Constitutional amendment to allow foreign born to become President


I am not big on Amending the Constitution. I think Arnie will live without being President. I do not think he could win anyway. No I would not vote for Hillary period and I would have to know more about Obama before deciding.


Better than YOU.
This is just my opinion and I mean no disrespect to anyone else's on the matter. I just think about the thousands of non-naturally born "Americans" that serve and have served to support and defended our country the "United States of America". And please for a moment consider when that amendment was written, during a time when American was breaking away from European and other foreign control.
If "We the people" of this great United states have set forth a decree that all people of the world should have the rights to share the same freedoms as we do and have even in some ways have in a manner imprinted our own constitution into the laws of other countries we've fought to liberate from their own governments, then is the United States still just contained on these lands or has the concept of the "Untied States" and a United World being imprinted around the world. The "President of the United States" is and always will be our Command and Chief, the highest position in our nations military.
All I'm saying is that if we can allow for our "non-naturally born" AMERICAN soldiers "to support and defend our way of life" and possibly die doing so... Then why are they less regarded in commanding that same country they have fought to defend.
What I'm saying is this. I think that non-naturally born "citizen" who have served in our military for no less than 8 years should be able to run for president or 8 years serving in a state goverment public office positions.
I feel that it's only the fair thing to do in giving something back to some of the people who serve to make this country Great. :peace:



New Member
vraiblonde said:
I'd turn in my voter registration card and start reading Glamour magazine instead of watching Fox News.

I’m for the amendment with some stipulations. I would take Arnold over Hillary any day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
HORUS said:
I just think about the thousands of non-naturally born "Americans" that serve and have served to support and defended our country the "United States of America".
I had a brutally honest post in response to this that I just deleted because Larry said it was too mean. The gist was that I'm getting really sick of "non-naturally born Americans" and their big fat mouths, coming over here to the Great Satan because their own dirthole didn't provide nearly the opportunity that the US does, then complaining about our government, our way of life, our War on Tara, blah blah blah.

In fact, now that I think about it, Arnold is more of a patriotic American than Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and all those other hippie freaks who think Socialism is the way to go. So maybe I'm changing my mind about Arnie for Prez - he's a lot more pro-America than that idiot John Kerry.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Underestimating Arnold...

...has never made anyone money.

If Arnold Schartzenagerareragerereraer runs for president of the United States he wins. End of story.

Therefore the story is all about whether or not an amendment sees the light of day.

Scenario 1: The GOP is for it, it passes Congress and is ratified, viola, Arnold gets some 40% of the GOP vote all of the middle 5-10% and probably 15-20% of the Democratic vote, huge landslide win.

Scenario 2: He will NOT get GOP support and becomes a Democrat, the GOP is against the wall and risks a back lash against moderates in both Houses, allows it to happen and viola, Arnold is President.

Scenario 3: Revival of the Reform Party. Jesse didn't want to go all the way to the top, Arnold does. He uses the party to force the issue in Congress as both parties are at risk to Reform candidates.

Any number of combinations are, obviously, possible. What I am pointing out is the incredible drive and goal orientation of Arnold Swarzennegarerererrer.

He's not some pontificating mega righ, Hollywood, self absorbed loudmouth, know it all like Streisand. He is not divisive.

He is, I remind you, Governor of the largest state in the Union.

Governors win Presidential elections. Especailly if they start off with 55 electoral votes.

Even if it takes 8 years to get the amendmant passed he'll be a rather young, healthy 65.

For crying out loud, we've elected Bill Clinton and George Bush, twice each.

The only thing standing between Arnold and the White House is amendment.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and all those other hippie freaks who think Socialism is the way to go. So maybe I'm changing my mind about Arnie for Prez - he's a lot more pro-America than that idiot John Kerry.

Didn’t some of these Hollywood clowns say they were leaving the country if W was reelected?


Better than YOU.
vraiblonde said:
I had a brutally honest post in response to this that I just deleted because Larry said it was too mean. The gist was that I'm getting really sick of "non-naturally born Americans" and their big fat mouths, coming over here to the Great Satan because their own dirthole didn't provide nearly the opportunity that the US does, then complaining about our government, our way of life, our War on Tara, blah blah blah.

In fact, now that I think about it, Arnold is more of a patriotic American than Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and all those other hippie freaks who think Socialism is the way to go. So maybe I'm changing my mind about Arnie for Prez - he's a lot more pro-America than that idiot John Kerry.

Mom, I'm sorry if I've upset you with my post. I would like to state for the record the I am native born right here in Washington DC and of mixed ethnic background, White, Black and Native American. My feelings on the matter stem from also being a soldier in the U.S Army for over 9 years.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...has never made anyone money.

If Arnold Schartzenagerareragerereraer runs for president of the United States he wins. End of story.

Therefore the story is all about whether or not an amendment sees the light of day.

Scenario 1: The GOP is for it, it passes Congress and is ratified, viola, Arnold gets some 40% of the GOP vote all of the middle 5-10% and probably 15-20% of the Democratic vote, huge landslide win.

Scenario 2: He will NOT get GOP support and becomes a Democrat, the GOP is against the wall and risks a back lash against moderates in both Houses, allows it to happen and viola, Arnold is President.

Scenario 3: Revival of the Reform Party. Jesse didn't want to go all the way to the top, Arnold does. He uses the party to force the issue in Congress as both parties are at risk to Reform candidates.

Any number of combinations are, obviously, possible. What I am pointing out is the incredible drive and goal orientation of Arnold Swarzennegarerererrer.

He's not some pontificating mega righ, Hollywood, self absorbed loudmouth, know it all like Streisand. He is not divisive.

He is, I remind you, Governor of the largest state in the Union.

Governors win Presidential elections. Especailly if they start off with 55 electoral votes.

Even if it takes 8 years to get the amendmant passed he'll be a rather young, healthy 65.

For crying out loud, we've elected Bill Clinton and George Bush, twice each.

The only thing standing between Arnold and the White House is amendment.
I pray that none of these scenarios ever happens.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
HORUS said:
Mom, I'm sorry if I've upset you with my post.
Wasn't you that upset me - it's all the anti-Americanism that's all the rage these days that upsets me.



Better than YOU.
Good News!!! I'm gonna run for president! :patriot:

If only they'll amened the age requirements. :confused:


Larry Gude

Strung Out

...personally, I don't see it happening because an amendment is a HUGE deal.

That's moving mountains to make that happen.

But it's best, however, to not forget the mountains Arnold has already moved.


Enjoying life!
My gut feeling is "Let them run for President!" If passed, every foreign-born candidate would be scrutinized as much as any of the candidates of the past. If a foreign-born candidate makes it through that gauntlet, with the pre-election approval of the people, then maybe that's a candidate worth cheering for. After all, they would still have to be an American citizen to be able to run anyway.

And as far as old allegiances to foreign origin countries goes, we have that now already. Britain, the ancestoral home of most of the early leaders are now close allies, even after we won our independence. I doubt that some socialist Frenchman who runs on a platform of grand change would stand a chance to win the Office. Just an example...

The tide of support that would be needed for a foreigner to win moves very slowly. In Arnold's case, were he allowed to run, he has a reputation and popularity that has evolved over two decades. I doubt he'd become "Mr. Austria" the day after he was sworn in. Be real...

But neither do I think he would actually win if allowed to campaign for it.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Steve said:
My gut feeling is "Let them run for President!" If passed, every foreign-born candidate would be scrutinized as much as any of the candidates of the past. If a foreign-born candidate makes it through that gauntlet, with the pre-election approval of the people, then maybe that's a candidate worth cheering for. After all, they would still have to be an American citizen to be able to run anyway.

And as far as old allegiances to foreign origin countries goes, we have that now already. Britain, the ancestoral home of most of the early leaders are now close allies, even after we won our independence. I doubt that some socialist Frenchman who runs on a platform of grand change would stand a chance to win the Office. Just an example...

The tide of support that would be needed for a foreigner to win moves very slowly. In Arnold's case, were he allowed to run, he has a reputation and popularity that has evolved over two decades. I doubt he'd become "Mr. Austria" the day after he was sworn in. Be real...

But neither do I think he would actually win if allowed to campaign for it.
Arnold has already used his Austrian heritage in signing some legislation in California as I have been led to believe by some reports. People draw from their backgrounds. We have enough trouble with people that are born and raised here understanding the Constitution, the rights of states, and the rights of the people. Someone of foreign heritage will draw from their background. It is a "can of worms" I am not willing to open.