Condi as VP



That may be, but in the interviews I've seen it seemed to have been more of a "been there, done that" thing with him.

Of course he says that... what choice does he have? He's a three-time loser... he know he's not going to get picked so there's no point in saying "I would take the job if it were offered."


...a good point, but, here's another way of looking at it; Perhaps it is not a sense of ones own weakness, but moreso a sense of ones self as a whole. Point being perhaps she simply doesn't see herself as narcissistic as anyone must be to want to be president. So, perhaps it's recognizing a weakness she lacks?

Exactly. :D She recognizes that she lacks that weird element in so many politicians' brains that removes their sense of humility, as it were, which would be considered a weakness in the presidential field. Smart lady.


New Member
Of course he says that... what choice does he have? He's a three-time loser... he know he's not going to get picked so there's no point in saying "I would take the job if it were offered."

See it however you want. :shrug:

As I said, it wouldn't make any sense at all for the Obama camp to pick him for VP, unless he personally just really wanted the guy to be his VP.

Edwards said he wasn't interested. What do you expect him to say if he's truly not interested?

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Edwards flatly rules out running with Obama « - Blogs from

But Edwards flatly said Friday, as he had before he endorsed a candidate, that he's not interested in making a second run for vice president.

"No," Edwards said in no uncertain terms on NBC's the Today show when asked about the possibility. "Won't happen.…It's just not something I am interested in."

As for another position in an Obama administration, specifically Attorney General, Edwards was decidedly more coy.

"I don't really want to get involved in that speculation," he said. "Right now we have to focus on getting Barack Obama elected to President of the United States, then we’ll worry about those things."


New Member
Please, someone, explain to me what he brings to the ticket, or why Obama would think of him for so much as a Cabinet position?

What makes you think he isn't Attorney General material? Except that you personally don't like him, that is.


Well-Known Member
Well this news is fairly recent.

The Associated Press: Obama team weighs Nunn, Edwards as running mates

I can't see a good reason to pick either Edwards or Nunn. I just was amused by it.

"Edwards, a former North Carolina senator and John Kerry's running mate in 2004, could help Obama appeal to white, working-class voters who largely favored Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primary and will be a critical voting bloc in the general election. The drawback of an Edwards pick is that he was the vice presidential nominee four years ago, while Obama's campaign is about turning the page.
Edwards has said he is not seeking the vice presidency.
"I'd take anything he asked me to think about seriously, but obviously this is something I've done and it's not a job that I'm seeking," Edwards said last Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

My guess is, he'd take it, but he knows he won't get it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What makes you think he isn't Attorney General material?

Because he's a vain lightweight punk who isn't serious enough for a position like AG. It's all well and good for him to run for Prez - turn on the southern accent, talk about your coal-minin' daddy. But the great unwashed don't vote for AG - you get that job on your merits, not on your ability to sell used cars. John Edwards really has nothing going for him except boyish charm.

A better question is what makes you think he IS AG material?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That may be, but in the interviews I've seen it seemed to have been more of a "been there, done that" thing with him. Either way, I would be the most surprised person here if Edwards was the selection. It doesn't makes sense for Obama, and it doesn't make sense for Edwards.

Attorney General makes sense.

"Yeah, I already been part of one losing ticket...been there, done that...."


Maybe not what you meant??? :lmao:


New Member
Because he's a vain lightweight punk who isn't serious enough for a position like AG. It's all well and good for him to run for Prez - turn on the southern accent, talk about your coal-minin' daddy. But the great unwashed don't vote for AG - you get that job on your merits, not on your ability to sell used cars. John Edwards really has nothing going for him except boyish charm.

A better question is what makes you think he IS AG material?

His record as a lawyer.


New Member
Yeah, that channeling a dead kid bit really qualifies him.

His excellent record as a lawyer qualifies him. He also brings the added bonus of not having been the Presdient's personal lawyer, which should disqualify someone from being considered.

"Alberto...they actually think the laws apply to US! Heh heh heh..."


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New Member
Hi$ record$ a$ a lawyer$ and all hi$ lawyer$ pal$ and their $ and influen$e

Oh...I know. You're another one of those "Lawyers are EVIL (until I need one)!!!" types. How typical.

You do know what the Attorney General is....right?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Oh...I know. You're another one of those "Lawyers are EVIL (until I need one)!!!" types. How typical.

You do know what the Attorney General is....right?

...don't have to be so defensive about trial lawyers being such a large part of Democratic politics and power. I would be. But you don't have to be.


Attorney General...??? Hmmm...he's in the army, right???


Well-Known Member
I don't like Edwards for any number of reasons - but the leading one is that he made his fortune over malpractice lawsuits via junk science and fraudulent medical charges. It just seemed to me that for a man concerned about the little people, he sure managed to walk away with a pile of money - over cases based on stuff that just doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny. And if you're a lawyer and you KNOW that it ain't true, you're a crook.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A major university...

I don't like Edwards for any number of reasons - but the leading one is that he made his fortune over malpractice lawsuits via junk science and fraudulent medical charges. It just seemed to me that for a man concerned about the little people, he sure managed to walk away with a pile of money - over cases based on stuff that just doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny. And if you're a lawyer and you KNOW that it ain't true, you're a crook.

...was looking for a new president and the board of trustees was conducting final interviews having narrowed the search down to three.

The first candidate was a renowned professor of mathematics and they asked him the one question they all agreed would decide the winner;

"What is truth?"

The math teach immediately launched into a dissertation about one plus one equaling two. He announced "That is what it is and that is all there is. 1 + 1 = 2. That..." he said, "is truth!"

They thanked him and told him they'd get back to him and moved on to the next candidate, a professor of philosophy.

"What is truth?"

"Well..." said the philosophy professor, "Truth can be many things. It can be true that 1 + 1 = 2, but, it can also be 3." The trustees coriousity was piqued. "How so?" they asked.

"Well..." said the philosopher, "One can be a man and another one can be a woman and one plus the other can make a child and that makes three!"

Quite impressed, the board thanked the professor and said they'd get back to him.

The third, and final, candidate, a high powered, big name practicing attorney who was also, like the other three, an alum, walked in. They asked him "What is truth?"

The attorney slowly turned and locked the door, went over to the windows and pulled the blinds and then looked each of the trustees in the eye, one by one. After a moment of considered silence he said to them...

"What do you want it to be? Answer that and then you'll have your truth."


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Oy vey! This is the problem with the blogosphere... you get too much chaff with the wheat. There's not a single quote or utterance from anyone in the Obama camp that they are considering Edwards for VP. This is another of those echo chamber stories that stems from John Edwards giving two speeches recently where he used the phrase "Senator Obama and I agree on..." This then migrates to speculation about if Edwards is pushing for the VP spot. This then migrates to speculation about if Obama would consider Edwards for a VP, and ends up being bastardized into the Obama camp is considering Edwards for VP.

OY VEY, this is the problem with canned answers. :lmao:

"Grandy & Andy" is not a blog!!! They are RADIO HOSTS on WMAL (Washington, DC) in the morning.

Grandy, as in Fred Grandy. Andy, as in Andy Parks.

P.S. Someone else needs to tell Bruzilla - he doesn't read my posts.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Edwards is no longer an elected official and has no constituency. Please, someone, explain to me what he brings to the ticket, or why Obama would think of him for so much as a Cabinet position?

:shrug: I haven't a clue!