Cotton Pickin'

black dog

Free America
I don't care what anyone says..not giving up my second printing copy of Little Black Sambo.

Lol.. my younger sister has our grandfather's aunt Jemima cookie jar..
I have,,,,... Err I mean my neighbor has this yard art on his deck.
download (49).jpg

He said, he would give up his watermelon when you pry his Cold Dead Hands From It.

black dog

Free America
So is brown bag, citizen, n-i-g-g-a-r-d-l-y (I have to spell it that because even the filters on this forum won't allow it), macaca (which no one had even heard of it until George Allen used it).

People saw cotton stalks in a vase in a Pier One and got offended.

Far more vile things are coming from the left, and they don't apologize. Bossie will probably never be on Fox again.


All the years I worked with spanish men, we all called our kids macaca's..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Has anyone mentioned the flap over "black holes" in a space-themed greeting card?

This is beyond ridiculous. And when the wimps apologize to the bullies, it just emboldens them. I have no doubt they sit around in their little enclaves trying to figure out what to bitch about next so the puppet white guilters will grovel before them.

Lefties? This is why Americans hate you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think this is the one I have, it was my Grandma's. I always thought LBS was an Indonesian child?

He is from India, and was considered a heroic character....until the perpetually offended got high one night and decided to scream "RACIST!!!" and watch the WGs scramble to prove they loves them some black people by banning a beloved classic.


professional daydreamer
This thread has been useful for editing my iggy list. Thank you for participating!


Well-Known Member
All the years I worked with spanish men, we all called our kids macaca's..

When Allen used the word - he thought he was making up a gibberish name without any meaning.

I just read an old WaPo article that mentioned it didn't even exist in Wikipedia - until the day after he used it.
Then all of a sudden it was some widely known racial epithet even though most people still said they'd never heard of it before.

I think the lesson people learned that day was - always use a freaking teleprompter,
because someone somewhere will always find a way to make you regret saying anything.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think the lesson people learned that day was - always use a freaking teleprompter,.

It doesn't matter. If they want to target you for "RACIST!!!" outrage and force you to grovel, they'll make something up.

For instance:

because someone somewhere will always find a way to make you regret saying anything.

"Someone"??? Reducing human beings to a throwaway "someone"? You call white people by their name, yet brown people are just "someone". They don't even have a place with you other than "somewhere". RACIST!!!! Apologize to me immediately, then go throw yourself off a bridge!!!!

See how that works?


PREMO Member
This cotton picken thread is the most tedious one I’ve read today.


Well-Known Member
"Someone"??? Reducing human beings to a throwaway "someone"? You call white people by their name, yet brown people are just "someone". They don't even have a place with you other than "somewhere". RACIST!!!! Apologize to me immediately, then go throw yourself off a bridge!!!!

See how that works?

Well that's why I'm not in politics - I don't conflate "immigrant" with "illegal alien". I don't play the game of deliberately contorting the language to do that.

But -

"I never indicated the color of anyone's skin - YOU did that. I was however referring to virtue signalling white journalists who find fault where none is found. So you're the racist!"

Ok, I'm just not MEAN enough to pull it off.