Cops In NO Confiscating Legally Owned Guns!


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
I read it.

This woman is not looting, she's not some roving gang member, she's not doing anything except sitting in her home with her dogs.

This is just wrong.

Vrai, I've read a lot of your posts, and I think we generally agree on most issues. I'm not debating to be a jackass, I am just looking at it from the cop's side. Please don't take offense with me, but I like the debate.


Super Genius
AK-74me said:
What BS, I can't believe the NRA hasn't jumped all over this.
Here's the NRA response (just got it in email):
Numerous media sources are reporting on a campaign by New Orleans city authorities to confiscate lawfully-owned firearms from people in the city. Louisiana statute does grant the government, during a state of emergency, broad powers in regulating and controlling firearms.

However, we have seen not just with Hurricane Katrina, but other similar situations, that when police are unable to control the criminal element, people turn to the one freedom that protects all others--the Second Amendment.

While one can certainly understand the dire predicaments of all those affected by Hurricane Katrina, as we have learned throughout history, campaigns to disarm the lawful do nothing to disarm the criminal. And in truth, these restrictions make citizens less safe. Despite the valiant efforts of many law enforcement officers and rescue workers, too many of those left in the wake of Katrina are ultimately responsible for their own security and safety and that of their families and loved ones. This is especially true when communication is virtually non-existent and police can't be quickly summoned to respond to calls for help. At these times, lawful gun ownership is paramount to personal safety.

Of course, the entire situation in New Orleans is constantly in flux. But rest assured NRA is monitoring this situation very closely and will address any activity by the government that unduly infringes upon the rights of lawful gun owners at the appropriate time. As we learn more, we will report to our members accordingly. In the interim, however, we join with all Americans in offering our thoughts, prayers, and assistance to the victims and survivors of this terrible natural disaster.


"Typical White Person"
MMDad said:
She's holding a gun and a knife. Most cops would have shot her, and the tape would have justified it. You see a cop, you put down your gun, or you die. She's just stupid. This could be a Chris Rock routine!

You are crazy! Justified it? Did you watch the video? She is palming the gun, she is not pointing it anyone but the ceiling nor is her finger on the trigger, she is not a criminal she just dosen't want to leave her home, the one that was broken into.


New Member
AK-74me said:
You are crazy! Justified it? Did you watch the video? She is palming the gun, she is not pointing it anyone but the ceiling nor is her finger on the trigger, she is not a criminal she just dosen't want to leave her home, the one that was broken into.
That's where she effed up...she should be pointing it at those that want to take it..oh and pull the trigger. !


Lem Putt
AK-74me said:
You are crazy! Justified it? Did you watch the video? She is palming the gun, she is not pointing it anyone but the ceiling nor is her finger on the trigger, she is not a criminal she just dosen't want to leave her home, the one that was broken into.

How long does it take to pull the gun if it is already in your hand? Can the cops pull their guns quicker?

My mom is a 64 year old who can out-shoot every cop I've ever met. Just because she's old doesn't mean she can't shoot.

Why do we excuse her? If she was a 23 year old male would that be okay? Cops are trying to stay alive. They came 2000 miles to help, and they are greeted by a woman with a gun. If I were on that jury, those cops would walk.


"Typical White Person"
MMDad said:
How long does it take to pull the gun if it is already in your hand? Can the cops pull their guns quicker?

My mom is a 64 year old who can out-shoot every cop I've ever met. Just because she's old doesn't mean she can't shoot.

Why do we excuse her? If she was a 23 year old male would that be okay? Cops are trying to stay alive. They came 2000 miles to help, and they are greeted by a woman with a gun. If I were on that jury, those cops would walk.

I don't care who it is or what the situation, police can not come in your home and force you to do something when you have done nothing wrong or broken any law. Unless this women has used her firearm in committing a crime when she tells them to leave, discussion over, they have to go. I don't care if they are doing what they were told to do, in interview after the fact the cop obviously understands her position. He goes against what he probably knows in his own head is wrong, I have no respect for that. It is wrong, martial law or not.


Football addict
Is it against the law to forcefully move people out of their land like this? Secondly, why are the local authorities worried about an old lady who doesn't want to leave the only thing she's got left, her home?


"Typical White Person"
BuddyLee said:
Is it against the law to forcefully move people out of their land like this? Secondly, why are the local authorities worried about an old lady who doesn't want to leave the only thing she's got left, her home?

Damn right it is. It is not the governments job to force us to do what they feel will make us safest. And I thought those dambass seatbelt checkpoints were bad!


Lem Putt
AK-74me said:
Damn right it is. It is not the governments job to force us to do what they feel will make us safest. And I thought those dambass seatbelt checkpoints were bad!

Read the US constitution, as well as the LA state constitution. It is their job. And if you think seatbelt checks are bad, just make sure you die when you get hit. I don't want my money funding your SSI payments.


Lem Putt
BuddyLee said:
Is it against the law to forcefully move people out of their land like this?


BuddyLee said:
Secondly, why are the local authorities worried about an old lady who doesn't want to leave the only thing she's got left, her home?

She's in a mandatory evacuation zone. Get the F out.


"Typical White Person"
MMDad said:
Read the US constitution, as well as the LA state constitution. It is their job. And if you think seatbelt checks are bad, just make sure you die when you get hit. I don't want my money funding your SSI payments.
You really don't get it!

I wear my seatbelt, I love it, they save lives, but I don't need to be checked up on to see if I have it on or not especially check points that stop you with no probable casue for anyting at all.

I have read them both and understand them, I understand that constitutional rights may go out the window in times of martial law, all I am saying is use some common sense, what they did to that women is not right! How can you not see that?


Football addict
MMDad said:
She's in a mandatory evacuation zone. Get the F out.
Say she has no family, where is she to go? Is she to go into the Astrodome to wither and die in that stress? Just wondering.:bubble:


Lem Putt
I know this isn't the place for this, but I don't know where else to put it. I've always been a strong supporter of gun owner rights, but I've never owned a gun. I think of a gun as a tool. If you don't need a hammer why own one? But I did learn to shoot. I did a cost/risk/benefit analysis and decided I didn't need a gun.

After seeing the gangs in NO, I changed my mind. I want the ability to protect my family. I'm thinking of a .22 rifle and a Mossburg 500. Keeps the cost low, gives me enough range for my neighborhood, as well as close in protection. Any suggestions?

Yes, as soon as the cops/guard/army show up I would immediately surrender my weapons if they ask. Now it's their problem, not mine. If you disagree, why do you pay taxes? Why don't you revolt?


Lem Putt
AK-74me said:
You really don't get it!

I wear my seatbelt, I love it, they save lives, but I don't need to be checked up on to see if I have it on or not especially check points that stop you with no probable casue for anyting at all.

I have read them both and understand them, I understand that constitutional rights may go out the window in times of martial law, all I am saying is use some common sense, what they did to that women is not right! How can you not see that?

What I don't see is why you think it's okay to brandish a gun at a cop. It's like a Chris Rock routine. Put the damn gun down or get your ass whipped. If they had shot her at the beginning, they would have been justified. "You're going to have to shoot me"? Have you ever been exposed to that? When they are holding a gun? I've been in a similar situation, and it sucks! Sorry, but I don't excuse behaviour based on sex or age. Like I said earlier. If it was a 23 year old male, no debate.


"Typical White Person"
What does paying taxes have to do with the illegal confinscation of legally own guns.

On a side note if you want a rifle for self defense why not get something in .223 or .308? packs alot more punch and is still very affordable ammo, that being said I would still have a .22 just wouldn't like to rely on it for self defense situations, in my opinion everyone gun lover or not should have a Ruger 10/22


"Typical White Person"
MMDad said:
What I don't see is why you think it's okay to brandish a gun at a cop. It's like a Chris Rock routine. Put the damn gun down or get your ass whipped. If they had shot her at the beginning, they would have been justified. "You're going to have to shoot me"? Have you ever been exposed to that? When they are holding a gun? I've been in a similar situation, and it sucks! Sorry, but I don't excuse behaviour based on sex or age. Like I said earlier. If it was a 23 year old male, no debate.

I don't care about age or sex either, it is hardly branishing when they forced their way into her house where she can legally have a gun.

And yes I have been exposed to that.