Cops In NO Confiscating Legally Owned Guns!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
However, the Constitution does allow for the suspension of Habeus Corpus. Read it some time.
I do often. How many times have you read it?

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
We don't have a rebellion or an invasion, so Article 1 Section 9 paragraph 2 does not apply.


Lem Putt
2ndAmendment said:
I do often. How many times have you read it?

We don't have a rebellion or an invasion, so Article 1 Section 9 paragraph 2 does not apply.

where in the Constitution of the Unites States does it say that martial law supersedes the Constitutional rights of the citizens? It doesn't!

Don't get sensitive. I merely answered your question. And I have read it many times. Enough to recognize when people who say "That ain't constitutional" are wrong.

Do you really think that armed gangs roaming the streets, shooting at the people who are trying to help them doesn't constitute a rebellion? What does it take?


addicted to research
Homesick said:
Well, I couldn't believe how rough they were with her, she was just a little thing. They slammed her up against the wall!! Also they filmed it?? Why were they filming it? Anyone watching the film would not have been on the officers side. She was not that much of a threat. She just asked them to leave!!

well, what do you expect, watching FOX NEWS? That's what the public wants to see, so that's what they give em.


Methodically disorganized
Homesick said:
Well, I couldn't believe how rough they were with her, she was just a little thing.
I saw this video again earlier, and it should also be noted that she was holding a closed folding knife. She was frail and elderly, but I still would not discredit her ability to cause injury.


Enjoying life!
2ndAmendment said:
We don't have a rebellion or an invasion, so Article 1 Section 9 paragraph 2 does not apply.
I looked up the "martial law" guidelines because of this thread and found that, although they do differ by state, confiscating firearms is one option in many places in order to "maintain the peace". The real question is whether or not these folks will get their guns back. My guess is that they won't, and should they press the issue, they'll be offered cash in return. They'll probably never see their guns again.


Lem Putt
Steve said:
I looked up the "martial law" guidelines because of this thread and found that, although they do differ by state, confiscating firearms is one option in many places in order to "maintain the peace". The real question is whether or not these folks will get their guns back. My guess is that they won't, and should they press the issue, they'll be offered cash in return. They'll probably never see their guns again.

I agree 100%! Taking weapons from people in a mandatory evacuation area, with all of the gunfire they've had, is acceptable.

Most law abiding citizens have long since left. Those remaining, who display weapons, deserve to have them confiscated.

I really doubt that the cops are going into unoccupied places to find weapons. They obviously have better things to do. They are only disarming the threat. Do the people who remain, and are arming themselves against the police, deserve the right to own a gun? They should never get them back.


Lem Putt
Homesick said:
On Fox News last night they showed a little old lady with a gun telling the cops she wanted them out of her home and so they grabbed her took her gun away and two cops dragged her out of her home. I couldn't believe it.

You can't believe that the cops disarmed someone in a mandatory evacuation zone and saved her? She brandished a weapon (look it up, it's against the law in most states) and they disarmed her. Her fault, not the cops, not the feds, HERS!


"Typical White Person"
Do the people who remain, and are arming themselves against the police, deserve the right to own a gun? They should never get them back.

Well that is a hell of a way to think. As evidence in this video not all the people who remain are arming themselves aganist police, it is called protecting yourself. And why shouldn't they get their illegally confinscated firearm back?

If someone is committing a crime with a firearm then it should be treated just as it would any where else, it shouldn't be assumed that just because someone there is left and they have a firearm that they are the ones firring on police and other rescuers.

good article -------->
Last edited:


"Typical White Person"
She brandished a weapon (look it up, it's against the law in most states) and they disarmed her. Her fault, not the cops, not the feds, HERS!

She is in her own home, that they broke in to, she is saying "leave I don't want you here" and she certainly dosen't have either of the weapons in a defense posistion. If someone comes kicking in my door with rifles pointed at me, they are going to have one pointed back. You really do want a police state huh?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
They are only disarming the threat.
Are you crazy???? They are forcing their way into the homes of private citizens, disarming them, and removing them from their homes. That is BULLSHIT! This is America and we have a Constitution that says these jackbooted thugs CAN'T force their way into our homes, take our property and spirit us away to wherever they want.

That woman should have shot those *******s right in the face. This is just UFB - it never occurred to me in all my 41 years that this would happen in Amerika.

Zeig heil.


"Typical White Person"
vraiblonde said:
Are you crazy???? They are forcing their way into the homes of private citizens, disarming them, and removing them from their homes. That is BULLSHIT! This is America and we have a Constitution that says these jackbooted thugs CAN'T force their way into our homes, take our property and spirit us away to wherever they want.

That woman should have shot those *******s right in the face. This is just UFB - it never occurred to me in all my 41 years that this would happen in Amerika.

Zeig heil.

Exactly. Check this out. >

Brain washing them early.

"Papers Please!"


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
Are you crazy???? They are forcing their way into the homes of private citizens, disarming them, and removing them from their homes. That is BULLSHIT! This is America and we have a Constitution that says these jackbooted thugs CAN'T force their way into our homes, take our property and spirit us away to wherever they want.

That woman should have shot those *******s right in the face. This is just UFB - it never occurred to me in all my 41 years that this would happen in Amerika.

Zeig heil.

I understand the outrage, but most people have never been in this situation. Have you ever had an Uzi, AK-47, or M-16 aimed at you? I have. NO is a war zone right now. The cops were doing their job. Why are these people still there?

The constitution says that they can force their way into our homes, can take our property, and can spirit us away. Our founding fathers understood that sometimes the s*** hits the fan, and you have to forget "rights" for a while. It's there. Look at 2A's post. It's right there in black and white.

The ACLU will have a great time with this one. They'll spin it that the feds did it. Why was this on TV? Is it because we have a right wing media? They only want to show how bad it is when the gov takes away our rights?

Maybe, just maybe, this was shown because it will galvanize some people. "Look how bad the current administration is!" I believe these were city/state people acting under the orders of the mayor or governor. What color are they? (red or blue, Qdip, since you are too stupid to understand)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
NO is a war zone right now.
That woman was NOT a combatant. She has a right to stay in her own home. She's not bothering anyone and who the hell is the government to tell her what is and isn't in her best interest???

The cops were doing their job.
Yeah, and Hitler's Nazis were just doing their job.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
Please tell me that is a joke. :ohwell:

I'm writing my letters and making my phone calls tomorrow. This is bullshit and they can't do this.

Who made the call for martial law, anyway? And who made the evacuations mandatory?

Please look at my post. 11:26 A.M. post in this thread, and 2A's reply. It's there.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Please look at my post. 11:26 A.M. post in this thread, and 2A's reply. It's there.
I read it.

This woman is not looting, she's not some roving gang member, she's not doing anything except sitting in her home with her dogs.

This is just wrong.


"Typical White Person"
vraiblonde said:
Please tell me that is a joke. :ohwell:

I'm writing my letters and making my phone calls tomorrow. This is bullshit and they can't do this.

Who made the call for martial law, anyway? And who made the evacuations mandatory?

I hope, but I doubt it. Getting the children to think in that robot brain washed way early.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
I read it.

This woman is not looting, she's not some roving gang member, she's not doing anything except sitting in her home with her dogs.

This is just wrong.

She's holding a gun and a knife. Most cops would have shot her, and the tape would have justified it. You see a cop, you put down your gun, or you die. She's just stupid. This could be a Chris Rock routine!