Constitutional amendment to allow foreign born to become President


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
And what I said was not directed towards any political party but towards some clueless dweebs and Californians that think they have an idea.
Ken King, you are so missing the point. You said "clueless dweebs and Californians" and Dems automatically associated that with the Democratic party. I don't know how she could have been any clearer.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Ken King, you are so missing the point. You said "clueless dweebs and Californians" and Dems automatically associated that with the Democratic party. I don't know how she could have been any clearer.

Sorry about that, but honestly I was in no way trying to associate this activity with any party. Since switching party affiliation I have undergone two electro-therapy sessions to delete from my brain the automatic "Hey, they are (talking about/accusing/blaming) me" reflex response. I must not be able to understand this reaction anymore. I guess I should just be happy that it seems to be working. I have also noticed that my tolerance towards the idiotic behavior/comments of some has diminished significantly during this transitional phase.


Super Genius
alex said:
Okay so here is my question - if both parents were born in the U.S. and thus are citizens, and they adopt a child from another country does that make him eligible to run for president? In the above post is never states that the parents need to be the birth parents of the child.
No. Foreign children who are adopted by US citizens are naturalized citizens. They just don't have to go through the whole naturalization process (testing, etc). Same thing with foreign spouses getting US citizenship.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Republicans don't think in lockstep. Some of us might like Arnie, others don't. Some GOPers might think changing the Constitution is a great idea, others don't.

Californians like their guy. Even the Democrats like him. I, personally, like him. But I wouldn't vote for him for President because I don't think a non-American should be President of the United States. It sets a bad precedent, in my opinion.

If there were an amendment, would you vote for a John Kerry or Hillary Clinton over Arnold? I hope not!


mojorisin said:
If there were an amendment, would you vote for a John Kerry or Hillary Clinton over Arnold? I hope not!
If those are the three choices, I think I'll abstain. :lmao:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
mojorisin said:
If there were an amendment, would you vote for a John Kerry or Hillary Clinton over Arnold? I hope not!
Hence... the emergence of a strong showing by a 3rd party.
Probably a Constitutionalist or Libertarian would draw in a significant percentage of votes.


vraiblonde said:
Ken King, you are so missing the point. You said "clueless dweebs and Californians" and Dems automatically associated that with the Democratic party. I don't know how she could have been any clearer.


:burning: :cussing:

:lol: :huggy:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
sleuth said:
IF the Constitution were changed against the will of the population...
I can't believe no one commented on this one...

You can't change the Constitution against the will of the people. First, it takes a 2/3 vote in Congress, not a simple majority. And the only way to get that many Congressmen and Senators to agree on something is if it has overwhelming public support. And Second, assuming it gets passed the Congress, it requires a popular vote in 3/4 of the states. And it doesn't work the way the electoral college does were the popular vote is one thing and the electorals are something else. It would require a majority vote in 38 states.

It is not possible to change the constitution against the will of the population.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
If there were an amendment, would you vote for a John Kerry or Hillary Clinton over Arnold? I hope not!
I'd turn in my voter registration card and start reading Glamour magazine instead of watching Fox News.


Ken King said:
Sorry about that, but honestly I was in no way trying to associate this activity with any party. Since switching party affiliation I have undergone two electro-therapy sessions to delete from my brain the automatic "Hey, they are (talking about/accusing/blaming) me" reflex response. I must not be able to understand this reaction anymore. I guess I should just be happy that it seems to be working. I have also noticed that my tolerance towards the idiotic behavior/comments of some has diminished significantly during this transitional phase.
You still have Democrat cooties.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Dymphna said:
I can't believe no one commented on this one...

You can't change the Constitution against the will of the people. First, it takes a 2/3 vote in Congress, not a simple majority. And the only way to get that many Congressmen and Senators to agree on something is if it has overwhelming public support. And Second, assuming it gets passed the Congress, it requires a popular vote in 3/4 of the states. And it doesn't work the way the electoral college does were the popular vote is one thing and the electorals are something else. It would require a majority vote in 38 states.

It is not possible to change the constitution against the will of the population.
My bad... I thought it was the 3/4 of the State Congresses that had to ratify it. I didn't realize it was a state popular vote. :shrug:


OK After I posted this I saw you gave me good karma just because you were in a good mood. However it is too funny to tak back down so, I owe ya.


Pete said:
OK After I posted this I saw you gave me good karma just because you were in a good mood. However it is too funny to tak back down so, I owe ya.

That's ok... that's probably the kindest thing anyone has said about a democrat on this forum... :roflmao:


Asperger's Poster Child
dems4me said:
:confused: :yikes: Is it curable :shrug: :frown: Does Vria have an anidote for this :shrug:
Knowing Vrai, she would be tempted to use the "Hoof 'n' Mouth" treatment.