vraiblonde said:
Are you crazy???? They are forcing their way into the homes of private citizens, disarming them, and removing them from their homes. That is BULLSHIT! This is America and we have a Constitution that says these jackbooted thugs CAN'T force their way into our homes, take our property and spirit us away to wherever they want.
That woman should have shot those *******s right in the face. This is just UFB - it never occurred to me in all my 41 years that this would happen in Amerika.
Zeig heil.
I understand the outrage, but most people have never been in this situation. Have you ever had an Uzi, AK-47, or M-16 aimed at you? I have. NO is a war zone right now. The cops were doing their job. Why are these people still there?
The constitution says that they can force their way into our homes, can take our property, and can spirit us away. Our founding fathers understood that sometimes the s*** hits the fan, and you have to forget "rights" for a while. It's there. Look at 2A's post. It's right there in black and white.
The ACLU will have a great time with this one. They'll spin it that the feds did it. Why was this on TV? Is it because we have a right wing media? They only want to show how bad it is when the gov takes away our rights?
Maybe, just maybe, this was shown because it will galvanize some people. "Look how bad the current administration is!" I believe these were city/state people acting under the orders of the mayor or governor. What color are they? (red or blue, Qdip, since you are too stupid to understand)