Courthouse and post office in La Plata


checkingthenews said:
I just got a call saying it was the post office not the court house. Anyone have any new information?

Civista Hospital just went on "mini disaster"? That's what they just said. :jameo:


Lobster Land
checkingthenews said:
I just got a call saying it was the post office not the court house. Anyone have any new information?

I have not been able to discern from the git go if it's the post office or court house and I've been listening from the beginning. I "think" the court house is involved somehow because about 10 minutes ago they couldn't find a judge. You got me?


curiouser and curiouser
checkingthenews said:
I just got a call saying it was the post office not the court house. Anyone have any new information?
They aren't even near each other. :confused:


oldman said:
I have not been able to discern from the git go if it's the post office or court house and I've been listening from the beginning. I "think" the court house is involved somehow because about 10 minutes ago they couldn't find a judge. You got me?
Yeah, I can't figure it out by listening either. Pleae keep posting updates!


I feel sorry for anyone that has to travel down that way, to or through LaPlata. Sounds like it's going to be a long day and traffic is a nightmare.


Nickel said:
They aren't even near each other. :confused:
Everyone's confused, there is so much information floating around and the scanner isn't specifying anything. Urgh............wish we had an idea of what's happening.


Lobster Land
I'm not super familiar with the area, but Garrett Avenue is reported to be bumper to bumper and the police are out to remedy the situation. Just heard something about a postal inspector being called - maybe this is where the post office came into play?


Well, if this were any place other than southern Maryland, they would be breaking in on all the local channels with this news.


Bay_Kat said:
Well, if this were any place other than southern Maryland, they would be breaking in on all the local channels with this news.
Yah, why isn't this on the news as "breaking news". Sounds pretty serious to me.


Lobster Land
News media is now getting involved. Channel 4 has called in relation to media relations and the public information office is being urged to get on the stick and do their job. Some of those words are mine but the gist is true.

Sweet 16

Bay_Kat said:
Well, if this were any place other than southern Maryland, they would be breaking in on all the local channels with this news.
I agree, why is that? I would like to know if I am heading into a mess going home today and none of the local channels are reporting anything online yet. If it's that big you would think we'd have heard about it by now. Very frustrating. Anyone see or hear anything credible please let us know. TIA.


My Daughter works in the Facchina building next to the Post office. The main activity is at the Court house. The post office was involved because the letters were mailed. But the road closings, etc are all around the Court House.

They did check the Post office, and decom the mail handlers. and even sent them to Civista. But other than closing the post office, and doing a sweep. There wasn't any susposed leekage. And the buildings around it weren't closed or involved.