The parents did not name him Friday due to any religious belief, so your argument is just plain stupid.
It does not matter. It is not up to the courts to decide what and how people express their relgious belief in any form or on what level before it is "considered" religious. As far as you, I or the judge know the name could have been partly chosen as a spiritual celebration of life or some such other meaning. I am an atheist and if I wanted to name my kid Christian or Vishnu, then that is my right. The name could be for my kid's future faith if they chose as far as the court would know or as much as it should know. To limit their right is to limit all parent's rights for religious purposes or not.
It is much more complex and encompassing than you seem to think.
Also, the name was not changed by the court for religious purposes (remember, the church was ok with it).
So if a Satan worshipper wanted to name their kid Satan the courts would not approve because the name is silly in their minds and because the church does not approve?
It had nothing to do with Friday being of religious origin.
I never said the court denied the name on religious grounds, I am just saying the court ignored the fact that it represents a religious name or belief which is steps into the realm of seperation of church and state and the freedom of expressing religious beliefs.
It was because of some weird law in Italy (a non-religious law, BTW) which allows the court to rule with their opinion about how good a name is and whether it will cause the child to be teased (which can happen with just about every name out there).
Italy can do what they want, but like I said, I am glad I live in America.
The judge choosing a religious name based on religious beliefs would have been waaaayy overboard in America too.