idea, as well. I'll bet January can't come fast enough for her so she can get back to the real world and won't have to deal with the hostile liberals and press anymore. She's too smart to want to stick around and mess with that crap.

I liked her statements about the "law enforcement" method of stopping terrorism. Law enforcement can only act to catch people who commit the crimes. We need to prevent terrorists from attacking inthe first place.

It really is too bad that the presidency is so revulsive to her. We need someone with her intelligence.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And the BEST...

I liked her statements about the "law enforcement" method of stopping terrorism. Law enforcement can only act to catch people who commit the crimes. We need to prevent terrorists from attacking inthe first place.

It really is too bad that the presidency is so revulsive to her. We need someone with her intelligence.

...way to do that is kill and destroy. There are two ways 'terror' stops; when it is seen as ineffective or when the goal is achieved. This is why it was critical that we kill OBL right away. An enemy only does what works.


So sorry kids. I told you all that when she was done, she'd be done. Everyone speculated that she'd run for Prez and she was quite definitive in rejecting that idea, as well. I'll bet January can't come fast enough for her so she can get back to the real world and won't have to deal with the hostile liberals and press anymore. She's too smart to want to stick around and mess with that crap.

That's one way to look at it. I agree with the view that she, and all other key Republicans, wrote off 2008 a long time ago. Their view was that Hillary was going to win, so why waste their time and political capital running. That's why the Republican field was so weak this year, and the only folks who ran were those with nothing to lose. And now the only thing that has changed is Obama looks to be the winner.

Condi Rice is a brilliant woman, so she's not going to do anything as stupid as hitching her wagon to a dud like McCain. Most likely, McCain is going to get pounded hard in November, and even of by some miracle he wins, his RINO leanings will be such a disaster for Republicans that anyone associated with him will go down with him.

Let's be honest... McCain has been fighting a pretty much single-front battle since he locked up the nomination - he's not a conservative. It would greatly behoove him to name a solid conservative to the ticket as quickly as possible. There's only negatives for him to play the wait and see game of picking a VP, and yet after months he hasn't named one yet. I'ld bet this is because he's having a real hard time finding anyone who will say yes. My money is on Huckabee being the only guy who is willing to take the offer, and McCain is scared that if he brings an evangelist on as VP that he'll lose the independent voters that he thinks are going to win it for him. Since the latest polls show these folks going over 2 to 1 to Obama, McCain ought to suck it up and grab Huckabee if he's desperate enough to say yes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It really is too bad that the presidency is so revulsive to her. We need someone with her intelligence.

Any intelligent person would be repulsed by high public office, IMO. Between the press and the political opposition, the very idea should send a shudder down their spine. Calm, dignified, highly educated, reserved - I'll bet it never occurred to Condi that some cartoonist would portray her as Aunt Jemima in this "enlightened" day and age.

Her 9-11 grilling was painful to watch and if she was even remotely considering a run for the Prez or VP, that was probably what scotched that idea right then and there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Let's be honest... McCain has been fighting a pretty much single-front battle since he locked up the nomination - he's not a conservative. It would greatly behoove him to name a solid conservative to the ticket as quickly as possible. There's only negatives for him to play the wait and see game of picking a VP, and yet after months he hasn't named one yet. I'ld bet this is because he's having a real hard time finding anyone who will say yes. My money is on Huckabee being the only guy who is willing to take the offer, and McCain is scared that if he brings an evangelist on as VP that he'll lose the independent voters that he thinks are going to win it for him. Since the latest polls show these folks going over 2 to 1 to Obama, McCain ought to suck it up and grab Huckabee if he's desperate enough to say yes.

...leaves the door wide open for the ONLY pick that makes sense for him;

Joe Liebermann.


NOT Politically Correct!!
That's one way to look at it. I agree with the view that she, and all other key Republicans, wrote off 2008 a long time ago. Their view was that Hillary was going to win, so why waste their time and political capital running. That's why the Republican field was so weak this year, and the only folks who ran were those with nothing to lose. And now the only thing that has changed is Obama looks to be the winner.

Condi Rice is a brilliant woman, so she's not going to do anything as stupid as hitching her wagon to a dud like McCain. Most likely, McCain is going to get pounded hard in November, and even of by some miracle he wins, his RINO leanings will be such a disaster for Republicans that anyone associated with him will go down with him.

Let's be honest... McCain has been fighting a pretty much single-front battle since he locked up the nomination - he's not a conservative. It would greatly behoove him to name a solid conservative to the ticket as quickly as possible. There's only negatives for him to play the wait and see game of picking a VP, and yet after months he hasn't named one yet. I'ld bet this is because he's having a real hard time finding anyone who will say yes. My money is on Huckabee being the only guy who is willing to take the offer, and McCain is scared that if he brings an evangelist on as VP that he'll lose the independent voters that he thinks are going to win it for him. Since the latest polls show these folks going over 2 to 1 to Obama, McCain ought to suck it up and grab Huckabee if he's desperate enough to say yes.

Go ask Kerry how much faith NObama should have in polls... :killingme
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One of the things that I've admired about Rice is her retention of a sense of her own weaknesses. So many people who reach that level of government lose all sense of shame, and profess that they can do everything imaginable and save the world. She's stated many times that her strength is foreign policy and domestic concerns are out of her arena, meaning she would be weaker in public office that didn't have to do only with international diplomacy or security. I've never agreed with her on a lot of things, politically speaking, but god damn she is brilliant.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

One of the things that I've admired about Rice is her retention of a sense of her own weaknesses. So many people who reach that level of government lose all sense of shame, and profess that they can do everything imaginable and save the world. She's stated many times that her strength is foreign policy and domestic concerns are out of her arena, meaning she would be weaker in public office that didn't have to do only with international diplomacy or security. I've never agreed with her on a lot of things, politically speaking, but god damn she is brilliant.

...a good point, but, here's another way of looking at it; Perhaps it is not a sense of ones own weakness, but moreso a sense of ones self as a whole. Point being perhaps she simply doesn't see herself as narcissistic as anyone must be to want to be president. So, perhaps it's recognizing a weakness she lacks?


...leaves the door wide open for the ONLY pick that makes sense for him;

Joe Liebermann.

Lieberman is sure spending enough time with McCain to look like a possible VP, but Lieberman seems to have a real tough time deciding WTF he stands for. Also if he joins McCain's ticket, he's probably going to be through in CT politics.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Lieberman is sure spending enough time with McCain to look like a possible VP, but Lieberman seems to have a real tough time deciding WTF he stands for. Also if he joins McCain's ticket, he's probably going to be through in CT politics.

The people of Connecticut watched the Democrat party try and bury him and then they told them to kiss off. Obviously, they like Joe more than his party.

Lieberman is perfect. He solidifies McCain the ONLY way he can go; to the center. Going to the right is a waste of his time. Why try to make up with people who will not be played for fools? It's bad enough the party left us high and dry. There's no way that the single greatest 'maverick' of the leftward movement of the GOP is going to get solid support from the right. So, he keeps going with what worked for him.

Joe guarantees Florida. He brings some of NE into play. He gives McCain a boost with every single person in the middle who might buy into the McCain = Bush III farce and he also gives everyone leaning left, but uncomfortable about Obama a seriously viable alternative.

He makes sure McCain keeps New Hampshire, gives him Connecticut. Probably keeps Nevada GOP. Probably tilts Michigan and PA to McCain.

Huckabee and Romney don't excite anyone anymore now than they did in February.

And Al Gore didn't lose in 2000 because of Lieberman.