Cosmetic Surgery. Yes or No?


New Member
I saw the thread about women and tattoos. What about cosmetic surgery? What's your opinion on that? It alters the bodies appearance, just like a tattoo does, only more permanently in some cases. There were some people stating that they thought that women who got tattoos looked trashy. What about women or even men, who want and get cosmetic surgery for their own personal benefit? For example, if a woman is unhappy with her small breasts and decides to get implants, would you consider that to be trashy? Or would it only be trashy looking only if she wore clothing that showed off her breasts? Or would you consider her to be courageous for doing something for herself, even though it meant to alter the appearance of her body?


Free to Fly
If you want to have it done and you have the money then go ahead. I would only have my breasts redone if I had (God forbid) to have a masectomy due to cancer and then I would have reconstruction done. Other than that I will depend on exercise to stay in shape,at least for the time being!

Nanny Pam

To each, their own.
What ever floats your boat.
You've got the bucks? You need bigger boobies....go for it.


Tattoos, cosmetic surgery, what-ever. If you have the money, and its within your means, do whatever the YOU want. The worst thing people can do is live their life around what others suggest/think. Granted...all things in good taste.. but tattoos and surgery can be done in good taste, and not trashy.
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I've thought about it.

Plastic surgery is surgery, and you can die from it.

Bigger and firmer boobs aren't worth the chance.

If and when they can do it with a local anesthetic I'll reconsider.


New Member
I am thinking about it alot lately. I look int the mirror and no longer like what I see there. I don't want to look fake and stretched like joan rivers, or giant inhuman lipps like malanie grifiths, I just want to look like the best me I can be. Native american features and all. (except my nose, it looks dutch)


I am thinking about it alot lately. I look int the mirror and no longer like what I see there. I don't want to look fake and stretched like joan rivers, or giant inhuman lipps like malanie grifiths, I just want to look like the best me I can be. Native american features and all. (except my nose, it looks dutch)

If you got surgery wouldn't you still be you? Is there any satisfaction in having some doctor do it rather than the satisfaction that you look the best you can be because YOU did it?

Whatever habits got you where you are now, will they just magically go away when you go under the knife? If you get surgery do you aim to change your habits? If that's the case, why not just change them anyway. You will see the results and it will be YOU that did it.


New Member
I'm 18 and want my breasts reduced! Trust me, big breasts are not a blessing no matter what people think! The only reason I haven't done it (besides money) is because in the future I want to have kids and I want the chance to breastfeed. I think plastic surgery is fine if you want it, but it should be monitored. To many doctors are performing surgeries on people who have had 40 or 50 surgeries. To me that's not safe or healthy and should be looked at.


New Member
I'm 18 and want my breasts reduced! Trust me, big breasts are not a blessing no matter what people think! The only reason I haven't done it (besides money) is because in the future I want to have kids and I want the chance to breastfeed. I think plastic surgery is fine if you want it, but it should be monitored. To many doctors are performing surgeries on people who have had 40 or 50 surgeries. To me that's not safe or healthy and should be looked at.
My sister had a breast augmentation and then breast-fed her son.


New Member
I'm 18 and want my breasts reduced! Trust me, big breasts are not a blessing no matter what people think! The only reason I haven't done it (besides money) is because in the future I want to have kids and I want the chance to breastfeed. I think plastic surgery is fine if you want it, but it should be monitored. To many doctors are performing surgeries on people who have had 40 or 50 surgeries. To me that's not safe or healthy and should be looked at.



New Member
My sister had a breast augmentation and then breast-fed her son.

Yes, but I want a reduction. I'm not saying that every breast surgery causes nerve damage, but I just don't want to take the risk. After I have kids or if it turns out I can't breastfeed then they are being reduced.

And I don't think my boyfriend would be very happy with me posting pictures of my breasts, lol. I wouldn't do it anyways however, sorry.


New Member
Yes, but I want a reduction. I'm not saying that every breast surgery causes nerve damage, but I just don't want to take the risk. After I have kids or if it turns out I can't breastfeed then they are being reduced.

And I don't think my boyfriend would be very happy with me posting pictures of my breasts, lol. I wouldn't do it anyways however, sorry.

I didn't ask you to show pictures. Some other idiot did. :lmao:


New Member
It isn't always about boobs :shrug:

If my eyes start bagging, I'm getting them fixed and you know, if the top of your eyes sag, they can do it under your health insurance because sagging brows can affect your vision. I totally plan on going into the office and bumping into stuff when that becomes something that needs to be fixed. :cheers: