Condi as VP

She was on F&F this morning and was asked if she would consider the VP slot. She smiled through her revulsion at the idea and said with a shudder, "No." Said she's looking forward to going back to Stanford and, while she appreciates the thought and is flattered by it (more shuddering), she thinks it's time for new people to take the reigns.

So sorry kids. I told you all that when she was done, she'd be done. Everyone speculated that she'd run for Prez and she was quite definitive in rejecting that idea, as well. I'll bet January can't come fast enough for her so she can get back to the real world and won't have to deal with the hostile liberals and press anymore. She's too smart to want to stick around and mess with that crap.
How can you mention Stanford and "the real world" in the same sentence without laughing?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
She was on F&F this morning and was asked if she would consider the VP slot. She smiled through her revulsion at the idea and said with a shudder, "No." Said she's looking forward to going back to Stanford and, while she appreciates the thought and is flattered by it (more shuddering), she thinks it's time for new people to take the reigns.

So sorry kids. I told you all that when she was done, she'd be done. Everyone speculated that she'd run for Prez and she was quite definitive in rejecting that idea, as well. I'll bet January can't come fast enough for her so she can get back to the real world and won't have to deal with the hostile liberals and press anymore. She's too smart to want to stick around and mess with that crap.

:yeahthat: Besides, she wants to be the Commissioner of Football!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Sean Hannity interviewed her a couple of years ago. She said the ONLY thing she really wanted to do after serving was be the NFL Commissioner..that it was her "dream job." She said she would NEVER consider running for the presidency or VP.

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo: Oh, no - not Sean Hannity! :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:

:/sarcasm: :biggrin:


I disagree with that. Polls tend to always lean left. They just do. Mike Dukakis was leading GHW Bush by something like 17 points around this time in the 88 race and lost and it wasn't close.

That's because a "nationwide" poll to most media sources means they called voters in major cities... NY, Chicago, LA, etc., which are all heavilly loaded with Democrats.

By the way... I just got my first Zogby Interactive poll that asked about who I was going to vote for last week. I was wondering how long it would be before they finally started asking the question. So I've cast my first vote for Barr.


Well-Known Member
The people of Connecticut watched the Democrat party try and bury him and then they told them to kiss off. Obviously, they like Joe more than his party.

The irony is that, according to Grandy and Andy, Obama is considering, of all people....


Wouldn't that be fun?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My God!!!

The irony is that, according to Grandy and Andy, Obama is considering, of all people....


Wouldn't that be fun?

I lose a little more respect for him and he gives up a little more benefit of the doubt every single day! Why doesn't he just go ahead and pick Chris Dodd so I have to support McCain!!! :lmao:

Do you suppose the parties do this on purpose, in conjunction with the media, so that where there was no race, there now will be one???

I wonder if Lieberman incites the disdain on the Dems side as much as Edwards does on the right?


Well-Known Member
I lose a little more respect for him and he gives up a little more benefit of the doubt every single day! Why doesn't he just go ahead and pick Chris Dodd so I have to support McCain!!! :lmao:

Do you suppose the parties do this on purpose, in conjunction with the media, so that where there was no race, there now will be one???

I wonder if Lieberman incites the disdain on the Dems side as much as Edwards does on the right?

The other name dropped was Sam Nunn.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The other name dropped was Sam Nunn.

...I'm not sure I get that. Obama has already thrown his 'change' credibility out the window by breaking his word and opting out of public financing on the grounds that he found more money somewhere else. There is no more establishment, business as usual way of doing things than that; going for the money.

Going for Nunn would be, at least to me, another huge step towards business as usual. I'd be curious what the lefties around here think about that?


The irony is that, according to Grandy and Andy, Obama is considering, of all people....


Wouldn't that be fun?

Oy vey! This is the problem with the blogosphere... you get too much chaff with the wheat. There's not a single quote or utterance from anyone in the Obama camp that they are considering Edwards for VP. This is another of those echo chamber stories that stems from John Edwards giving two speeches recently where he used the phrase "Senator Obama and I agree on..." This then migrates to speculation about if Edwards is pushing for the VP spot. This then migrates to speculation about if Obama would consider Edwards for a VP, and ends up being bastardized into the Obama camp is considering Edwards for VP.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Oy vey! This is the problem with the blogosphere... you get too much chaff with the wheat. There's not a single quote or utterance from anyone in the Obama camp that they are considering Edwards for VP. This is another of those echo chamber stories that stems from John Edwards giving two speeches recently where he used the phrase "Senator Obama and I agree on..." This then migrates to speculation about if Edwards is pushing for the VP spot. This then migrates to speculation about if Obama would consider Edwards for a VP, and ends up being bastardized into the Obama camp is considering Edwards for VP.

...for crying out loud. If you ran a news network, there'd be a 15 minute re-cap read at the end of the work day, around 7pm, and that's be it! Maybe 1/2hour if something actually happened. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oy vey! This is the problem with the blogosphere... you get too much chaff with the wheat. There's not a single quote or utterance from anyone in the Obama camp that they are considering Edwards for VP.

No no, baby. CNN says that is coming from Obama's VP-finding team. :huggy:

You have to wonder what they're thinking with Kiss of Death II Edwards.


New Member
The irony is that, according to Grandy and Andy, Obama is considering, of all people....


Wouldn't that be fun?

I wouldn't put too much faith in that information. I've seen a few lists with potential running mates, and Edwards' name was not on any of them. Probably because Edwards has stated he's not interested in running for VP again.

There's speculation that Obama may choose Edwards to be his Attorney General, which makes alot of sense for both of them.


No no, baby. CNN says that is coming from Obama's VP-finding team. :huggy:

You have to wonder what they're thinking with Kiss of Death II Edwards.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - AP: Edwards makes Obama’s VP list « - Blogs from

"A member of the Congressional Black Caucus who's met with Obama's vice-presidential screening team says she offered the names of former senators John Edwards and Sam Nunn — and was told they're on the list. Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan says when she mentioned that Al Gore is her favorite, the two members of Obama's team smiled.

Kilpatrick wouldn't say which names Obama's team brought up.

Once again... this isn't coming from the Obama camp, but from a third party. Lord only knows how credible this woman is.


...for crying out loud. If you ran a news network, there'd be a 15 minute re-cap read at the end of the work day, around 7pm, and that's be it! Maybe 1/2hour if something actually happened. :lmao:

You say that like it would be a bad thing! :lmao: Do we really need hour after hour after hour after hour of speculation by people who don't know squat and are just guessing? I mean, how many hours of contorted number crunching did we have to endure as Clinton supporters tried to come up with constantly changing ways that Hillary could still pull it out after the numbers were clearly making that impossible? It seems reporters have plenty of time to repeat talking points from various sources, but no time to do any real reporting of their own.

You're right though. If I ran a news show I would just have a 15-minute, "just the facts ma'am", newscast. I would say "Obama called for higher taxes, no drilling, and increased entitlements. McCain called for keeping tax cuts, more drilling, and lower spending, but he's taken the exact opposite positions before so take his remarks for what they are worth. Barr needs to be out getting some exposure but is nowhere to be seen. And now for the sports..." Of course... that would mean I wouldn't have room for two, twenty-minute, segments on the merits of wearing flag pins, but I don't see that as a topic worth more than about a minute of discussion.


I wouldn't put too much faith in that information. I've seen a few lists with potential running mates, and Edwards' name was not on any of them. Probably because Edwards has stated he's not interested in running for VP again.

I think it's likely because he couldn't even deliver his home state for Kerry.


New Member
I think it's likely because he couldn't even deliver his home state for Kerry.

That may be, but in the interviews I've seen it seemed to have been more of a "been there, done that" thing with him. Either way, I would be the most surprised person here if Edwards was the selection. It doesn't makes sense for Obama, and it doesn't make sense for Edwards.

Attorney General makes sense.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - AP: Edwards makes Obama’s VP list « - Blogs from

"A member of the Congressional Black Caucus who's met with Obama's vice-presidential screening team says she offered the names of former senators John Edwards and Sam Nunn — and was told they're on the list. Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan says when she mentioned that Al Gore is her favorite, the two members of Obama's team smiled.

Kilpatrick wouldn't say which names Obama's team brought up.

Once again... this isn't coming from the Obama camp, but from a third party. Lord only knows how credible this woman is.
Well, you better call the CNN radio people, because they think it came from the VEEP team, and that's what they're reporting.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Edwards is no longer an elected official and has no constituency. Please, someone, explain to me what he brings to the ticket, or why Obama would think of him for so much as a Cabinet position?