Well-Known Member
This is a valid question for us both. Where DID the stuff come from when there was not stuff, no time, no universe.there was no gotcha, the implication is still there. where did god get the stuff to create the universe and where was he when he created it.
Again, by raising the question, you acknowledge that the source is beyond the universe to answer - acknowledging therefore that there is something other than the universe as a source of the universe.
Once that settles in as an obvious to you, you can see the arguments against God evaporate. I'm not saying it's proof there is a God - it's not proof there is a God. I'm saying any and all of the arguments against a God's existence must go away as entirely without foundation.
Actually, that's EXACTLY what the Big Bang theory is. You know, the theory with scientific evidence supporting itbesides, you are being obtuse, if there was a big bang, then there was obviously something before it. just because you start your clock at the big bang doesn't mean that nothing existed before hand, time, or matter, or energy.
Again, one with evidence supporting (not proving, supporting) it. (see: Theory of Relativity, or the bulk of stuff from Hawkings)and a theory about time being woven into the fabric of the universe is just that, a theory.
Actually, the concept of time woven into space (which did not exist until the universe did, which did not exist until the Big Bang) has gobs more supporting evidence than humans, pine trees, and mosquitos all coming from momma sponge.