Constitutional amendment to allow foreign born to become President


Enjoying life!
2ndAmendment said:
Arnold has already used his Austrian heritage in signing some legislation in California as I have been led to believe by some reports. People draw from their backgrounds. We have enough trouble with people that are born and raised here understanding the Constitution, the rights of states, and the rights of the people. Someone of foreign heritage will draw from their background. It is a "can of worms" I am not willing to open.

Let California sign away whatever they want. And their Governor, Arnold. Who cares. Did his signing lend itself to Austria? Probably more to the Cali people, no? Quote the legislation please.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Steve said:
Let California sign away whatever they want. And their Governor, Arnold. Who cares. Did his signing lend itself to Austria? Probably more to the Cali people, no? Quote the legislation please.
I believe it was AB-50, but I no longer have the details. It was during the infighting leading up to the passing and eventual signing by Schwarzenegger of the legislation. An email I got from NRA, GOA, or FCSI said, as I remember it, that he did not see why the U.S. needed the Second Amendment since Austria didn't need it. I said " as I have been led to believe". It may have been alluded by the author of the email. I do not have the actual quote any longer from any source. Take it with a grain of salt. That is why I qualified it the way I did.