Country Lakes Subdivision in Mechanicsville

acrcar23 said:
there was a strong armed robbery this past weekend in country lakes also cars get broken into and there's been property damage and tagging. Besides all that it's okay, lol.
Don't forget the crack houses.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Kain99 said:
Country Lakes and Golden Beach are simply over crowded... Both are in the "better end" of the county. Not a horrible choice really.
You forgot the :sarcasm: smilie. There is no way in two hells that I would ever live up in that area. Then again I said the same thing about the 7th and look at me now. :lmao:

There are better places in the county to live.


New Member
I live in Country lakes for 15 years now. Not a bad place to raise live & raise a family. Some crime petty stuff but we're working on that.


roxie said:
I was looking at a house in this subdivision, does anyone who posts here live there? What do you think of the area?

I live there. It's a nice area with nice houses. Decent school district.

My landlord is a total effing tool-face assclown, whom I would not piss on if he was on fire - but other than that I like living there.


Active Member
roxie said:
I was looking at a house in this subdivision, does anyone who posts here live there? What do you think of the area?

I live there and I like it. The houses are spaced far enough apart to give you a sense of privacy ~ at least in the section that I live in.

For the most part it's quiet ~ though you can hear the noise from Budds Creek sometimes.

Our mailbox was vandalized once, once in a while you see spray paint and once in a while you hear about a petty theft.

It seems like the second generation of homeowners is moving in ~ people with a growing family that need more space ~ I've also noticed more kids in the street.

I also heard that a cop was assigned to cover the Country Lakes/Golden Beach areas. I believe it stems from growing complaints of vandalism and speeding cars.


b*tch rocket
ShyGirl said:
I live there and I like it. The houses are spaced far enough apart to give you a sense of privacy ~ at least in the section that I live in.

For the most part it's quiet ~ though you can hear the noise from Budds Creek sometimes.

Our mailbox was vandalized once, once in a while you see spray paint and once in a while you hear about a petty theft.

It seems like the second generation of homeowners is moving in ~ people with a growing family that need more space ~ I've also noticed more kids in the street.

I also heard that a cop was assigned to cover the Country Lakes/Golden Beach areas. I believe it stems from growing complaints of vandalism and speeding cars.

We've had our mailbox bashed in several times throughout the years, we fixed that by purchasing a cast iron mailbox, let the little bastards take a whack at that. :jet:

I love the area and will never leave, my house is perfect for us. We don't see our neighbors unless we want to. :yay:

Oh, I'm actually in the process of doing up a website for Country Lakes. I'm thinking it will be a good place for everyone to post their yard sales so they can stop putting up all those stinkin signs. :lol: It's not nearly finished so any input would be great. :yay:


professional daydreamer
Christy said:
I'm thinking it will be a good place for everyone to post their yard sales so they can stop putting up all those stinkin signs.
:lmao: You crack me up.


New Member
I live in Lacy's Run in the back of Country Lakes and LOVE it.... We have not experienced any of the crime issues, except a few runaway cows occasionally.


Salt Life
Christy said:
We've had our mailbox bashed in several times throughout the years, we fixed that by purchasing a cast iron mailbox, let the little bastards take a whack at that. :jet:

I love the area and will never leave, my house is perfect for us. We don't see our neighbors unless we want to. :yay:

Oh, I'm actually in the process of doing up a website for Country Lakes. I'm thinking it will be a good place for everyone to post their yard sales so they can stop putting up all those stinkin signs. :lol: It's not nearly finished so any input would be great. :yay:
:spam: :lol:


Christy said:
:razz: Is not, I'm not selling anything. :razz: I am trying to figure out how to put a gigantic banner on the front page though. :lol:

Great site! :clap: Kind of makes me miss the place... did those bushes ever grow back? :lol: